So, did the FBI use a black cuban to infiltrate a supposed white supremacist group?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
So, it was revealed a while back that the current leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, worked previously as an informant for the police.

Liberals had fun with this, making snide comments about various white wacist extremists being "nervous" because...well, it was not clear why. I guess the idea was that while they were plotting...stuff, that now they realize that they might be in trouble.

THIS thread, is not about that, per say. But another question that came to my mind, a while ago.


imo, the obvious conclusion is, that it would prove that they knew they were talking shit when they said that, and it was just another example of how the FBI has become partisan and politicized by the Dems.


Oh, link for details on what I am talking about for those that do not already know.

Short version.

If proud boys are white supremacists they wouldn't let in a black cuban.

But we all know they aren't. They only white supremacists because they love america and if you love america you're a racist according to democrats.

Can you imagine the meeting where some guy suggests using Tarrio to infiltrate them? If that is what happened?

I can just see the one sane guy sitting there thinking..."Tarrio is a black cuban. We are infiltrating this group because they are white supremacists."

And then he ends up their leader....

ANd if the FBI is in CHARGE of the Proud BOys, what did htey do with this power? Were they instructing Tarrio to have the Proud Boys stand down? Or do more so that they could arrest people?
He is an informant. Only informants pushes that same ol' narrative about Fidel Castro being a bad guy. Castro was the only one who was brave to go against the Global cabal.

He is an informant. Only informants pushes that same ol' narrative about Fidel Castro being a bad guy. Castro was the only one who was brave to go against the Global cabal.

So, you believe that teh FBI chose a black cuban operative to infiltrate the Proud Boys.

Yet, you and the FBI, also believe them to be a white supremacist group?

Wouldn't it make more sense to use a white agent?

In your mind, can you see any contradiction here, or does it all seem just fine to you?
So, it was revealed a while back that the current leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, worked previously as an informant for the police.

Liberals had fun with this, making snide comments about various white wacist extremists being "nervous" because...well, it was not clear why. I guess the idea was that while they were plotting...stuff, that now they realize that they might be in trouble.

THIS thread, is not about that, per say. But another question that came to my mind, a while ago.


imo, the obvious conclusion is, that it would prove that they knew they were talking shit when they said that, and it was just another example of how the FBI has become partisan and politicized by the Dems.


Oh, link for details on what I am talking about for those that do not already know.

About half the Proud Boys were informants. About a quarter where undercover news reporters.
About half the Proud Boys were informants. About a quarter where undercover news reporters.

The Proud Boys had a lot of growth as a civic social club before they started protecting people in the streets.

I am sure that they have been heavily targeted more recently, but it is a real organization with hefty membership roles.

They are not one of those tiny groups where the feds move in an become the freaking majority. And then they arrest people who left the group cause the new people ruined it.
The FBI is a government agency, they would be accused of discrimination if they didn't allow their black staff to take prime jobs infiltrating the nazis, proud boys, or whatever other outfits they are keeping an eye on.
If the Nazis were white supremacists who believed in a master race -- why would they be allies with a bunch of slanty-eyed Japs and greasy-haired Wops...

Which tells me that the Nazis were not racist at all....

That is the logic of a moron....or in other words, you....

One of the original of the founders of the Proud, not this guy...

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But another founding member already admitted that they used Tarrio as the face to help deflect any talk of them being a white supremacist group....As Lee Atwater said a long time ago -- one of the main victories of the 60's civil rights movement is that it changed the culture --- and it made being overtly racist problematic...that is considered a "culture war defeat" for white what do you have to do now? Be more covert...even if it means making a Latino your long as you emphasize he is "Cuban" -- which seems to be a favored "ethnic group" among reactionary-right wingers -- you will be ok....because it plays into their Anti-Communist cosplay...

However....when news about Tarrio broke..a split happened among Proud Boys groups........causing that same founding member to get frustrated and admit:

"In his post on Telegram, Chapman said he deposed Tarrio, whom he referred to with a racial slur. He wrote that the group will now focus on “the issues of White Genocide, the failures of multiculturalism, and the right for White men and women to have their own countries where White interests are written into law and part of the body politic.” are more than welcome to be a black, brown or any other color proud boy member -- as long as you work towards that ultimate goal.......and we all know there is plenty of historical precedent for folks working against their own racial/ethnic groups....if it leads to them remaining in a closer proximity to power...
So, you believe that teh FBI chose a black cuban operative to infiltrate the Proud Boys.

Yet, you and the FBI, also believe them to be a white supremacist group?

Wouldn't it make more sense to use a white agent?

In your mind, can you see any contradiction here, or does it all seem just fine to you?
I know..., They pushed the race narrative in order to infiltrate their little minions. That they didn't have enough White members to infiltrate all MAGA's organizations. And so they used the race card to get MAGA organizations to bring in their minority and female crew.

