So Bronie Hussein Obama decided to awaken the Bear with Angie baby: I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy

The way you guys talk about Putin and Russia is absolutely hilarious.

I don't find it funny at all. I have family in the Ukraine. My husband has family in Germany.

You think this is a joke? You think this is hilarious?
I thought you loved Putin. Weren't you bragging about how hot the woman he had an illegitimate child with is a few months ago?

When you speak about me and my opinions and my posts you better be very specific.
bragging about Putin's woman:

You think he's tappin' that?

Are you kidding? Have you ever seen the young lady who is purported to be his lover?
Spit on it again TD! :rofl:


You wondered if he was hitting her?

As compared to.............

Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

what did our leaders do to RUSSIA? are you referring to Ukraine and Georgia?

No. I am talking about our leaders and you must understand I am not just slamming Obama here. Harper, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and the others all signed on to flip the Ukraine to the west.

Removing another leader. Hell's bells how many overthrows do you need to recognize what our idiotic leaders have been doing?
The way you guys talk about Putin and Russia is absolutely hilarious.

I don't find it funny at all. I have family in the Ukraine. My husband has family in Germany.

You think this is a joke? You think this is hilarious?
I thought you loved Putin. Weren't you bragging about how hot the woman he had an illegitimate child with is a few months ago?

When you speak about me and my opinions and my posts you better be very specific.
bragging about Putin's woman:

You think he's tappin' that?

Are you kidding? Have you ever seen the young lady who is purported to be his lover?
Spit on it again TD! :rofl:


You wondered if he was hitting her?

As compared to.............


And in the politcal realm this means what to me?

What does this mean to me? Putin has great taste in women? What does this mean?
This is not a joke. This is not hilarious that some academic supposed pencil necked geek that Ted Kennedy decided to make a President has just brought us to the brink of WWIII.

They are going in. You have Russia and his Kadyrov Chechen leader now tag teaming with Iran and Hezbollah to go in on the ground.

They have to. ISIS must be stopped. And we have John Kerry trying to say they aren't hitting the right targets.

I am not following------whom are you blaming for the current festivities in Syria, Iraq
and Yemen-----tiny dancer? upon whom do you cast blame for Ukraine?

It's a most interesting patchwork. Talking strictly Ukraine here.

You have oligarch against oligarch. You have the east winning in that fateful election that set into motion the neo nazis and don't you dare tell me they aren't when they worship Bandera flipping out with our money and they overthrew the duly elected government.

And we facilitated the overthrow.

far be it from me to deny the fact that the UKRAINIANS are flaming Nazi scum.
Even my grandmother knew that-------(born 1899, died 1995) -----she had
relatives who died as a result of Ukranian scum-------not in world war II-----just
general Ukranian scum action------she was born in 1899 in the USA)
Ukranians were Nazi scum before the word was invented----but then again------
the Russian branch of the family faced the same scum -----in Russia. I do
I have a perspective of the good old days which is not the same as yours
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

what did our leaders do to RUSSIA? are you referring to Ukraine and Georgia?

No. I am talking about our leaders and you must understand I am not just slamming Obama here. Harper, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and the others all signed on to flip the Ukraine to the west.

Removing another leader. Hell's bells how many overthrows do you need to recognize what our idiotic leaders have been doing?

Ok ----tell me what is bad about UKRAINE not being owned by
Russia is presently in an alliance with Iran, China, and Syria----to get control of SHIPPING thruout the world --------try to wrap your head around that fact,
dancer. The USA did not initiate the hostilities-----nor did the USA "create" ISIS

I have no idea why we keep doing Saudi Arabia's dirty work. I really really don't. But the gas line was supposed to go thru Syria. Hence "civil war". Assad said no. This is out there. This is not COAST TO COAST OR ALEX JONES.

It's for real. And so many have died.
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

what did our leaders do to RUSSIA? are you referring to Ukraine and Georgia?

No. I am talking about our leaders and you must understand I am not just slamming Obama here. Harper, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and the others all signed on to flip the Ukraine to the west.

Removing another leader. Hell's bells how many overthrows do you need to recognize what our idiotic leaders have been doing?

Ok ----tell me what is bad about UKRAINE not being owned by

Russia has no need for nazis. Crimea ran from them. Other areas are desperately trying to run from Kiev.
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

How have our leaders "gone after" Russia?


You truly have to be joking.

That's not an answer.

Be specific.

