So did the US pay the wagner group to turn on russia, only to have it backfire

You don’t have reveal secrets to an enemy to be charged under the Espionage Act. Mishandling of sensitive documents, stealing them and then lying about it is more than enough.
Only if there is intent, which you can’t prove.
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Only if there is intent, which tou can’t prove.
Intent to do what? The mere mishandling is a violation. You’re right, I can’t prove it, but that’s Jack Smith’s job and I doubt he’d have brought charges, if he didn’t think he could win.
Intent to do what? The mere mishandling is a violation. You’re right, I can’t prove it, but that’s Jack Smith’s job and I doubt he’d have brought charges, if he didn’t think he could win.
Intent to spy which is why the act was created, not for criminalizing a filing dispute.
Intent to spy which is why the act was created, not for criminalizing a filing dispute.
We shall see, bur I feel, if you were right, the charges would never have been brought. Jack Smith isn’t that dumb, particularly considering the trial is being held in the lion’s den.
if we support Wagner then we don’t know what will be when the dust settles. But maybe it would end the senseless war

If you're blue, and you don't know where to go to
Why don't you go where fascism fits, Putin on the ritz
Different types might fancy some jackboots, pants with brown stripes that hide the shill loot
Perfect fits, Putin on the ritz

Dressed up like a super stasi trooper
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super-duper)
Come, let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas in their mitts
Putin on the ritz

Have you seen the well-to-do, up and down Park Avenue?
On that famous thoroughfare with their nukes in the air?
High hats and arrow collars, white spats and lots of your dollars
Spending every dime for a wonderful time

Putin on the ritz...

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Putin and Prigoszhin put on a drama to show the West exactly what the West wanted to see...only to yank the rug right out from under them.
We shall see, bur I feel, if you were right, the charges would never have been brought. Jack Smith isn’t that dumb, particularly considering the trial is being held in the lion’s den.
Made up charges has never stopped the DOJ or FBI before from going after Trump.
We shall see, bur I feel, if you were right, the charges would never have been brought. Jack Smith isn’t that dumb, particularly considering the trial is being held in the lion’s den.
Smith lost the Edwards case because he could not establish willfulness (intent).
Smith lost the Edwards case because he could not establish willfulness (intent).
I’ll bet Edwards didn’t run his mouth at every opportunity. Every time Trump speaks in public, that’s more evidence. He was told he had the right to remain silent, bur Trump always thinks he knows better than the experts. I guess we’ll find out if that’s true.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Putin and Prigoszhin put on a drama to show the West exactly what the West wanted to see...only to yank the rug right out from under them.
To what end? They’ve just made themselves look weak to their citizens and the world.
I’ll bet Edwards didn’t run his mouth at every opportunity. Every time Trump speaks in public, that’s more evidence. He was told he had the right to remain silent, bur Trump always thinks he knows better than the experts. I guess we’ll find out if that’s true.
When did Trump 'run his mouth' about selling secrets to America's enemies?
When did Trump 'run his mouth' about selling secrets to America's enemies?
Never said anything about selling. Please review previous posts, I’m tired of repeating myself.
Never said anything about selling. Please review previous posts, I’m tired of repeating myself.
You think he has run afoul of the Espionage act which is about selling secrets to the enemy.
To what end? They’ve just made themselves look weak to their citizens and the world.
Exactly. Since when has having people thinking you're weak when you're not actually been a DISadvantage? Giving the other side false confidence in their "victory" can really trip them up, make them start taking bigger risks, and underestimate YOUR ability to strike back.

Someone who thinks like you would obviously the most likely to take the bait.
Exactly. Since when has having people thinking you're weak when you're not actually been a DISadvantage? Giving the other side false confidence in their "victory" can really trip them up, make them start taking bigger risks, and underestimate YOUR ability to strike back.

Someone who thinks like you would obviously the most likely to take the bait.
You’d need a better example for that to be true. Russia didn’t go through this because they were strong. Their men and material have been going through a meat grinder.
You’d need a better example for that to be true. Russia didn’t go through this because they were strong. Their men and material have been going through a meat grinder.
Being weakened might be exactly WHY they'd choose a cunning psy-op to gain the upper hand.

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