That is why Pres. Trump overlooked some good candidates for his staff that are White so he will not be labeled as a racist and a misogynist. which had left him to only pick the Globalist's shadow crew. They have been using these social engineering tactics for decades. That they use psychology to sway us into doing what they want us to do.

Like this Cuban informant. Once they've infiltrate him into an organization that is being labeled by the media as a White supremacist group. That the group will quickly bring him on board without vetting him and appoint him as the head of the group just to prove that they aren't racist. And will let him make all of the decisions without any complaints, fearing if they don't, that it will prove that they are a racist.

And so they have everyone running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Making quick decisions without thinking if the other person is an FBI plant.

Like this Cuban informant. Once they've infiltrate him into an organization that is being labeled by the media as a White supremacist group. That the group will quickly bring him on board without vetting him and appoint him as the head of the group just to prove that they aren't racist. And will let him make all of the decisions without any complaints, fearing if they don't, that it will prove that they are a racist.

1. From what I've heard, teh Proud Boys, don't really vet anyone.

2. Or, it could be that the media is wrong and they are not a wacist group.

3. If the FBI controlled the Proud Boys, why were they not ready for the 1/6 riot?

4. Or why have they not arrested just about everyone of them as they prepare for their...operations?
Short version.

If proud boys are white supremacists they wouldn't let in a black cuban.

But we all know they aren't. They only white supremacists because they love america and if you love america you're a racist according to democrats.
and leader?
If the Nazis were white supremacists who believed in a master race -- why would they be allies with a bunch of slanty-eyed Japs and greasy-haired Wops...

Which tells me that the Nazis were not racist at all....

That is the logic of a moron....or in other words, you....

The nazis were in a war. They needed external allies. They did not appoint Italians or Japanese to be their leader.

And regardless. if the FBI really believed that the Proud Boys are a w.s. group, why did they pick a black guy to infiltrate them? That makes no sense.

One of the original of the founders of the Proud, not this guy...

View attachment 566028

But another founding member already admitted that they used Tarrio as the face to help deflect any talk of them being a white supremacist group....

Perhaps. I feared that. If so, that is somewhat wrong, imo. BUT, it still doesn't address my point. That supposedly the FBI picked a black guy to infiltrate a group that the FBI supposedly believes is w.s.

As Lee Atwater said a long time ago --

You know something else Lee Atwater said? He said that his generation of southerns, ie Boomers, were the first generation of southerns to NOT be racist.

So, if you look to Atwater for the Truth, then you have to believe that, as a group, The South is NOT wacist, other than the very elderly.

However....when news about Tarrio broke..a split happened among Proud Boys groups........causing that same founding member to get frustrated and admit:

What news? The news that he was black? Oh, yeah, they already knew that. The group AS A WHOLE, had no problem following him. That seemed to be a non-issue for the membership as a whole.

"In his post on Telegram, Chapman said he deposed Tarrio, whom he referred to with a racial slur. He wrote that the group will now focus on “the issues of White Genocide, the failures of multiculturalism, and the right for White men and women to have their own countries where White interests are written into law and part of the body politic.” are more than welcome to be a black, brown or any other color proud boy member -- as long as you work towards that ultimate goal.......and we all know there is plenty of historical precedent for folks working against their own racial/ethnic groups....if it leads to them remaining in a closer proximity to power...

W.S. are always trying to latch onto larger and more successfully movements. As their own movement is nothing but a small group of fringe. His attempt failed.

But, I do like that you are carrying water for the ACTUAL white supremacists and supporting them, and their plans and trusting what they say without question.
1. From what I've heard, teh Proud Boys, don't really vet anyone.

2. Or, it could be that the media is wrong and they are not a wacist group.

3. If the FBI controlled the Proud Boys, why were they not ready for the 1/6 riot?

4. Or why have they not arrested just about everyone of them as they prepare for their...operations?
Or how do you really know if he is behind bars since they will not allowed them to have any visitors.

How do I know what?
3. If the FBI controlled the Proud Boys, why were they not ready for the 1/6 riot?

The FBI were ready and succeeded with the orchestrated insurrection that was only done by paid informants and clueless out-of-town visitors that were invited into the White House by Capitol police tour guides.
3. If the FBI controlled the Proud Boys, why were they not ready for the 1/6 riot?

The FBI were ready and succeeded with the orchestrated insurrection that was only done by paid informants and clueless out-of-town visitors that were invited into the White House by Capitol police tour guides.

That would follow, if the leader of the proud boys was an FBI asset than it would make sense that what the Proud Boys did on 1/6 was coordinated with the FBI and/or other government departments.
The nazis were in a war. They needed external allies. They did not appoint Italians or Japanese to be their leader.

And regardless. if the FBI really believed that the Proud Boys are a w.s. group, why did they pick a black guy to infiltrate them? That makes no sense.

