So, Do Democrats REALLY Oppose HydroxyChloroquine Only Because Trump Supports Using It? Seems So.....

Can Hydroxychloroquine save lives?

  • No, it is snake oil

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Yes, and the goobermint should not intrude on doctor patient choices

    Votes: 25 83.3%
  • I dunno, whose playing tonight?

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
According the to PDR, it is an investigational drug that has been approved to try in treatment of covid-19. If you read the contraindications. side effects, precautions, drug interactions, etc, It can kill you. People have died due to it's use before. Intelligent people do not listen to celebrity endorsements. especially ones who have not tried it and lived, possibly because they have not tried it. He says you should try it. He says he may try it. OK, lets see him try it. I would watch him experiment with experimental drugs. I don't care if he does or doesn't. I do not make drug recommendations to my doctors based on drug manufacturers commercials or celebrity endorsements, but if they recommend an experimental drug for me, I will definitely read up, to be able to discuss my treatment before beginning a course that includes a drug with so many known drawbacks . That is the view from an Independent.
This whole scenario reminds me of Jim Jones telling his cult members to Drink the Kool aide in the plastic cup....
That's a leftist thing.

Jim Jones was a typical socialist community organizer.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:

Actually, based on the NY Post article that townhall apparently got it's information from, only 2171 doctors were asked which drug was the most effective, and 37%, or 803, said hydroxycholorquine. For comparison, 32% said none.

At this point, it seems like hydroxychloroquine may help some COVID-19 sufferers. It is not safe for everyone; from things I've read, some of the high-risk sufferers may have to take medications already which would react badly with hydroxychloroquine. In those who can safely take the drug combination, however, I don't see a problem giving it to long as it isn't used so much that people with other conditions, who already take the drug, can't get it.

There seems to be a lot of partisan bickering about this drug. Trump supporters on this site appear likely to consider it some sort of miracle treatment, even a cure, and claim it is both being used widely and being successful widely, but rarely provide any evidence of that (thank you for the links, beautress).

Those who don't like Trump on this site appear likely to consider it useless, or oppose giving it even to those in severe distress.

Obviously those are the extremes. It ought not to be a political issue, but on USMB, everything is. :p
I just picked up a recent info blurb at Bing dot com and would like to share it with you, my dear pal Montrovant:

US deaths reach 10,000
Coronavirus deaths in the US have surpassed 10,000, according to tracking numbers from John Hopkins. As of 11:30 a.m. PT Monday, COVID-19 fatalities in the US sat at 10,335 with 347,000 cases nationwide. By comparison, deaths in Italy number 16,523, deaths in Spain are at 13,169, deaths in France number 8,093, deaths in the UK are at 5,383, deaths in Iran are at 3,739 and fatalities in China are at 3,335.

Hydroxycholorquine has pulled the stats down considerably. If the DNC has its way of squelching this product from public use, and I think they're making a heinous mistake by misleading their followers into not taking this helpful assist to survival among Democrats. We're frontline warriors for our fellow Americans of all parties, and we debated well into the evening hours last night. The Democrats are putting ego first and duty last. Bad combo, imho.

What evidence is there that "Hydroxycholorquine has pulled the stats down considerably"? That's the sort of thing that should require evidence. If it's true, great! But I don't see what evidence you have that makes you believe it is true.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:

Actually, based on the NY Post article that townhall apparently got it's information from, only 2171 doctors were asked which drug was the most effective, and 37%, or 803, said hydroxycholorquine. For comparison, 32% said none.

At this point, it seems like hydroxychloroquine may help some COVID-19 sufferers. It is not safe for everyone; from things I've read, some of the high-risk sufferers may have to take medications already which would react badly with hydroxychloroquine. In those who can safely take the drug combination, however, I don't see a problem giving it to long as it isn't used so much that people with other conditions, who already take the drug, can't get it.

There seems to be a lot of partisan bickering about this drug. Trump supporters on this site appear likely to consider it some sort of miracle treatment, even a cure, and claim it is both being used widely and being successful widely, but rarely provide any evidence of that (thank you for the links, beautress).

