So Biden Would Not Answer To Why He Never Contacted Portland To Stop The Democrat Riot. Gee, Why? Was He Just Too Busy? Watching Netflix?

The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
Discrimination would be accurate for affirmative action. Legal and justified considering the generations of legal discrimination that our country imposed in them. Racism would not be the correct word to use for what you describe... per the dictionary of course
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
Discrimination would be accurate for affirmative action. Legal and justified considering the generations of legal discrimination that our country imposed in them. Racism would not be the correct word to use for what you describe... per the dictionary of course

Discrimination based on race, is racism. Your denial of this is just you supporting racism and racist discrimination.

That you claim past wrongs justifies discriminating against current whites, is not morally defensible.

And my point stands. Millions of white college students are and have been discriminated against based on race, by a, as you put it, "legal" system of "discrimination.

I welcome your explanation why that is not racism. I assume you will be going with some silly word game excuse, perhaps, using a politically motivate recent definition of racism, one defined to give blacks and liberals a pass on their racism?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
Discrimination would be accurate for affirmative action. Legal and justified considering the generations of legal discrimination that our country imposed in them. Racism would not be the correct word to use for what you describe... per the dictionary of course

Discrimination based on race, is racism. Your denial of this is just you supporting racism and racist discrimination.

That you claim past wrongs justifies discriminating against current whites, is not morally defensible.

And my point stands. Millions of white college students are and have been discriminated against based on race, by a, as you put it, "legal" system of "discrimination.

I welcome your explanation why that is not racism. I assume you will be going with some silly word game excuse, perhaps, using a politically motivate recent definition of racism, one defined to give blacks and liberals a pass on their racism?
Racism involves acting and thinking that people of a particular race are inferior because of their race.
Programs like affirmative action are preferential but not racist Or discrimination . They are not Immoral because they are just. They are just because they are righting a wrong that our country imposed on a group of people for generations. Here is an example that maybe you will understand better.

Let’s say community was struck by a disaster, let’s say the government mismanaged their water system and contaminated their water making many of the citizens sick. If we were direct funds and support for those people then it would be justified...despite the fact that those citizens are getting preferential treatment at the expense of others.
Get it?
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
Discrimination would be accurate for affirmative action. Legal and justified considering the generations of legal discrimination that our country imposed in them. Racism would not be the correct word to use for what you describe... per the dictionary of course

Discrimination based on race, is racism. Your denial of this is just you supporting racism and racist discrimination.

That you claim past wrongs justifies discriminating against current whites, is not morally defensible.

And my point stands. Millions of white college students are and have been discriminated against based on race, by a, as you put it, "legal" system of "discrimination.

I welcome your explanation why that is not racism. I assume you will be going with some silly word game excuse, perhaps, using a politically motivate recent definition of racism, one defined to give blacks and liberals a pass on their racism?
Racism involves acting and thinking that people of a particular race are inferior because of their race.
Programs like affirmative action are preferential but not racist Or discrimination . They are not Immoral because they are just. They are just because they are righting a wrong that our country imposed on a group of people for generations. Here is an example that maybe you will understand better.

Let’s say community was struck by a disaster, let’s say the government mismanaged their water system and contaminated their water making many of the citizens sick. If we were direct funds and support for those people then it would be justified...despite the fact that those citizens are getting preferential treatment at the expense of others.
Get it?

1. Racism is also antagonism or discrimination by race. Which the college admission discrimination is.

2. It is not just, because the people being held responsible, did not do the actions they are paying for.

3. We have been giving preferential treatment for a long time now, to blacks and browns. And instead of healing this nation, it seems to be INCREASING DIVISION AND HATRED.
The answer is I don't think groups should be judged by the actions of a minority. I don’t think white people are racists because a small portion are. The issue isnt about White racists... it’s about generations of oppression that has happened through our society and system of government. Yes slavery was instituted and then abolished but that didn’t mean all was peachy for blacks... they were lynched and segregated and discriminated against LEGALLY for 100 years after the war. We finally changed our laws but remnants of that history still exists in our society and the toll that It took on the black community is still very much being felt today. This strife needs to be recognized and I think its completely ignorant to deny that any of this exists and all is good

1. When you say that "White people" did something, that was done by the racists minority, you are defining white people by the "bad apples" and in doing so, disrespecting the good actions and sacrifices of the white majority that was fighting racism. (especially in the times when racists fought BACK)

2. Yes. The "Toll" it took on the blacks. What about the "toll" it took and is taking on whites today? Especially poor and middle class whites. We have been paying the price for a long time now, and for our pain, we are getting more and more hate and division and racism thrown in our face on an increasing basis.
I’m not dismissing the good actions... as I explained before those “good” actions were simply doing the right thing. And despite those who did the right thing in the fight against slavery they still tolerated and accepted a world of Jim Crow, segregation, lynchings, and discrimination for 100 years after the civil war.