I'm on dial up. How many sanctions do you want to crush the Russian economy? I can run my dog for an hour before all the sanctions come up and my Raven will really really hate you.


You can't google all the sanctions that all our leaders have imposed on Russia like fools?
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

How have our leaders "gone after" Russia?


You truly have to be joking.

That's not an answer.

Be specific.

By the way a quick aside. I love your avie.

ETA: He was one of the best ever. He actually inspired me to go into journalism.
Russia is presently in an alliance with Iran, China, and Syria----to get control of SHIPPING thruout the world --------try to wrap your head around that fact,
dancer. The USA did not initiate the hostilities-----nor did the USA "create" ISIS

I have no idea why we keep doing Saudi Arabia's dirty work. I really really don't. But the gas line was supposed to go thru Syria. Hence "civil war". Assad said no. This is out there. This is not COAST TO COAST OR ALEX JONES.

It's for real. And so many have died.

what "dirty work" is the USA doing for Saudi Arabia? what does "the gas line"
have to do with "civil war" ? Why do you support Russian Imperialism
you seem to want to present it as the OPPOSITE of Nazi imperialism
Russia is presently in an alliance with Iran, China, and Syria----to get control of SHIPPING thruout the world --------try to wrap your head around that fact,
dancer. The USA did not initiate the hostilities-----nor did the USA "create" ISIS

I have no idea why we keep doing Saudi Arabia's dirty work. I really really don't. But the gas line was supposed to go thru Syria. Hence "civil war". Assad said no. This is out there. This is not COAST TO COAST OR ALEX JONES.

It's for real. And so many have died.

what "dirty work" is the USA doing for Saudi Arabia? what does "the gas line"
have to do with "civil war" ? Why do you support Russian Imperialism
you seem to want to present it as the OPPOSITE of Nazi imperialism

I'll play for a bit longer.

irosie91 name me all the wars Russia has been involved in?

I can't wait to see your list.

NOW. Name me all the wars NATO has been involved in.

I can't wait to see your list.

Show me Russian imperialism.

Give me the lists. They are out there by the way and shockingly so.
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

what did our leaders do to RUSSIA? are you referring to Ukraine and Georgia?

No. I am talking about our leaders and you must understand I am not just slamming Obama here. Harper, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and the others all signed on to flip the Ukraine to the west.

Removing another leader. Hell's bells how many overthrows do you need to recognize what our idiotic leaders have been doing?

Ok ----tell me what is bad about UKRAINE not being owned by

Russia has no need for nazis. Crimea ran from them. Other areas are desperately trying to run from Kiev.

Russia has a burning desire for Crimea ----Russian Imperialism, in concert with
Iranian imperialism, in concert with Chinese Imperialism------and control of shipping and control of the entire Middle east, including Saudi Arabia
Oh and back to the gas line. You know guys I really just have long winters in the middle of nowhere. I am no genius. This shits just out there. The Saudis one more time just demanded another nation fuck off and build a gas line thru it. Think Keystone.

Assad said no. Because of alliances.

So the Saudis/Qatar/Turkey decided they would take out Assad. Hasn't worked and now we are in a whole world of hurt because of for whatever reason loving the SA's. I don't get it.

But here we are.
Now let us try this again.

When our leaders decided for some unknown reason to go after Russia. What the hell were they thinking?

what did our leaders do to RUSSIA? are you referring to Ukraine and Georgia?

No. I am talking about our leaders and you must understand I am not just slamming Obama here. Harper, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande and the others all signed on to flip the Ukraine to the west.

Removing another leader. Hell's bells how many overthrows do you need to recognize what our idiotic leaders have been doing?

Ok ----tell me what is bad about UKRAINE not being owned by

Russia has no need for nazis. Crimea ran from them. Other areas are desperately trying to run from Kiev.

Russia has a burning desire for Crimea ----Russian Imperialism, in concert with
Iranian imperialism, in concert with Chinese Imperialism------and control of shipping and control of the entire Middle east, including Saudi Arabia

oh heavens. sigh. with all my heart.

No burning desire for Crimea. Nikita in one heart of a moment GAVE CRIMEA to the Ukraine when they were the USSR.

Crimea has always been Russian. Nikita in a heart beat of a moment moved the lines between the countries. That does not move the hearts and souls.

Now I am a weird one. I am Irish/Ukrainian by descent. OK? But I am fiercely American/Canadian.

I know not only my heritage but what is going on as well politically. And this is one heck of a dog's breakfast I don't understand.

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