Those who don't like Trump on this site appear likely to consider it useless, or oppose giving it even to those in severe distress.

Obviously those are the extremes. It ought not to be a political issue, but on USMB, everything is. :p

You have not accurately characterized the POV of those who are expressing caution regarding this drug. The issue is not whether we like or dislike Trump.

Nobody is saying that it definitely doesn’t have some benefit. Nobody is suggesting that the FDA and our medical community stop testing and trials. We are hoping that the trials prove positive.

But we ARE very concerned that the president is telling people to seek out this drug as a preventive measure. Yesterday he suggested that doctors and nurses should take it so they avoid getting sick.

So, we push back on his statements and we push back when members of his Trombie herd get on here and claim that this drug is effective when we don’t know that yet. I guarantee you that they will cite the use of this drug as having saved thousands, if not millions, of lives before this shit is over.

Thanks for reading. You may now resume your both sides narrative.

It may be a matter of "pushing back" against statements praising hydroxychloroquine, but there definitely seems to be a bias depending on political affiliation. In pushing back, some posters from the political left have definitely come off as dismissive. And of course, quite a few from the political right are making it seem as if hydroxychloroquine is a miracle treatment.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:

Actually, based on the NY Post article that townhall apparently got it's information from, only 2171 doctors were asked which drug was the most effective, and 37%, or 803, said hydroxycholorquine. For comparison, 32% said none.

At this point, it seems like hydroxychloroquine may help some COVID-19 sufferers. It is not safe for everyone; from things I've read, some of the high-risk sufferers may have to take medications already which would react badly with hydroxychloroquine. In those who can safely take the drug combination, however, I don't see a problem giving it to long as it isn't used so much that people with other conditions, who already take the drug, can't get it.

There seems to be a lot of partisan bickering about this drug. Trump supporters on this site appear likely to consider it some sort of miracle treatment, even a cure, and claim it is both being used widely and being successful widely, but rarely provide any evidence of that (thank you for the links, beautress).

Those who don't like Trump on this site appear likely to consider it useless, or oppose giving it even to those in severe distress.

Obviously those are the extremes. It ought not to be a political issue, but on USMB, everything is. :p
I just picked up a recent info blurb at Bing dot com and would like to share it with you, my dear pal Montrovant:

US deaths reach 10,000
Coronavirus deaths in the US have surpassed 10,000, according to tracking numbers from John Hopkins. As of 11:30 a.m. PT Monday, COVID-19 fatalities in the US sat at 10,335 with 347,000 cases nationwide. By comparison, deaths in Italy number 16,523, deaths in Spain are at 13,169, deaths in France number 8,093, deaths in the UK are at 5,383, deaths in Iran are at 3,739 and fatalities in China are at 3,335.

Hydroxycholorquine has pulled the stats down considerably. If the DNC has its way of squelching this product from public use, and I think they're making a heinous mistake by misleading their followers into not taking this helpful assist to survival among Democrats. We're frontline warriors for our fellow Americans of all parties, and we debated well into the evening hours last night. The Democrats are putting ego first and duty last. Bad combo, imho.

Wrong again.
The US is NOT prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, and it is used only in certain cases, to treat side effects.
And other countries like Spain and Italy have experimented with hydroxychloroquine MORE than the US has, without showing positive effect.
That is because Mediterranean countries have a lot more malaria cases to treat, so have a much larger supply of hydroxychloroquine on hand to try.

The US has low case rates so far because we are behind Europe, and had not gotten near our peak yet, while Europe is well over the peak and it is almost over there.
Either you didn't read about European France's amazing 100% healing rates with hydroxychloroquine and azithromyacin, or you're just a Democrat Party hack.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:

Actually, based on the NY Post article that townhall apparently got it's information from, only 2171 doctors were asked which drug was the most effective, and 37%, or 803, said hydroxycholorquine. For comparison, 32% said none.

At this point, it seems like hydroxychloroquine may help some COVID-19 sufferers. It is not safe for everyone; from things I've read, some of the high-risk sufferers may have to take medications already which would react badly with hydroxychloroquine. In those who can safely take the drug combination, however, I don't see a problem giving it to long as it isn't used so much that people with other conditions, who already take the drug, can't get it.

