So, about those Trump Tax returns......

Why should he? Taxes are not even applicable to most Americans. Unless he's a non resident alien, or a resident of Washington DC.


Beside Trump's own claim that he is a "fantastic" businessman, there are NO other qualifications that he brings to his candidacy,,,,NONE.

So, for Trump, his tax returns are the only factual documentation to back his claim of business savvy.

(although I would admit that his ONLY other qualification as a candidate is that he is not Hillary, and that is enough for Clinton-haters.....but not enough for the millions of sane American voters.)

Let's see... are there any buildings with Hillary or Obama's names on them THAT THEY PERSONALLY BUILT and OWN???
Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 8.30.29 AM.png

Or are there any golf courses???
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Or are there any airplanes?

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Why should he? Taxes are not even applicable to most Americans. Unless he's a non resident alien, or a resident of Washington DC.


Beside Trump's own claim that he is a "fantastic" businessman, there are NO other qualifications that he brings to his candidacy,,,,NONE.

So, for Trump, his tax returns are the only factual documentation to back his claim of business savvy.

(although I would admit that his ONLY other qualification as a candidate is that he is not Hillary, and that is enough for Clinton-haters.....but not enough for the millions of sane American voters.)

Let's see... are there any buildings with Hillary or Obama's names on them THAT THEY PERSONALLY BUILT and OWN???
View attachment 84147

Or are there any golf courses???
View attachment 84146

Or are there any airplanes?

View attachment 84148
Hitlery gets the American tax payer to pay for all of those things for her...
I think if trump has broken the tax law then the irs will find it and he will go to prison. If trump has done nothing wrong and has used the tax law in his favor (tax law written by elite establishment politicians who are democrats and rebublicans) to gain the most from it then there is no problem. He is just a man following the law as it is written.
There are rumors that his tax returns will expose his donations to NAMBLA. It is something that people are talking about. There is no evidence that Trump has made donations to NAMBLA but some very smart people are talking about it. Is it true? I don't know, I'm just asking. These are very smart people we're talking about, the smartest.
cutting and pasting the same stupid joke makes it even lamer than it was. The libs don't care about Hillary's missing emails but demand to see a private man's tax records.

That highlights the difference in priorities.
“I see some of my colleagues would tell their clients to release their tax returns to the public during an audit. Ask them to name a single client they actually gave that advice to. I think that would be legal malpractice, and would recommend their clients sue them if they gave that advice. I advise my clients (hundreds over the years who actually experience an IRS inquiry) to NEVER release their tax returns while an audit is going on. I am certain Mr. Trump’s lawyers, very capable and well-respected in this field, have advised him not to disclose his tax returns during the audit. There are many reasons for this.

Which then explains why Trump is NOT releasing all of the other previous years' tax returns that are NOT under audit??? LOL
I begin to wonder if Trump is doing this on purpose to see how bent out of shape he can get the left.

Of course you will not believe me on this (and I don't really care) ....But I am OVERJOYED that Trump refuses to release the returns....The doubt from the electorate that is cast on his dubious "business prowess" is much more powerful than the actual returns.
instead of having just an IRS agent review the return it now would be reviewed by thousands of tax experts.

....and the moron who stated the above calls himself an "attorney"??? LOL

(its like saying that its "better" to have just one critic review your movie......If there's a whole bunch of critics ...)
In an audit of a particular tax year, prior tax years can be called into question as well.

...and this other attorney hack is hinting that there may be lots of more landmines for Trump based on PRIOR years' tax returns.....

This gets better and better.
Let's see... are there any buildings with Hillary or Obama's names on them THAT THEY PERSONALLY BUILT and OWN???

LOL.....Yes, daddy's money is a God-send.......

This moron would then probably vote for Paris Hilton based on the name plates on lots of buildings........
Trump is running his campaign on a platform that he is the greatest businessman that has ever walked the planet........and since we know that he has NO other knowledge and experience (well, maybe he has some unique experience about trophy wives), the very best way to show his business prowess, savvy and expertise, is to show us all his tax ALL other presidential candidates have for 6 decades.....

So, any guesses as to when Trump will divulge and post his tax returns???

(there are only 3 months left of his campaign)

He keeps telling you why he wont release them. He says that Romney released his and they found 1 little thing and he lost the election. Then he says Romneys is a peanut compared to his. So he's already told you he has some shit in there that if anyone reviewed it would lose him the election.

If it was good things proving his business man moves do you think he WOULDNT release them?
There are rumors that his tax returns will expose his donations to NAMBLA. It is something that people are talking about. There is no evidence that Trump has made donations to NAMBLA but some very smart people are talking about it. Is it true? I don't know, I'm just asking. These are very smart people we're talking about, the smartest.

I think if trump has broken the tax law then the irs will find it and he will go to prison. If trump has done nothing wrong and has used the tax law in his favor (tax law written by elite establishment politicians who are democrats and rebublicans) to gain the most from it then there is no problem. He is just a man following the law as it is written., let ALL the voters know your tax status if you want them to trust you and vote for you, correct?
I think if trump has broken the tax law then the irs will find it and he will go to prison. If trump has done nothing wrong and has used the tax law in his favor (tax law written by elite establishment politicians who are democrats and rebublicans) to gain the most from it then there is no problem. He is just a man following the law as it is written., let ALL the voters know your tax status if you want them to trust you and vote for you, correct?

more than that....every presidential candidate in four decades has released their tax returns.

if Donald was what he says he is, he'd be thrilled to release his taxes
There is absolutely no requirement for any political candidate to make their tax returns public I don't know what is so fucking hard to understand about that

There's also no requirement for any political candidate to accept to participate in debates with an opponent.

And? There's no requirement for them to hold press conferences either

I wouldn't really care if there were no debates I usually have my mind made up before then anyway
I think if trump has broken the tax law then the irs will find it and he will go to prison. If trump has done nothing wrong and has used the tax law in his favor (tax law written by elite establishment politicians who are democrats and rebublicans) to gain the most from it then there is no problem. He is just a man following the law as it is written., let ALL the voters know your tax status if you want them to trust you and vote for you, correct?
Apparently the irs has been auditing him for years and I have never heard of him breaking the law as it is written by elite establishment politicians. I don't have any reason to believe this year would be any different, do you? If trump broke the law in previous years we would have heard about it already and he would have paid a massive fine or been in jail. I think it's safe to say all is good.
Trump is running his campaign on a platform that he is the greatest businessman that has ever walked the planet........and since we know that he has NO other knowledge and experience (well, maybe he has some unique experience about trophy wives), the very best way to show his business prowess, savvy and expertise, is to show us all his tax ALL other presidential candidates have for 6 decades.....

So, any guesses as to when Trump will divulge and post his tax returns???

(there are only 3 months left of his campaign)
Certainly not before Obama calls off his dogs at the IRS.

His tax forms are none of your business anyways.

Apparently the irs has been auditing him for years and I have never heard of him breaking the law as it is written by elite establishment politicians. I don't have any reason to believe this year would be any different, do you? If trump broke the law in previous years we would have heard about it already and he would have paid a massive fine or been in jail. I think it's safe to say all is good.

Don't be silly........For wealthy people's tax return mistakes, there is simply a fine and the payment of back taxes...and usually the tax attorneys take the hit, NOT the wealthy tax payer.

How do YOU know that Trump has not paid fines in previous years?

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