I’m not worried about the white victims of our racist history. I think that’s a pretty silly point. There is a huge element of this which has been explained to you many time which you just don’t seem to understand. I don’t know if that’s intentional or if you truly don’t get it... but either way it’s pretty sad

1. When you define the group by the actions of the minority, and ignore the actions of the majority, you are dismissing their actions. Even if you say you are not.

2. Thank you for admitting that you just do not care about the white victims of racism. That is a huge concession and I do appreciate that you did not try to spin it or dodge. That being said, with all due respect, I don't see how that is anything but you losing the debate. The topic is the riots, which do have a heavy anti-white racism factor, and you just admitted you don't care about that. That greatly undermines your position.

3. Don't pretend that because I disagree with you, that I don't understand you. That is just you flinging bullshit. You do that, and I will call you out on it, every fucking time. I DISAGREE WITH YOU. For example I DO care about the white victims of racism.

View attachment 399153
Can you give an example of the victims of white racism that you are talking about?

The photo was one. A white man beaten almost to death by an anti-white racist mob, for daring to try to protect a white transexual they were robbing.

I can give millions of others, if you want. Do you want to ignore the one I already posted for some reason?
Sure I’d love to see more. I’d absolutely stand against acts of violence like that BTW. I don’t see that as the same as the racial inequality issue that we’ve been speaking about.

You don't see being beating nearly to death by a racist mob, to be a type of racial inequality?

I'm not sure.... what to say to that.

Can you walk me though how you got to that conclusion? And very, very slowly though each point, because I don't see ANYTHING of it at all at this point.
No I see being beat by a mob a random act of violence not a systemic problem. Of course i feel Bad for anybody that gets assaulted and hope that the offenders get locked up no matter who they are

How many people have to be hurt or killed before it becomes "systemic" and thus racism?
I don’t think you understand what racism is. I think what you’re referring to are hate crimes which already carry higher penalties than other types of assault. Hate crimes are a problem but a completely different issue that apply to more than just white people and very different than what’s being protested in the streets. It feels like instead of addressing the subject you want to dismiss or divert it to something else. Why is that?

Racist mobs attacking and killing white people in the streets is not "racism" to you?

Um, ok. Sure. Fine. Ok. I'll play along for now.

How about the millions of white college kids that get penalized so that colleges can be more "diverse"? That is "systemic" and actual racism.

Now, what excuse will you have to excuse that?
Again, I don’t think you understand what the word Racist means. What definition are you using for it?

Standard dictionary definition.

White kids are judged on their merits, and have to compete against black kids who get bonus points for having black skin to the equivalent of 300 sat points.

Discriminated against based on race, is racism. Your silly word games as excuses, is you supporting anti-white racism.
Discrimination would be accurate for affirmative action. Legal and justified considering the generations of legal discrimination that our country imposed in them. Racism would not be the correct word to use for what you describe... per the dictionary of course

Discrimination based on race, is racism. Your denial of this is just you supporting racism and racist discrimination.

That you claim past wrongs justifies discriminating against current whites, is not morally defensible.

And my point stands. Millions of white college students are and have been discriminated against based on race, by a, as you put it, "legal" system of "discrimination.

I welcome your explanation why that is not racism. I assume you will be going with some silly word game excuse, perhaps, using a politically motivate recent definition of racism, one defined to give blacks and liberals a pass on their racism?
Racism involves acting and thinking that people of a particular race are inferior because of their race.
Programs like affirmative action are preferential but not racist Or discrimination . They are not Immoral because they are just. They are just because they are righting a wrong that our country imposed on a group of people for generations. Here is an example that maybe you will understand better.

Let’s say community was struck by a disaster, let’s say the government mismanaged their water system and contaminated their water making many of the citizens sick. If we were direct funds and support for those people then it would be justified...despite the fact that those citizens are getting preferential treatment at the expense of others.
Get it?

1. Racism is also antagonism or discrimination by race. Which the college admission discrimination is.

2. It is not just, because the people being held responsible, did not do the actions they are paying for.

3. We have been giving preferential treatment for a long time now, to blacks and browns. And instead of healing this nation, it seems to be INCREASING DIVISION AND HATRED.
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics

"impacted"? Want to vague that up a bit?

And if they deserved anything beyond legal equality, they had it, for 70 years and they tapped out that well of white guilt.

We, current day whites, have paid enough and taken enough shit, that increasingly we are done with that.

Time to end that racist discrimination against white people. I want equality and equal protection before the Law for my people.
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics

"impacted"? Want to vague that up a bit?

And if they deserved anything beyond legal equality, they had it, for 70 years and they tapped out that well of white guilt.

We, current day whites, have paid enough and taken enough shit, that increasingly we are done with that.

Time to end that racist discrimination against white people. I want equality and equal protection before the Law for my people.
Let’s back up a bit and let me ask. Do you think the measures taken in the 60’s were justified or do you think nothing more than changing the laws should have been done?
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics

"impacted"? Want to vague that up a bit?