There seems to be a lot of partisan bickering about this drug. Trump supporters on this site appear likely to consider it some sort of miracle treatment, even a cure, and claim it is both being used widely and being successful widely, but rarely provide any evidence of that (thank you for the links, beautress).

Those who don't like Trump on this site appear likely to consider it useless, or oppose giving it even to those in severe distress.

Obviously those are the extremes. It ought not to be a political issue, but on USMB, everything is. :p

You have not accurately characterized the POV of those who are expressing caution regarding this drug. The issue is not whether we like or dislike Trump.

Nobody is saying that it definitely doesn’t have some benefit. Nobody is suggesting that the FDA and our medical community stop testing and trials. We are hoping that the trials prove positive.

But we ARE very concerned that the president is telling people to seek out this drug as a preventive measure. Yesterday he suggested that doctors and nurses should take it so they avoid getting sick.

So, we push back on his statements and we push back when members of his Trombie herd get on here and claim that this drug is effective when we don’t know that yet. I guarantee you that they will cite the use of this drug as having saved thousands, if not millions, of lives before this shit is over.

Thanks for reading. You may now resume your both sides narrative.

It may be a matter of "pushing back" against statements praising hydroxychloroquine, but there definitely seems to be a bias depending on political affiliation. In pushing back, some posters from the political left have definitely come off as dismissive. And of course, quite a few from the political right are making it seem as if hydroxychloroquine is a miracle treatment.

Listen up. RW nutbags on this forum state over and over again that American citizens who love this nation:

—want more Americans to die to hurt Trump
—want the economy to tank to hurt Trump
—want terrorists to kill American troops
—hate America

In reality, they voted for and support a man who told them that America was in far worse economic condition than it was and who expresses a desire to see “his people” to rough up his opponents. And he’s ACTUALLY labeled the media as enemies of the people.

They are consistent and vociferous victims who project their low opinion of themselves upon the rest of us.

There is no both sides.

Fuck all of them.
In reality, they voted for and support a man who told them that America was in far worse economic condition than it was and who expresses a desire to see “his people” to rough up his opponents. And he’s ACTUALLY labeled the media as enemies of the people.
The media ACTUALLY is the enemy of the people if you consider the slanted, biased, disinformation they
spew out everyday to the already brainwashed or the stunningly unaware.

They give their cohorts a pass. They hammer their ideological enemies endlessly whether warranted or not.

While Slavs, Poles and Ukrainians were dying by the millions due to Joseph Stalin's draconian edicts in the thirties the NY Times, for example, was whitewashing the devastating genocide of an estimated seven million people. The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33

What did the Times tell the US public? That Soviet Russia was a worker's paradise. That everyone was happy and well cared for. That communism was something this country should strive for.

The Times, and fellow fifth columnists, have never paid a price for a legacy of lies and perfidy and
to this day their deceitfulness is only limited by how much they can get away with.
In reality, they voted for and support a man who told them that America was in far worse economic condition than it was and who expresses a desire to see “his people” to rough up his opponents. And he’s ACTUALLY labeled the media as enemies of the people.
The media ACTUALLY is the enemy of the people if you consider the slanted, biased, disinformation they
spew out everyday to the already brainwashed or the stunningly unaware.

They give their cohorts a pass. They hammer their ideological enemies endlessly whether warranted or not.

While Slavs, Poles and Ukrainians were dying by the millions due to Joseph Stalin's draconian edicts in the thirties the NY Times, for example, was whitewashing the devastating genocide of an estimated seven million people. The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century: Stalin's Forced Famine 1932-33

What did the Times tell the US public? That Soviet Russia was a worker's paradise. That everyone was happy and well cared for. That communism was something this country should strive for.

The Times, and fellow fifth columnists, have never paid a price for a legacy of lies and perfidy and
to this day their deceitfulness is only limited by how much they can get away with.

Don’t be stupid.

The media is fair to that asshole. Too fair.

You and Trump are professional victims. Let the dickhead sue for libel. He won’t. He couldn’t survive discovery. He’s a coward and you’re a moron for letting him con you.

