So did the US pay the wagner group to turn on russia, only to have it backfire

On 9/10/2001 the Pentagon announced they couldn't account for $2.3 trillion. Next day, it was forgotten about when a 1903 Wright bi-plane destroyed part of the Pentagon and killed 125 people including many accountants. ((Co-incidence?)) Of course there were no plane parts found as the plane was made of Balsa wood and linen cloth..... oh, and it just so happened that the security cameras malfunctioned, dammit!

Maybe the $6 billion was found in a toilet stall after 22 1/2 years and given to the Wagner Group. Stranger things have happened.

On 9/10/2001 the Pentagon announced they couldn't account for $2.3 trillion. Next day, it was forgotten about when a 1903 Wright bi-plane destroyed part of the Pentagon and killed 125 people including many accountants. ((Co-incidence?)) Of course there were no plane parts found as the plane was made of Balsa wood and linen cloth..... oh, and it just so happened that the security cameras malfunctioned, dammit!

Maybe the $6 billion was found in a toilet stall after 22 1/2 years and given to the Wagner Group. Stranger things have happened.

Isn't interesting that cameras always malfunctions when government has "nothing to hide".
MAGAmorons trying to deflect from their support of Putin! :auiqs.jpg:

Not supporting Ukraine doesn't means support for Russia.
Therefore, you still have to find one of us that supports Putin. Can you?

Meanwhile, the "wannabe dictator" Biden did more damage to the US in past two years than Putin in his whole career.
Not supporting Ukraine doesn't means support for Russia.
Therefore, you still have to find one of us that supports Putin. Can you?

Meanwhile, the "wannabe dictator" Biden did more damage to the US in past two years than Putin in his whole career.
Giving Putin a pass, but Biden is a “wannabe dictator“? My comment stands.
But there are 87,000 armed IRS Agents watching out for $600 from Venmo
Another hoax. Most of the hirees are clerks, dipshit.

Man, you swallow every drop of piss that your propagandists pour for you!

You deserve to be lied to. You BEG to be lied to.
Meanwhile, the "wannabe dictator" Biden did more damage to the US in past two years than Putin in his whole career.

Did Biden have opponents "accidentally" falling out of windows?

Did Biden poison journalists who are critical of him?

Did Biden sentence a journalist to 25 years for standing up to him?

Did Biden force the expatriation of children from Ukraine to Russia where they are being raped by his soldiers?

Has Biden had his soldiers executing civilians (men, women, and children) in the streets?

Toro is right. You give a mass murdering war criminal a pass. Incredible.

Russian journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza sentenced to 25 years in prison for Ukraine war criticism

Russians Keep Mysteriously Falling from Windows to Their Deaths

So there you are, resting in your hospital bed, and as you reach for the nurse call button...AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH SPLAT!!!!

Ravil Maganov, the chairman of an oil company that criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine, reportedly died on Thursday after falling from a hospital window.

Although the cause of his death has not yet been confirmed, he is the latest in a series of prominent Russians who have died in seemingly similar circumstances.


In December 2021, Yegor Prosvirnin—the founder of nationalist website Sputnik and Pogrom—died after falling out of a window of a residential building in the center of Moscow.

He allegedly threw a knife and gas canister out of the window before the fall, BBC News reported.


On October 19, 2021 a Russian diplomat was found dead after a fall from a window of the Russian embassy in Berlin, Der Spiegel reported.

The man was a second secretary at the embassy, but German intelligence sources told the newspaper they suspected he was an undercover officer with Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).
Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko - Wikipedia

Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko

Poisoning of Alexei Navalny

German police investigate possible poisoning of two Russian exiles

Why does Russia keep poisoning people? The wild history of Moscow's chemical assassination plots

What if it was an operation manipulated by MOSSAD to set up a CIA false flag assassination ?

We get Putin out and install the hard liners without getting blamed directly...our specialty.
What if it was extraterrestrials?
This topic is a perfect example of what is wrong with the radical Right. Their puny brains cannot handle an information vacuum, and so they grab onto the first hoax fed to them. Or they make one up themselves.

Rather than wait for facts, they make up their own stories.

The really sad things is that by the time the facts come out, the tards have already accepted their fantasies as fact and refute any truth which conflicts with their delusions.

This is a kind of mental illness.
Yes. The "I wouldn't put it past 'em!" method of bullshit manufacturing in the absence of even a shred of evidence. That's what passes for the tard herd's best thinking these days.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
I don’t come here posting the Talking Points from some Agitprop Farm. I remembered that a few days ago, the Pentagon was in a big hurry to fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation with newly “found” dollars. Next thing this happens
I don’t come here posting the Talking Points from some Agitprop Farm. I remembered that a few days ago, the Pentagon was in a big hurry to fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation with newly “found” dollars. Next thing this happens
So you started with one hoax in your mind (Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation) and then magically connected it to two other entirely unrelated matters!


The inner workings of the tard mind are fascinating.


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