And if they deserved anything beyond legal equality, they had it, for 70 years and they tapped out that well of white guilt.

We, current day whites, have paid enough and taken enough shit, that increasingly we are done with that.

Time to end that racist discrimination against white people. I want equality and equal protection before the Law for my people.
Can you really not recognized the “impact“ that generations of discriminatory laws from slavery through Jim Crow Have had on the black community? You claim to understand and be aware so prove it and tell me what impact you think that history had on the black community back in the 60s and now today
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics

"impacted"? Want to vague that up a bit?

And if they deserved anything beyond legal equality, they had it, for 70 years and they tapped out that well of white guilt.

We, current day whites, have paid enough and taken enough shit, that increasingly we are done with that.

Time to end that racist discrimination against white people. I want equality and equal protection before the Law for my people.
Let’s back up a bit and let me ask. Do you think the measures taken in the 60’s were justified or do you think nothing more than changing the laws should have been done?

A very good question.

The repeal of Jim Crow Laws, I support. The idea of Affirmative Action, in all of it's guises, is a difficult question.

Two points stand out very well though.

1. Discriminating against a majority for a minority, is less painful and more sustainable, when the minority is a smaller minority, like 10 or 12 percent. That makes it possible for the white victims of such discrimination to hope to get a fair break the next time. As we move to MINORITY MAJORITY, it becomes a far heavier burden, and becomes more of a large percentage of the population ALWAYS being fucked.

2. The idea was that AA would improve the living standards of blacks and heal past injustices and racial tensions. We see that that has failed. Instead it seems to be growing an ever increasing belief in entitlement and/or privilege, that is tearing this nation apart, and indeed, killing people in the streets right now, with escalation an ongoing process.

I might have or might not have supported them THEN, but I sure as hell do not support them any more.
You couldnt
1. For it to be discrimination it need to unjust or prejudicial treatment. I don’t believe it is so. You can make the case that it causes harm to white who don’t get accepted but that’s like saying helping the town woth contaminated water is harmful for the neighboring town that didn’t get the same funding and support.

It is obvious unjust for white students to lose out on college slots to black students based on race.

Yes, it does cause harm to white students who don't get accepted, or don't get into the better schools, or don't get assistance, or ect. ect ect. Obvoiusly.

2. the people responsible are not people. It was our government and societies laws that lasted for generations and had a real and lasting effect. How do you suggest we right those wrongs?

The people responsible were people. How to right those long ago wrongs? By giving equality before the law for the last 50 years and making blacks fully equal citizens in the greatest country in the world.

Not by punishing white people today, for something other people did a long time ago, based on the fact that some of them have similar skin tones.

3. the fight against it and the pushback to their cries when they complain about modern day issues is what fuels the fire. Not the laws and movement enacted to improve the situation. The election of Obama was a great symbolic achievement for the black community but it also brought a wave of racial hate that had been burrowing for a long time. I was and still am very disappointed about how much of this crap still exists in our society.

The election of Obama did not bring a wave of racial hate. It brought a wave of horrific wace baiting where normal partisan opposition was falsely labeled wacism, by vile liars.

But, thank you for not denying the increased division and hatred that these actions are causing.

Time to stop them, before they totally tear this nation apart. If it is not already too late.
You couldn’t be any more off base... no it wasn’t just bad people it was our laws, our government our society that oppressed a race for generations and still has lasting effects in today’s society. Let that sink in. Also you ignored my central point about the water. Is providing funding and support for that down discrimination against other towns? Yes or no

I ignored a bad analogy.

BUT for your analogy to be accurate, it is not just one town with bad water. There are many towns that have "bad water" ie historical reasons for poverty and hopelessness.

YOu just want to ignore the white ones and only focus on the black and brown ones.

And we have. For generations. And it has put enormous burdens on the poor and middle class whites of this country, to the point that white males are seeing their life spans SHRINK.

Time to stop the injustice. Time to stop the racism and discrimination.
Our government had policies that impacted the health wealth social standing and education of an entire race of people for generations. That’s is not far off from my example and is deserving of something more than simply changing discriminatory laws. Come on dude, this isn’t very complicated to understand. Simple morals and ethics

"impacted"? Want to vague that up a bit?

And if they deserved anything beyond legal equality, they had it, for 70 years and they tapped out that well of white guilt.

We, current day whites, have paid enough and taken enough shit, that increasingly we are done with that.

Time to end that racist discrimination against white people. I want equality and equal protection before the Law for my people.
Can you really not recognized the “impact“ that generations of discriminatory laws from slavery through Jim Crow Have had on the black community? You claim to understand and be aware so prove it and tell me what impact you think that history had on the black community back in the 60s and now today

IMO, the primary forces "impacting" the black community today, are not old forces from generations ago, but far more current factors that bury older influences under there much larger "ripples".

Nothing that happened to my Great, great, grand father, really looms very big in my life. I guess it is good that they decided to move to America, but beyond that, I cannot trace any "impact" of any hardship he faced, that still impacts me.

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