So Biden Would Not Answer To Why He Never Contacted Portland To Stop The Democrat Riot. Gee, Why? Was He Just Too Busy? Watching Netflix?

It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
By you saying that you show how out of touch you are. The road Michelle took to get to where she is at was much harder than it should be and what she represents makes a real difference considering the vast racial and wealthy inequalities we have in this country. It’s easy to dismiss and call me indoctrinated. It’s also lazy. I understand that it’s probably hard for you to face the ugly realities of our nations past and current racial issues that happen in this country... but being hard isn’t a valid excuse. You’re going to be on the wrong side of history with your arguments
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
By you saying that you show how out of touch you are. The road Michelle took to get to where she is at was much harder than it should be and what she represents makes a real difference considering the vast racial and wealthy inequalities we have in this country. It’s easy to dismiss and call me indoctrinated. It’s also lazy. I understand that it’s probably hard for you to face the ugly realities of our nations past and current racial issues that happen in this country... but being hard isn’t a valid excuse. You’re going to be on the wrong side of history with your arguments
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
By you saying that you show how out of touch you are. The road Michelle took to get to where she is at was much harder than it should be and what she represents makes a real difference considering the vast racial and wealthy inequalities we have in this country. It’s easy to dismiss and call me indoctrinated. It’s also lazy. I understand that it’s probably hard for you to face the ugly realities of our nations past and current racial issues that happen in this country... but being hard isn’t a valid excuse. You’re going to be on the wrong side of history with your arguments
Bullshit. I grew up in Minneapolis around Black people all my life. I have two sisters married to Black men and numerous mixed nieces and nephews. Go fuck yourself.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
By you saying that you show how out of touch you are. The road Michelle took to get to where she is at was much harder than it should be and what she represents makes a real difference considering the vast racial and wealthy inequalities we have in this country. It’s easy to dismiss and call me indoctrinated. It’s also lazy. I understand that it’s probably hard for you to face the ugly realities of our nations past and current racial issues that happen in this country... but being hard isn’t a valid excuse. You’re going to be on the wrong side of history with your arguments
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him
Of course you don't see Michelle as a race hustler. You see her as a victim. That girl has lived a life of privilege by exploiting black people just like her husband has. You're indoctrinated.
By you saying that you show how out of touch you are. The road Michelle took to get to where she is at was much harder than it should be and what she represents makes a real difference considering the vast racial and wealthy inequalities we have in this country. It’s easy to dismiss and call me indoctrinated. It’s also lazy. I understand that it’s probably hard for you to face the ugly realities of our nations past and current racial issues that happen in this country... but being hard isn’t a valid excuse. You’re going to be on the wrong side of history with your arguments
Bullshit. I grew up in Minneapolis around Black people all my life. I have two sisters married to Black men and numerous mixed nieces and nephews. Go fuck yourself.
What’s bullshit?
He had other business to attend to.

It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.

I think the vast majority of wealthy, educated white people will tell you that they have more in common and feel more comfortable with black people of comparable education and financial status than they do with poor, uneducated white people.

Which is no surprise to anyone who isn't a benighted, unevolved racist moron like Slade and other leftists.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.

I think the vast majority of wealthy, educated white people will tell you that they have more in common and feel more comfortable with black people of comparable education and financial status than they do with poor, uneducated white people.

Which is no surprise to anyone who isn't a benighted, unevolved racist moron like Slade and other leftists.
No surprise here, I’d agree with that. Has nothing to do with this conversation but I hope you feel better after getting that off your chest
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?
You've blamed white people for keeping the black people oppressed.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?
You've blamed white people for keeping the black people oppressed.
Oh my bad, I meant to blame the Mexicans for oppressing blacks... or maybe it was the French... no no I got it. The Dems did it!!!
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.
Blacks were the first to enslave Blacks. White people introduced civilization to the Black tribes in Africa and White people fought and died to free Black slaves in the USA.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.
Blacks were the first to enslave Blacks. White people introduced civilization to the Black tribes in Africa and White people fought and died to free Black slaves in the USA.
I don’t know what point you are trying to prove with that statement. Is that supposed to be a counterpoint to everything I listed?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.

The Constitution did not count them as "real people" because even then, white people as a group, were working to undermine the power of slavers.

White people as a group, did not start a civil war over the issue of slavery, but to end slavery. The minority of whites, were the ones fighting for it, and they were fighting against the odds and they knew it. And they lost badly and they accepted that loss.

