So are you worried about Trump yet?

I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?

The Facebook Republican boards have gone silent. Prior to Trump winning the nomination they were extremely active--now the silence is deafening and for good reason.

50% of Republican women will not cast a vote for Donald Trump, and there are millions of Republican men that will be voting for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
73 percent of women voters have an 'unfavorable' view of Donald Trump

Then you add in the Hispanic issue. These numbers are already indicating that Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. Republicans will lose the senate, a ton of seats in the house, and down ballot races all across this country.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

As far as your polls, you might want to read this article.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up


So, if you are correct (which I'm extremely dubious) and 50% of republicans will not vote for Trump - how do you explain the notion that Trump has already garnered more than TWICE the votes that Romney had at this point in the last campaign?

I'm not sold on Trump, either. However, the other choices (Hillary and Bernie) make Trump the OBVIOUS choice.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
Worried no I don't care for Trump or Hillary and think either will be a sorry President. I think the women and minority vote will put Hillary over the top come November but Hillary or Trump the country is screwed either way in my opinion.
Newcomer to this forum. I think that any reasonable person should be worried about Donald Trump, and there's no equivalence between his candidacy and Hillary Clinton. At best Hillary will do as good a job as her husband did; at worst she's a somewhat corrupt left of center progressive. Either way she won't do huge damage to the country.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a bigot, a Know Nothing (in the traditional meaning of the word), an isolationist, a demagogue, a nationalist, and an authoritarian, and his Presidency would be a total disaster. Per 528 he has about a 25% chance of being elected, and that is far too high IMO.
Newcomer to this forum. I think that any reasonable person should be worried about Donald Trump, and there's no equivalence between his candidacy and Hillary Clinton. At best Hillary will do as good a job as her husband did; at worst she's a somewhat corrupt left of center progressive. Either way she won't do huge damage to the country.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a bigot, a Know Nothing (in the traditional meaning of the word), an isolationist, a demagogue, a nationalist, and an authoritarian, and his Presidency would be a total disaster. Per 528 he has about a 25% chance of being elected, and that is far too high IMO.

First: Welcome!

(1) Hillary is usually at direct odds with her tom cat husbands' policies

(2) Hillary has been involved in enough scandals to last 5 lifetimes.

(3) Hillary may very well be indicted for her mishandling of classified material.

(4) Hillary's temper immediately disqualifies her from presidential consideration (just ask the Marines and Secret Service details at the White House).

(1) Trump is a bigot? Your proof is?

(2) How can you prove his presidency would be a "disaster"? Because you don't agree with him?

(3) Ronald Reagan had a 25% pf being elected. What does that tell you?

Again - Welcome!
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
Worried no I don't care for Trump or Hillary and think either will be a sorry President. I think the women and minority vote will put Hillary over the top come November but Hillary or Trump the country is screwed either way in my opinion.

Honestly? I don't think Hillary will pull nearly the women and minority vote that most think she will. She is mean, spiteful and hateful. She is losing more and more women each day. Why? Particularly due to her age. Young women simply do not relate to her. I have heard that over and over.

Me? as a Black man and a Conservative? I personally believe she should be in Leavenworth awaiting trial. But that's me.... :)
Newcomer to this forum. I think that any reasonable person should be worried about Donald Trump, and there's no equivalence between his candidacy and Hillary Clinton. At best Hillary will do as good a job as her husband did; at worst she's a somewhat corrupt left of center progressive. Either way she won't do huge damage to the country.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a bigot, a Know Nothing (in the traditional meaning of the word), an isolationist, a demagogue, a nationalist, and an authoritarian, and his Presidency would be a total disaster. Per 528 he has about a 25% chance of being elected, and that is far too high IMO.

First: Welcome!

(1) Hillary is usually at direct odds with her tom cat husbands' policies

(2) Hillary has been involved in enough scandals to last 5 lifetimes.

(3) Hillary may very well be indicted for her mishandling of classified material.

(4) Hillary's temper immediately disqualifies her from presidential consideration (just ask the Marines and Secret Service details at the White House).

(1) Trump is a bigot? Your proof is?

(2) How can you prove his presidency would be a "disaster"? Because you don't agree with him?

(3) Ronald Reagan had a 25% pf being elected. What does that tell you?

Again - Welcome!

