So are you worried about Trump yet?

Yep - set records for job creation and economic recovery, worked tireless for peace and equality, made the US the strongest economy in the world ... No wonder the RWNJs hate him.

Trumpery lies, flip flops, has no policies, no platform, promises unrest, inequality, jobs to foreigners, tax increases for the middle class and UUUUge tax cuts for his 1% cronies. A wet dream for RWNJs.
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Yep - set records for job creation and economic recovery, worked tireless for peace and equality, made the US the strongest economy in the world ... No wonder the RWNJs hate him.

Trumpery lies, flip flops, has no policies, no platform, promises unrest, inequality, jobs to foreigners, tax increases for the middle class and UUUUge tax cuts for his 1% cronies. A wet dream for RWNJs.
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Slowest recovery?? Think the biggest fn recession your ah left him with had anything to do with it?? Pukes shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
No. The rate of recovery is tied to the one trying to accomplish the recovery. Reagan took Carter's recession to full recovery in about three years. Obama has had SEVEN years and done a pitiful job.
asaratis please,,,, after the greatest recession ever and republicans only doing their best to tear down obama what did you expect??
No. The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal to the shithole country his daddy came from. He sees it as being unfair that the standard of living is so much higher here than it is in third world cesspools.

Obama is a goddamned failure.
Only from the mouth of a pub sheep Others who have some education know better
Yep - set records for job creation and economic recovery, worked tireless for peace and equality, made the US the strongest economy in the world ... No wonder the RWNJs hate him.

Trumpery lies, flip flops, has no policies, no platform, promises unrest, inequality, jobs to foreigners, tax increases for the middle class and UUUUge tax cuts for his 1% cronies. A wet dream for RWNJs.
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Yep - set records for job creation and economic recovery, worked tireless for peace and equality, made the US the strongest economy in the world ... No wonder the RWNJs hate him.

Trumpery lies, flip flops, has no policies, no platform, promises unrest, inequality, jobs to foreigners, tax increases for the middle class and UUUUge tax cuts for his 1% cronies. A wet dream for RWNJs.
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Slowest recovery?? Think the biggest fn recession your ah left him with had anything to do with it?? Pukes shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
No. The rate of recovery is tied to the one trying to accomplish the recovery. Reagan took Carter's recession to full recovery in about three years. Obama has had SEVEN years and done a pitiful job.
asaratis please,,,, after the greatest recession ever and republicans only doing their best to tear down obama what did you expect??
No. The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal to the shithole country his daddy came from. He sees it as being unfair that the standard of living is so much higher here than it is in third world cesspools.

Obama is a goddamned failure.
You're trying to bullshit a bullshitter and it ain't working
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Slowest recovery?? Think the biggest fn recession your ah left him with had anything to do with it?? Pukes shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
No. The rate of recovery is tied to the one trying to accomplish the recovery. Reagan took Carter's recession to full recovery in about three years. Obama has had SEVEN years and done a pitiful job.
asaratis please,,,, after the greatest recession ever and republicans only doing their best to tear down obama what did you expect??
No. The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal to the shithole country his daddy came from. He sees it as being unfair that the standard of living is so much higher here than it is in third world cesspools.

Obama is a goddamned failure.
You're trying to bullshit a bullshitter and it ain't working
I'm bullshitting nobody. You've had a lethal dose of liberalism and have become incorrigibly stupid.

Liberalism is a mental disorder of which you suffer. I'm merely trying to save some less indoctrinated, malleable minds from following you down the primrose path to liberal misery.
Slowest recovery?? Think the biggest fn recession your ah left him with had anything to do with it?? Pukes shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
No. The rate of recovery is tied to the one trying to accomplish the recovery. Reagan took Carter's recession to full recovery in about three years. Obama has had SEVEN years and done a pitiful job.
asaratis please,,,, after the greatest recession ever and republicans only doing their best to tear down obama what did you expect??
No. The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal to the shithole country his daddy came from. He sees it as being unfair that the standard of living is so much higher here than it is in third world cesspools.