Fuck right off.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:

Actually, based on the NY Post article that townhall apparently got it's information from, only 2171 doctors were asked which drug was the most effective, and 37%, or 803, said hydroxycholorquine. For comparison, 32% said none.

At this point, it seems like hydroxychloroquine may help some COVID-19 sufferers. It is not safe for everyone; from things I've read, some of the high-risk sufferers may have to take medications already which would react badly with hydroxychloroquine. In those who can safely take the drug combination, however, I don't see a problem giving it to long as it isn't used so much that people with other conditions, who already take the drug, can't get it.

There seems to be a lot of partisan bickering about this drug. Trump supporters on this site appear likely to consider it some sort of miracle treatment, even a cure, and claim it is both being used widely and being successful widely, but rarely provide any evidence of that (thank you for the links, beautress).

Those who don't like Trump on this site appear likely to consider it useless, or oppose giving it even to those in severe distress.

Obviously those are the extremes. It ought not to be a political issue, but on USMB, everything is. :p

You have not accurately characterized the POV of those who are expressing caution regarding this drug. The issue is not whether we like or dislike Trump.

Nobody is saying that it definitely doesn’t have some benefit. Nobody is suggesting that the FDA and our medical community stop testing and trials. We are hoping that the trials prove positive.

But we ARE very concerned that the president is telling people to seek out this drug as a preventive measure. Yesterday he suggested that doctors and nurses should take it so they avoid getting sick.

So, we push back on his statements and we push back when members of his Trombie herd get on here and claim that this drug is effective when we don’t know that yet. I guarantee you that they will cite the use of this drug as having saved thousands, if not millions, of lives before this shit is over.

Thanks for reading. You may now resume your both sides narrative.

It may be a matter of "pushing back" against statements praising hydroxychloroquine, but there definitely seems to be a bias depending on political affiliation. In pushing back, some posters from the political left have definitely come off as dismissive. And of course, quite a few from the political right are making it seem as if hydroxychloroquine is a miracle treatment.

Listen up. RW nutbags on this forum state over and over again that American citizens who love this nation:

—want more Americans to die to hurt Trump
—want the economy to tank to hurt Trump
—want terrorists to kill American troops
—hate America

In reality, they voted for and support a man who told them that America was in far worse economic condition than it was and who expresses a desire to see “his people” to rough up his opponents. And he’s ACTUALLY labeled the media as enemies of the people.

They are consistent and vociferous victims who project their low opinion of themselves upon the rest of us.

There is no both sides.

Fuck all of them.
Yep, only one ‘side’ is at fault for everything, only one ‘side’ lets partisan bias affect their opinions. :icon_rolleyes:
Yep, only one ‘side’ is at fault for everything, only one ‘side’ lets partisan bias affect their opinions. :icon_rolleyes:

LL picked one issue - wild-eyed accusations against liberals in the context of Covid-19.

How, in your mind, did that turn into "at fault for everything"? :icon_rolleyes:

One side insists that procedures to approve drugs for their specific use be followed. These procedures are in place for a reason, so as to protect patients.

The other side follows anecdotal, inconclusive evidence, and the hype created over weeks by the Orange dunce. There is even that women who proclaims that, having received a pill, she felt better. While that is good news, that is then depicted as proof the drug works. Does really no one see how utterly ridiculous that is?

Yeah, in this case there is one side that is right, and the other side is perfectly wrong.
Yep, only one ‘side’ is at fault for everything, only one ‘side’ lets partisan bias affect their opinions. :icon_rolleyes:

LL picked one issue - wild-eyed accusations against liberals in the context of Covid-19.

How, in your mind, did that turn into "at fault for everything"? :icon_rolleyes:

One side insists that procedures to approve drugs for their specific use be followed. These procedures are in place for a reason, so as to protect patients.

The other side follows anecdotal, inconclusive evidence, and the hype created over weeks by the Orange dunce. There is even that women who proclaims that, having received a pill, she felt better. While that is good news, that is then depicted as proof the drug works. Does really no one see how utterly ridiculous that is?