At every turn, you smear Whites as a group, with the actions of the smaller minority and ignore their sacrifices and good works, of the majority of whites.

REally, your actions are a testimony to the failure of all our nation's work on this issue, that so much good can be dismissed and hate and division is growing instead of fading.
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.

The Constitution did not count them as "real people" because even then, white people as a group, were working to undermine the power of slavers.

White people as a group, did not start a civil war over the issue of slavery, but to end slavery. The minority of whites, were the ones fighting for it, and they were fighting against the odds and they knew it. And they lost badly and they accepted that loss.

At every turn, you smear Whites as a group, with the actions of the smaller minority and ignore their sacrifices and good works, of the majority of whites.

REally, your actions are a testimony to the failure of all our nation's work on this issue, that so much good can be dismissed and hate and division is growing instead of fading.
Are you kidding? You know it takes two to have a war don’t you?? You think because one side fought to end slavery that’s the whole story?!?! Cause there was a whole other side that fought to keep it. A side that continued oppressing and discriminating against blacks for Generations through Jim Crow laws and horrible disgraceful acts. Would you prefer we just ignore all of that and the lasting effects it had within our society and system? Let’s just pretend none of that happened and praise the whit man for fighting to end slavery!!! We all deserve a cookie don’t we?
It tells me that it’s an extremely complicated situation.

Not that complicated. People don't have a right to break the law and cause harm to others, just because they are pissed off.

Arrest their asses, clear the fucking streets, let people live their lives.
You’re right they don’t but when people are protesting abuse of power and racial violence from the cops it becomes a very volatile situation when those being protested try and control the situation. The safety of the police needs to be considered as well so if it’s a call between giving up some buildings and cars vs potential loss of life I understand wanting to save the lives. Yes, it’s complicated
How come they aren't protesting the violence in Chicago. Blacks are slaughtering each other and no one protests. A white cop kills a black thug and everyone loses their mind. Can't you see what's going on here?
Of course i see it. It’s a tragedy. Who exactly do you want them to protest against in Chicago?
You obviously don't understand what's going on. You must believe the propaganda that there is systemic racism everywhere.
I only know what I experience and as a middle class white guy I’m not in a position to have experienced the type of systematic racism that minorities are complaining about. I can look at history and see how our system has a very ugly history of discrimination which has resulted in a lopsided Baka ave of wealth inequality for the minority communities, that’s undeniable. I can also listen, observe and support efforts to make our system better and more just.
The only minorities complaining are the ones the propaganda parrots show you. You've swallowed the kool aid.
How do you know those are the only people complaining? That sounds like a rather ignorant statement which you have no real way of verifying
I'm not the ignorant one here. You obviously don't understand what is really going on. Watch this, please.
AOC is a hyperbolic child, I don’t think pointing to all the extremist advocates is the strongest point for you to make nor does it prove that they are the only ones complaining about equality issues
She's a powerful Democrat leader. What about Michelle Obama? Today she called President Trump a racist and begged for Black and Brown young people to vote for Biden. Talk about irony. Calling the President a racist, then singling out people by skin color. You still don't get it?
She called out his actual comments and messaging that he is pushing which is racist. What about her critique do you disagree with?
Show me.
Show you what?
Show me President Trump's racist messaging and comments.
You’ve heard and have seen Trumps campaign against low income housing in the suburbs. You can decide for yourself if you think those efforts are racist or not. There’s nothing for me to show you if you know the situation. If you don’t know then go read about it. Michelle obviously feels that his efforts and comments are racist

So, nothing overtly racist. Seems the type of accusation that should only be made with real cause.
I can very easily call you an idiot without using the words idiot. Trump is very good at skirting around direct statements. So no he doesn’t make overtly racist comments but anybody with a brain can see exactly what he’s doing.

My personal opinion is that Trump is not racist, he is elitist. He respects people with wealth and power and does not Respect or empathize with those without. It just so happens that a larger proportion of minorities are poor in this country so when he spits in the face of the poor many take it as racist.
So? Trump isn't responsible for what a bunch of ignorant people think. Many people think that Joe Biden is a racist and demented. What should be done about that?
Nothing should be done about that. You can think whatever you want. I’m sure you won’t vote for Biden if that’s what you believe just like I won’t vote for Trump
Exactly. That's why we shouldn't promote subsidized housing in the suburbs, EBT food supplementation, and government jobs.
A little advice... you should balance your arguments with solutions to the issues that are trying to be addressed if you want to engage in a productive debate of ideas
I have the solution. Ignore the race hustlers and propaganda parrots in the Democrat party.
How does that address the problem?