Obama is a goddamned failure.
You're trying to bullshit a bullshitter and it ain't working
I'm bullshitting nobody. You've had a lethal dose of liberalism and have become incorrigibly stupid.

Liberalism is a mental disorder of which you suffer. I'm merely trying to save some less indoctrinated, malleable minds from following you down the primrose path to liberal misery.
You're talking to someone who was a lifetime republican, even voting for that pos of a man gwb in 2000 After that I vowed never again to vote for bigoted vile racist republicans So perhaps it might suit you better ,,to get off that repub train to nowhere
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
He set the record for the SLOWEST recovery, the most consistently LOW economic growth (less than 3% for months and months) and a steadily weakening economy overall. You are full of left wing, Obama worshiping TALKING POINTS!

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Slowest recovery?? Think the biggest fn recession your ah left him with had anything to do with it?? Pukes shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it
No. The rate of recovery is tied to the one trying to accomplish the recovery. Reagan took Carter's recession to full recovery in about three years. Obama has had SEVEN years and done a pitiful job.
Sir,,,we're talking about the greatest recession ever 700000,per month losing jobs BEFORE Obama entered the WH
...and Obama has put more people on welfare, more people on food stamps and more people into government (non-productive) jobs than anyone since FDR's WPA.

Obama is a goddamned failure!
And 74 months of job gains while repubs wouldn't stop companies and jobs leaving america?? an Obama a failure?? BULLSHIT

Indeed. you are correct. 74 months of part-time, minimum wage job growth. Gotta love it!!
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?

The Facebook Republican boards have gone silent. Prior to Trump winning the nomination they were extremely active--now the silence is deafening and for good reason.

50% of Republican women will not cast a vote for Donald Trump, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Then you add in the Hispanic issue. These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. Republicans will lose the senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

As far as your polls, you might want to read this article.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

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"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.

He's not doing a good job if he's trying to implement socialism, is he? I mean, he only has 7 months left, and he's done basically nothing.
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.

He's not doing a good job if he's trying to implement socialism, is he? I mean, he only has 7 months left, and he's done basically nothing.
The far left will need to lash him even more.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?

Hillary Clinton is far scarier!
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.

He's not doing a good job if he's trying to implement socialism, is he? I mean, he only has 7 months left, and he's done basically nothing.

You're joking...are you not?

As for trying to implement socialism...Obamacare.

Also, see the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Being followed to the letter by Lame Duck President Obama and his cabal.
I have predicted a landslide - in favor of Trump - from the beginning. The thing that I AM a little concerned about, however, is Biden. I can't help but have this funny feeling that the "Great And Powerful Hillary" is going to drop out of the race shortly (indicted) and Biden is going to step in her shoes. Hope I'm wrong, but time will tell.

Since I'm not stuck to one party or the other, I'd rather vote for Biden than Hillary any day. As for my thoughts on Trump, it now depends on his VP choice. I only hope it's NOT Jeb Bush or Newt Gingrich, who is just drooling over the possibility, the sleazebag. My final decision will depend on how it all plays out by November.
My greatest concern as of late, is that if it is between Hillary & Trump.....I don't think it will matter which one actually wins, either way this country could be in for a disasterous collapse. As in.....if Trump wins (still depending on his VP) the establishment/government would shut him down & fast, and then the people will revolt. If Hillary wins, the establishment will be happy, but the people won't & again revolt. I see it as being 6 of one, half dozen of the other and either way, it's going to get mighty ugly.

If Trump choses his VP very wisely, it might settle things down a bit. And if Hillary does get yanked & Biden steps in, that could also calm some nerves. But as it is right now, I'm concerned for this country.

Newt Gingrich would make a great Vice President. He did an incredible job as Speaker of the House.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
You betcha.
I am worried about nothing presidential except regarding what the current imposter can do in the way of further damage to our country between now and when he leaves the White House for the last time. I will rejoice when that sleazy bastard is dead!
Racist pos What about gwb the murderer you supported?

