So are you worried about Trump yet?


You are a Trump fan ? figures
6 times Donald Trump has insulted women - Washington Post

Here is your "little Cloud " EVAPORATING ...fucking Trump moron

WASHINGTON — Shortly before the House Benghazi committee ramped up its battles with the Department of Defense in its probe of the 2012 terrorist attack, the committee’s own top lawyer admitted at least four times in interviews with military officials that there was no more they could have done on that tragic night.
Newt Gingrich would make a great Vice President. He did an incredible job as Speaker of the House.

You are not very Bright or Informed are you...Trump supporter of course
How Newt Gingrich Crashed and Burned When He Was House Speaker

Gingrich Steps Down in Face of Rebellion

Gingrich Steps Down As Speaker

Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and his wife, Marianne, leave his Marietta, Ga., headquarters Friday. (AP)
By Guy Gugliotta and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, November 7, 1998; Page A1
Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), the charismatic soul of the Republican Revolution whose members turned on him after unexpected losses in Tuesday's election, announced yesterday he will quit as speaker of the House.
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.
Hardly so. Obama has made it his mission to go around the world apologizing for the past actions of the United States, bowing to Arabic Kings, speaking highly of the Quran and coddling Muslims. Obama is a traitor. You are a dupe.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?

Oh, I've always been worried about Trump in the regard that we have a lot of stupid people in this country that can't tell you about how government works, but know everyone on the Kardashian's show.

We are a country that mistakes Celebrity for Merit. That's how Trump was able to get the nomination.

Will it get him the Presidency? I hope we are smarter than that.
"The Republicans have merely tried to impede Obama's progress toward socialism and the weakest American economy in decades. Obama's goal is to make America equal" was the biggest lie on the Board yesterday. Asaritis uses terms he does not understand.
Hardly so. Obama has made it his mission to go around the world apologizing for the past actions of the United States, bowing to Arabic Kings, speaking highly of the Quran and coddling Muslims. Obama is a traitor. You are a dupe.
Hardly so. You are an idiot to think so.
Trump can't move to the middle and he can't gain the middle..
Trump is the middle you delusional dumbfuck
Trump is nothing like the middle. He has no idea where he stands on anything, dumbfuck.
You are just a pathetic hack. Trump is the biggest RINO candidate ever. Dumbfuck.
The RINO part is why he can't gain the middle. Evict Muslims isn't middle. Death for abortion isn't middle. Build a wall isn't middle.

Trump can't win but he's sure fucked the GOP. Happy days for the Dems.
Since I'm not stuck to one party or the other, I'd rather vote for Biden than Hillary any day. As for my thoughts on Trump, it now depends on his VP choice. I only hope it's NOT Jeb Bush or Newt Gingrich, who is just drooling over the possibility, the sleazebag. My final decision will depend on how it all plays out by November.
My greatest concern as of late, is that if it is between Hillary & Trump.....I don't think it will matter which one actually wins, either way this country could be in for a disasterous collapse. As in.....if Trump wins (still depending on his VP) the establishment/government would shut him down & fast, and then the people will revolt. If Hillary wins, the establishment will be happy, but the people won't & again revolt. I see it as being 6 of one, half dozen of the other and either way, it's going to get mighty ugly.

If Trump choses his VP very wisely, it might settle things down a bit. And if Hillary does get yanked & Biden steps in, that could also calm some nerves. But as it is right now, I'm concerned for this country.
WHat big difference has a vp choice ever made Maybe in trying to win a close state but other than that??? It's the person at the TOP of the ticket Wait till obama starts leveling that trump pos after the dem candidate is chosen

For one thing, his choice for VP would show just what his real intentions are for the country, where his mind & loyalties are, etc. It would show if he can really walk the walk, he keeps talking about. If he picks some nitwit......say Cruz for instance....then it only shows how messed up Trump really is. IF he picks a more responsible & ethical person (not sure at the moment of a possibility tho), then it shows he is more concerned for the country than his own acceptability.
he has to choose someone who knows something about government foreign affairs etc etc because trump is clueless

as I'd said.....he needs to make a WISE choice, for the betterment of the country and NOT for himself.

Donald Trump was not my first choice but he has the experience necessary for an executive position. His success proves that he knows how to select and surround himself with extraordinary people.
Just some excellent law firms

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