What problem?
Haha, how did I know you we’re going to ask that?! If you don’t know the problems being address by the low income housing proposals then you are grossly ignorant on this issue and should be out there doing some research before BSIng a debate about it
It's not the job of the Federal government to provide housing.
What housing provided by the federal government are you talking about?
HUD is absolutely the governments responsibility. It was legally established over 50 years ago and has been run by both republican and democratic administrations. I think it’s a great element in our government. Thumbs up from this guy
So you endorse the corruption that has run rampant for years, wasting billions of dollars.
No, I straight up condemn all corruption. Thanks for the question so I could make that clear!
So I assume you support Dr. Ben Carson then. Did you watch the video of Michelle?
Sleepy Ben is a little tough for me to watch but I think he is a good guy and I support the job he is trying to do. No I didn’t watch the Michelle video as of yet
Please watch it because you really should see for yourself that she is a hypocritical racist.
I just watched. That is nothing like what you described. Are you intentionally distorting her message or do you really listen to that and think she’s being racist and critiquing white people who by new homes in expensive neighborhoods?
She said white people moved because they are afraid of black people. That's bullshit.
She was talking about her actual experience growing up. How do you know thats bullshit?
So you believe white people moved because they were afraid of black people. Wow, that's a racist mindset you have there.
Not from my personal experience as seems to be true for you as well but I’m guessing you’re not black so your experience is quite different than somebody like Michelle Obama’s. I’m telling you what she was speaking to not what I’m accusing white people of doing. Michelle seemed to be speaking from personal experience. You distorted what she was saying so I guess I was right not to trust your presentation
What did I distort?
Michelle’s statement
Be specific.
You acted like she was talking about all white people and was making racist statements when in fact she was sharing her own personal experience about an issue that has been prevalent for decades.
She was talking about all white people. "Ya'll" means "you all". At the 40 second mark....."Ya'll were running from us". She also says "white folk". She didn't say a few or some. She didn't specify it. She was generic. Why would you cover for a blatant race hustler?
I can understand english. I heard what she said and I don’t think you are being honest or accurate about her message. What White people have done to black people throughout our nations history is a fucking disgrace. Not all white people but far to many. The experience that Michelle and her family went through growing up is a fucking disgrace. What still happens to minorities and black people in this country is a fucking disgrace. You ask why I’m covering for a blatant race hustler?! I can only laugh. I don’t see Michelle Obama as a race hustler, she is an important voice and figure that represents the black community who is fighting for change. I look at the clown in the White House and that’s where I see the race hustler and you’re the person I see covering for him

White people as a group, have been fighting for black people for a long time now. Everytime the issue of civil rights has become an issue, whites, as a group, has come down on the side of helping blacks, for generations.

Your denial of this central truth, shows the failure of liberals to be honest about race.
When did I deny that central truth? Can you show the quote?

Your entire post, where you present the narrative as though white people as a group, have been victimizing black people.

It was a lie of omission.

White people as a group enslaved blacks, set up a constitution that didn’t recognized them as real people, started a civil war over the issue of slavery, institution state laws to discriminate against them for 100 years following the abolition of slavery, and then finally in 1965 we got the civil rights act which legally put protections in for blacks. People are still alive today who loves through those times. Racism and discrimination is something that blacks have had to deal with for generations and it still exists in our society. So I’m not buying your narrative tut the first black First Lady is some antagonizing racist. If you need to play word games to try and demean her message or to try and “win” a debate with me then go right ahead but you’re not fooling anybody.

The Constitution did not count them as "real people" because even then, white people as a group, were working to undermine the power of slavers.

White people as a group, did not start a civil war over the issue of slavery, but to end slavery. The minority of whites, were the ones fighting for it, and they were fighting against the odds and they knew it. And they lost badly and they accepted that loss.

At every turn, you smear Whites as a group, with the actions of the smaller minority and ignore their sacrifices and good works, of the majority of whites.

REally, your actions are a testimony to the failure of all our nation's work on this issue, that so much good can be dismissed and hate and division is growing instead of fading.
Last thought... all this “good” you want praise for isn’t “good”... it’s simply doing the right thing. And it should be taken a step further to help right the wrongs that the disgusting injustice and oppression or our system resulted in.

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