Again, Hillary Clinton gets a lot of unlikely praise coming from Republicans that have actually worked with her. I doubt she is left of Bill Clinton--they both are blue dog Democrats. You would have to be coming from Arkansas.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

It's actually laughable that you would try and compare Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. Ronald Reagan was a Uniter, not a Divider. Everyone liked Reagan, whereas Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded
Newcomer to this forum. I think that any reasonable person should be worried about Donald Trump, and there's no equivalence between his candidacy and Hillary Clinton. At best Hillary will do as good a job as her husband did; at worst she's a somewhat corrupt left of center progressive. Either way she won't do huge damage to the country.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is a bigot, a Know Nothing (in the traditional meaning of the word), an isolationist, a demagogue, a nationalist, and an authoritarian, and his Presidency would be a total disaster. Per 528 he has about a 25% chance of being elected, and that is far too high IMO.

First: Welcome!

(1) Hillary is usually at direct odds with her tom cat husbands' policies

(2) Hillary has been involved in enough scandals to last 5 lifetimes.

(3) Hillary may very well be indicted for her mishandling of classified material.

(4) Hillary's temper immediately disqualifies her from presidential consideration (just ask the Marines and Secret Service details at the White House).

(1) Trump is a bigot? Your proof is?

(2) How can you prove his presidency would be a "disaster"? Because you don't agree with him?

(3) Ronald Reagan had a 25% pf being elected. What does that tell you?

Again - Welcome!

Again, Hillary Clinton gets a lot of unlikely praise coming from Republicans that have actually worked with her. I doubt she is left of Bill Clinton--they both are blue dog Democrats. You would have to be coming from Arkansas.
Republicans Have Praised Hillary Clinton’s Secretary Of State Tenure
Hillary's secret weapon? GOP praise

It's actually laughable that you would try and compare Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. Ronald Reagan was a Uniter, not a Divider. Everyone liked Reagan, whereas Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating of any candidate in recorded history.
Gallup: Trump Highest Unfavorable Rating Ever Recorded

Bill and Hillary "Blue Dogs"!?!?! Right. Bill, MAYBE - but Hillary (the murderer)? Yeah, right.

As for Reagan (I LOVED the man). I was using a comparison. No one thought that Reagan had a chance, either. If I recall (and Yes I recall, I was there) He won in a virtual landslide.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
Worried no I don't care for Trump or Hillary and think either will be a sorry President. I think the women and minority vote will put Hillary over the top come November but Hillary or Trump the country is screwed either way in my opinion.

Honestly? I don't think Hillary will pull nearly the women and minority vote that most think she will. She is mean, spiteful and hateful. She is losing more and more women each day. Why? Particularly due to her age. Young women simply do not relate to her. I have heard that over and over.

Me? as a Black man and a Conservative? I personally believe she should be in Leavenworth awaiting trial. But that's me.... :)
I believe Trump screwed himself on the Hispanic vote early and is not getting that back the war on women talking point still has enough pull to get her the women's vote though Bills past escapades could turn off younger female voters and blount that. Why the black community continues to vote overwhelmingly Democrat is a mystery I have heard people say Republicans need to work harder to get the black vote but I really don't know what they could say at this point to change that.
I'm just curious because so many of you seemed so sure he'd never get the nomination. Then when he dominated the primary those same people said he'd never win in the general and pointed at polls. Well now Trump is matching Hillary in polls and her approval continues to sink, so I ask again; are you worried yet?
Worried no I don't care for Trump or Hillary and think either will be a sorry President. I think the women and minority vote will put Hillary over the top come November but Hillary or Trump the country is screwed either way in my opinion.

Honestly? I don't think Hillary will pull nearly the women and minority vote that most think she will. She is mean, spiteful and hateful. She is losing more and more women each day. Why? Particularly due to her age. Young women simply do not relate to her. I have heard that over and over.

Me? as a Black man and a Conservative? I personally believe she should be in Leavenworth awaiting trial. But that's me.... :)
I believe Trump screwed himself on the Hispanic vote early and is not getting that back the war on women talking point still has enough pull to get her the women's vote though Bills past escapades could turn off younger female voters and blount that. Why the black community continues to vote overwhelmingly Democrat is a mystery I have heard people say Republicans need to work harder to get the black vote but I really don't know what they could say at this point to change that.

Agreed. I have stated this time and time again. Blacks are as much in chains today - as they were 200 years ago. Not all chains are made of iron and steel. They also come in the form of handouts - generational handouts.

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