Yeah, in this case there is one side that is right, and the other side is perfectly wrong.
Did you read his post that I responded to? It most certainly was not limited to COVID-19.

Even sticking with that subject, I’ve seen video of Cuomo downplaying the severity of the virus before NewYork was really hard hit, if you want blame to place on the other ‘side’

I agree that hydroxychloroquine needs to be further tested as a possible treatment for COVID-19. I find the aggressive support for it as some sort of cure worse than the tone of dismissal some have presented about it.That doesn’t mean that people’s reactions to the possibility of its use as a treatment aren’t informed by their political biases, particularly on this site, where every subject tends to be.:p
Did you read his post that I responded to? It most certainly was not limited to COVID-19.

Even sticking with that subject, I’ve seen video of Cuomo downplaying the severity of the virus before NewYork was really hard hit, if you want blame to place on the other ‘side’

I agree that hydroxychloroquine needs to be further tested as a possible treatment for COVID-19. I find the aggressive support for it as some sort of cure worse than the tone of dismissal some have presented about it.That doesn’t mean that people’s reactions to the possibility of its use as a treatment aren’t informed by their political biases, particularly on this site, where every subject tends to be.:p

Ah, LL was squeezing in terrorists. So, I was wrong about that. BTW, it's still not wrong on everything.

You've seen a video, Cuomo downplaying the coronavirus. When did that happen? For all I have seen is rightards going on a witch-hunt, targeting Chinatown, before there even was the first confirmed case in New York, and folks with some decency objecting. And, months later, some rightards dig up the "videos" supposedly confirming... something. Did you fall for such a hamfisted plot?

And now we know, all are motivated in every statement by their political biases, because you've determined everyone's reactions are "informed by their political biases", and on "every subject". Did I get that right? Presumably, that is true for everyone except for you, right?
Did you read his post that I responded to? It most certainly was not limited to COVID-19.

Even sticking with that subject, I’ve seen video of Cuomo downplaying the severity of the virus before NewYork was really hard hit, if you want blame to place on the other ‘side’

I agree that hydroxychloroquine needs to be further tested as a possible treatment for COVID-19. I find the aggressive support for it as some sort of cure worse than the tone of dismissal some have presented about it.That doesn’t mean that people’s reactions to the possibility of its use as a treatment aren’t informed by their political biases, particularly on this site, where every subject tends to be.:p

Ah, LL was squeezing in terrorists. So, I was wrong about that. BTW, it's still not wrong on everything.

You've seen a video, Cuomo downplaying the coronavirus. When did that happen? For all I have seen is rightards going on a witch-hunt, targeting Chinatown, before there even was the first confirmed case in New York, and folks with some decency objecting. And, months later, some rightards dig up the "videos" supposedly confirming... something. Did you fall for such a hamfisted plot?

And now we know, all are motivated in every statement by their political biases, because you've determined everyone's reactions are "informed by their political biases", and on "every subject". Did I get that right? Presumably, that is true for everyone except for you, right?
If you don’t think political biases are a huge part of just about everything on this site, I don’t think you’re paying much attention. Hell, you just said something about “rightards” :lol:
Don’t be stupid.

The media is fair to that asshole. Too fair.

You and Trump are professional victims. Let the dickhead sue for libel. He won’t. He couldn’t survive discovery. He’s a coward and you’re a moron for letting him con you.

Fuck right off.
Wow! Which nerve exactly did I hit?
Hydroxychloroquine is not a drug you can run down to Walgreens and buy. It would be prescribed by the patient's treating physician. So democrats now want to get between doctor and patient and tell doctor what to do. All because they hate Trump. It makes sense only to a democrat.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.

We're not slamming this idea because Donald Trump is for it, we're opposing it because the DOCTORS SAY IT'S A BAD IDEA.
No liberal should be allowed even a single dose of any medication he/she/it has denounced. No matter how near death.

Darwin was a saint!

How about...nobody who claimed it was a hoax should be allowed medication?
There wouldnt be many of them in that case.

The person I responded to has.

The drug isn't a hoax. It's a perfect useful drug, but it has never done anything for any viral illness.

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