Black Female Detroit Politician: Hydroxychloroquine and Trump Saved My Life

I ALWAYS recommend zinc like Zicam or
cough eeze or equate version zinc tablets for any cold/virus at first inclination (feeling you get) that a cold is coming (scratchy throat drained feeling).
Like hydroxychloroquine it prevents the virus from attaching to your cells to replicate, therefore shortening the span of the cold and greatly lessening the symptoms.
MISSINFORMATION by even physicians on the MSM news networks have been down playing zinc as not a cure for even a regular cold, well thank you captain obvious, it's sometimes not about curing something, but lessening the severity and duration so you don't take up a hospital bed or end up on a ventilator. Seriously, how did these people get to med school being this stupid?
IT doesn't hurt to take zinc before going out to grocery shop and then upon returning after washing up. IT won't be affective if you take it
30-50minutes before or after drinking an acidic drink like citrus sodas or juices, so if it never worked for you then you probably took it to far into a cold or drank something or ate something that destroyed it's affectiveness .
Cold eeze is great for coughs, it severly reduces the coughs and sharp pain in the throat as well as make a week to 2 week cold last only 3days.
everyone should have zinc and mucinex in their mirror cabinet to shorten their regular colds and severe viruses. And of course fever reducing aspirin. I PREFER sweating out the fever method allowing my body to naturally cool down to combat the external temp.
Knowing what's out there you should be taking plenty of vitamins, eating small meals all day, sleeping more then enough all to maintain the best immune system and health possible in preparation for any infection. The health care workers who die from this, most likely did not have enough sleep and perhaps did not eat well, making them susceptible to having a more severe case of the virus.
If your mother was on a ventilator, would you try to get her on hydroxychloroquine? I'll bet there isn't a single Trump hater on this board who would refuse.
You underestimate the madness of TDS.
I don't underestimate the knowledge of Dr. Fauci and he's not convinced.
I don't underestimate the knowledge of Dr. Fauci and he's not convinced.
Not convinced of what, exactly?

If this can be used as a vaccine.
Nobody has ever said it was a vaccine in the first place, dumbass. And don't pretend that you have any clue what you are talking about, retard. You obviously don't even know what a vaccine is. That is readily apparent to everyone.

Dr. Fauci agrees with Trump.

And you once again have proven that you are the stupidest USMB forumer.
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I don't underestimate the knowledge of Dr. Fauci and he's not convinced.
Not convinced of what, exactly?

If this can be used as a vaccine.
Nobody has ever said it was a vaccine in the first place, dumbass. And don't pretend that you have any clue what you are talking about, retard. You obviously don't even know what a vaccine is. That is readily apparent to everyone.

Dr. Fauci agrees with Trump.

And you once again have proven that you are the stupidest USMB forumer.

Actually you're wrong, but that's standard for you.
This expert has used it on thousands of lupus patients without any of the hair on fire side effects you hear leftist asshats spewing.

Weird how there is not one documented case of Chinese Virus in anyone with lupus, huh?

You almost gotta laugh that we see dozens of prescription drugs advertised on T.V. every day. The Ad. agencies are forced to list the "side effects" (which they often do in a fast cadence) and some of them are shocking. So-called "biologicals" lower your resistance in order for them to work and they warn that your body might not fight off T.B. if you were exposed. A favorite phrase is "some fatal events have happened" and they still sell the stuff. Here we have a drug that might fight off a pandemic and the left hates it because they hate the President.
This expert has used it on thousands of lupus patients without any of the hair on fire side effects you hear leftist asshats spewing.

Weird how there is not one documented case of Chinese Virus in anyone with lupus, huh?

Countries where this drug is used prophylacticly for malaria are coming out unaffected as well. I'm patiently waiting for the results of its use on the crew of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier.
A reminder of a recent sick person with C0-19 saved by the medicine hydroxychloroquine.

"A Democratic state representative from Detroit is crediting hydroxychloroquine — and Republican President Donald Trump who touted the drug — for saving her in her battle with the coronavirus," The Detriot Free Press reports.

This expert has used it on thousands of lupus patients without any of the hair on fire side effects you hear leftist asshats spewing.

Weird how there is not one documented case of Chinese Virus in anyone with lupus, huh?

Oh lord! deplorables say the darndest things. Yes, Plaquenil has some toxic side effects like so many other drugs, but the point is that it has not proven efficacy like so many other medications against coronavirus, in fact the last short trial done in France shows no benefit. The AMA has issued a report stating that they do not recommend its use. The fact that thug in chief is desperate doesn't mean people should follow his stupid and incompetent advice...
This expert has used it on thousands of lupus patients without any of the hair on fire side effects you hear leftist asshats spewing.

Weird how there is not one documented case of Chinese Virus in anyone with lupus, huh?

Oh lord! deplorables say the darndest things. Yes, Plaquenil has some toxic side effects like so many other drugs, but the point is that it has not proven efficacy like so many other medications against coronavirus, in fact the last short trial done in France shows no benefit. The AMA has issued a report stating that they do not recommend its use. The fact that thug in chief is desperate doesn't mean people should follow his stupid and incompetent advice...
Continue to ignore’s what Dimsocialists are good at.
A reminder of a recent sick person with C0-19 saved by the medicine hydroxychloroquine.


"A Democratic state representative from Detroit is crediting hydroxychloroquine — and Republican President Donald Trump who touted the drug — for saving her in her battle with the coronavirus," The Detriot Free Press reports.

chances are she would of got better anyway, and what are her existing conditions.
A reminder of a recent sick person with C0-19 saved by the medicine hydroxychloroquine.


"A Democratic state representative from Detroit is crediting hydroxychloroquine — and Republican President Donald Trump who touted the drug — for saving her in her battle with the coronavirus," The Detriot Free Press reports.

chances are she would of got better anyway, and what are her existing conditions.
What science do you base that hunch on?

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