So,Democrats Are Telling Us That Americans In General Just Hate Black People.So,Why Does Biden Need To Choose A Black Vice President?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
this just hit me. we have our liberal leaders and BLM telling the world that Americans are all racists, and just hate blacks and minorities. Well then, why should Biden have to choose a black/even a woman VP? Doesn't this defeat the who purpose of the Biden Campaign? lets say about 70% of Americans are racists/always acting like Archie Bunker, but particularly hate black people, then wouldn't you think that Biden picking a black VP would be the end of his campaign? with a 60/40 blowout on November 3rd? :dunno:
1. The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., wants to thank the African American voters of South Carolina for saving his candidacy.

2. Mr. Biden knows that African Americans are a key constituency of the Democratic Party. Without their votes, he cannot win. With their votes (as in 2008), a Dem candidate WILL win -- especially against an unappealing Republican such as Messrs. McCain, Romney, and Trump.

3. Apparently, many Caucasian liberals have something called "White guilt." So they will presumably be especially delighted to have an African American as the Vice President.

4. Because of the successful media campaign to demonize President Trump and because of President Trump's abrasive personality, Mr. Biden and the Dem ticket will, IMHO, enjoy a landslide.
but isnt Biden a racist for narrowing his choice to just a black woman? imagine if pence wanted out and Trump says he wants a white male?

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