I have predicted a landslide - in favor of Trump - from the beginning. The thing that I AM a little concerned about, however, is Biden. I can't help but have this funny feeling that the "Great And Powerful Hillary" is going to drop out of the race shortly (indicted) and Biden is going to step in her shoes. Hope I'm wrong, but time will tell.

Since I'm not stuck to one party or the other, I'd rather vote for Biden than Hillary any day. As for my thoughts on Trump, it now depends on his VP choice. I only hope it's NOT Jeb Bush or Newt Gingrich, who is just drooling over the possibility, the sleazebag. My final decision will depend on how it all plays out by November.
My greatest concern as of late, is that if it is between Hillary & Trump.....I don't think it will matter which one actually wins, either way this country could be in for a disasterous collapse. As in.....if Trump wins (still depending on his VP) the establishment/government would shut him down & fast, and then the people will revolt. If Hillary wins, the establishment will be happy, but the people won't & again revolt. I see it as being 6 of one, half dozen of the other and either way, it's going to get mighty ugly.

If Trump choses his VP very wisely, it might settle things down a bit. And if Hillary does get yanked & Biden steps in, that could also calm some nerves. But as it is right now, I'm concerned for this country.
WHat big difference has a vp choice ever made Maybe in trying to win a close state but other than that??? It's the person at the TOP of the ticket Wait till obama starts leveling that trump pos after the dem candidate is chosen

For one thing, his choice for VP would show just what his real intentions are for the country, where his mind & loyalties are, etc. It would show if he can really walk the walk, he keeps talking about. If he picks some nitwit......say Cruz for instance....then it only shows how messed up Trump really is. IF he picks a more responsible & ethical person (not sure at the moment of a possibility tho), then it shows he is more concerned for the country than his own acceptability.
he has to choose someone who knows something about government foreign affairs etc etc because trump is clueless

as I'd said.....he needs to make a WISE choice, for the betterment of the country and NOT for himself.

Donald Trump was not my first choice but he has the experience necessary for an executive position. His success proves that he knows how to select and surround himself with extraordinary people.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
This is as delusional as it is pathetic.

And democrats are pleasantly surprised that Trump will be the republican nominee.

As you know, the Hillary camp is in a panic. Hillary was certain that this would be a coronation and her campaigning would simply be as Queen Elizabeth meeting the people in Great Britain.

Instead, she has a far left Socialist who has dragged Hillary so far to the left, she'll be hard-pressed to get back to the center.

On top of that she has had to spend hundreds of millions constantly swatting at Bernie Sanders who simply refuses to go away.
Democrats have to find something. They are falling apart. Red Bernies are attacking the Clintonistas. Barbara Boxer gets booed and Hillary is outed as a coke freak.

Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention As Bernie Fans Boo Barbara Boxer [VIDEO]

'WE NEED A MEDIC!' Hillary, Bernie delegates clash at NV Dem convention - The American Mirror
Compared to the Republicans the Democrats are not falling apart.

You got that right.

Dems are the adults while the idiotic Repubs are eating their own.

And the best the trumpkins have is


The GOP has hit bottom and that is not Trumpery's fault. They worked hard to get to the bottom and Drumpf is the result. Congrats idiots.

"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.

Not surprised you are at a loss for words. I would be too if my candidate couldn't put away a flat out raving Socialist whose accomplishments include even less than Hillary herself.

She must be having screaming fits that she cannot, for the life of her, shake Bernie nor all the FBI investigations swirling about her.
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.

He's not doing a good job if he's trying to implement socialism, is he? I mean, he only has 7 months left, and he's done basically nothing.

You're joking...are you not?

As for trying to implement socialism...Obamacare.

Also, see the Cloward-Piven Strategy. Being followed to the letter by Lame Duck President Obama and his cabal.

No, Obamacare really isn't socialism, unless of course you think that free roads, free police, free all the stuff you pay for with taxes is socialism.

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