Perhaps. I feared that. If so, that is somewhat wrong, imo. BUT, it still doesn't address my point. That supposedly the FBI picked a black guy to infiltrate a group that the FBI supposedly believes is w.s.

You know something else Lee Atwater said? He said that his generation of southerns, ie Boomers, were the first generation of southerns to NOT be racist.

So, if you look to Atwater for the Truth, then you have to believe that, as a group, The South is NOT wacist, other than the very elderly.

What news? The news that he was black? Oh, yeah, they already knew that. The group AS A WHOLE, had no problem following him. That seemed to be a non-issue for the membership as a whole.

W.S. are always trying to latch onto larger and more successfully movements. As their own movement is nothing but a small group of fringe. His attempt failed.

But, I do like that you are carrying water for the ACTUAL white supremacists and supporting them, and their plans and trusting what they say without question.
My God, you are a moron...

There were non-racist whites in the South long before "Lee Atwater's" generation...but thanks for letting us know you think white folks in South just happened to start not being racist in the 1940's -1950's -- I guess white folks who were anti-racist and fought and died for Civil Rights all through out the South before then -- those white folks don't count....

Furthermore, White Supremacists are the main ones who created the Proud Boys ......I don't give a fuck what you or the FBI think they are...White Supremacists sure the fuck think the Proud Boys aligns with their goals....and they damn sure don't align with them and other white nationalist movements because of corporate tax policies....

They are one group among many of these so-called groyper groups who feel today's Republican party and Conservatives in general are not racist enough.....Not my words, their words...

"Fuentes is a white nationalist and an avowed anti-Semite who referred to Daily Wire writer Matt Walsh as a “shabbos goy race traitor” for condemning the El Paso, Texas, gunman who killed more than 20 people in August --- his reaction to the El Paso shooting was to say, “the easiest way for Mexicans to not get shot in Wal-Mart is to not fucking be here.”

He also likes to say things like: “I think in a way it’s almost redundant that you’re a ‘white’ nationalist. We know that the word ‘nation’ almost implicitly talks about ethnicity and biology,” Fuentes said."

Now I predict you will say "Who?" -- When I bring up these people and this movement...however, this is the same racist Neo-Nazi movement that your heroes like Paul Gosar heavily panders to....all of those troll memes and talking points you morons parrot -- come from this Groyper movement....But elected GOP congressmen sure love to go to bat for them

My God, you are a moron...

There were non-racist whites in the South long before "Lee Atwater's" generation...but thanks for letting us know you think white folks in South just happened to start not being racist in the 1940's -1950's -- I guess white folks who were anti-racist and fought and died for Civil Rights all through out the South before then -- those white folks don't count....

Hey, YOU are teh one bring up Atwater as the Authority on the South. I'm just pointing out some other stuff he said.

YOU are the one that agrees with him, not me.

Did you forget that already?

Furthermore, White Supremacists are the main ones who created the Proud Boys ......I don't give a fuck what you or the FBI think they are...White Supremacists sure the fuck think the Proud Boys aligns with their goals....and they damn sure don't align with them and other white nationalist movements because of corporate tax policies....

You libtards talk a lot of shit about the Proud Boys being wacist, or w.s. But whenever I call you on it, the MOST you can offer to back up the retarded shit you say, is to cite other libtards agreeing with you.


Oh, and now you are citing the w.s and believing them and agreeing with them. Well, I don't. So, give it a go. Hint. YOu will fail, if you even try.

They are one group among many of these so-called groyper groups who feel today's Republican party and Conservatives in general are not racist enough.....Not my words, their words...

"Fuentes is a white nationalist and an avowed anti-Semite who referred to Daily Wire writer Matt Walsh as a “shabbos goy race traitor” for condemning the El Paso, Texas, gunman who killed more than 20 people in August --- his reaction to the El Paso shooting was to say, “the easiest way for Mexicans to not get shot in Wal-Mart is to not fucking be here.”

He also likes to say things like: “I think in a way it’s almost redundant that you’re a ‘white’ nationalist. We know that the word ‘nation’ almost implicitly talks about ethnicity and biology,” Fuentes said."

Now I predict you will say "Who?" -- When I bring up these people and this movement...however, this is the same racist Neo-Nazi movement that your heroes like Paul Gosar heavily panders to....all of those troll memes and talking points you morons parrot -- come from this Groyper movement....But elected GOP congressmen sure love to go to bat for them

Yeah, I got it. YOu and teh rare ACTUAL, w.s. agree on a lot of shit and are on the same page. Me? I disagree with them, don't support the shit they say, don't trust the shit they say, ect.

My question stands. What does it say when/if the FBI uses a black man to infiltrate a group they claim is w.s.?

If you do not answer, in the next post, I will answer for you.

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