Black Female Detroit Politician: Hydroxychloroquine and Trump Saved My Life

According to my source even though the following possible side effects have been experienced by few, the main one is a potential retina of the eye complication and that is with long term use of approximately two years which rarely is any patient on it for that length of time.

Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:
  • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;
  • skin rash or itching; or.
  • hair loss.
The USS Roosevelt would be a good place to test and treat the sailors with the HCQ, and Erythromicin
According to my source even though the following possible side effects have been experienced by few, the main one is a potential retina of the eye complication and that is with long term use of approximately two years which rarely is any patient on it for that length of time.

Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:
  • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;
  • skin rash or itching; or.
  • hair loss.

Wow.... I get the same reactions whenever I meet my ex-wife....
  • Funny
Reactions: Ava
According to my source even though the following possible side effects have been experienced by few, the main one is a potential retina of the eye complication and that is with long term use of approximately two years which rarely is any patient on it for that length of time.

Common hydroxychloroquine side effects may include:
  • headache, dizziness, ringing in your ears;
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • mood changes, feeling nervous or irritable;
  • skin rash or itching; or.
  • hair loss.

Since the main thing that Hydroxychloroquinine does is inhibit immune system response, it is harmful because it increases COVID-19 cases.

Hydroxychloroquinine is only useful to treat some specific side effect experienced by some patients with severe cases of COVID-19.
The USS Roosevelt would be a good place to test and treat the sailors with the HCQ, and Erythromicin

No, you need better facilities and test equipment than an aircraft carrier would have.
You want isolation between patients under test.
And aircraft carrier is not controlled enough.
“Whitsett said she was familiar with “the wonders” of hydroxychloroquine from an earlier bout with Lyme disease, but does not believe she would have thought to ask for it, or her doctor would have prescribed it, had Trump not been touting it as a possible treatment for COVID-19 […] “It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up,” Whitsett said. “He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”


OHHHHHH now you've gone and done it! The VIROCRATS are gonna be pissssed....espeically since this one Trumps ( no pun intended ) the race card! Virocrats: " I mean who the hell do you think you are? Just stand aside at let the death count grow into the millions please...we need to win in 2020 and we need more corpses to do it!"
The USS Roosevelt would be a good place to test and treat the sailors with the HCQ, and Erythromicin

No, you need better facilities and test equipment than an aircraft carrier would have.
You want isolation between patients under test.
And aircraft carrier is not controlled enough.

An aircraft carrier is a city within its self facilities. Whatever medical facilities necessary can be brought to the ship via copters.
Back in 1957-58 when we were hit with the Chinese flu (H2N2). I personally injected more than 1,000 airmen with a vaccine that didn't work. The AF base was essentially shut down for more than a month at that time. There were more than 100,000 deaths in America due to this pandemic.
WE did not quarantine America at that time, nor did we quarantine nation in 1968, 2009, and 2014.
I ALWAYS recommend zinc like Zicam or
cough eeze or equate version zinc tablets for any cold/virus at first inclination (feeling you get) that a cold is coming (scratchy throat drained feeling).
Like hydroxychloroquine it prevents the virus from attaching to your cells to replicate, therefore shortening the span of the cold and greatly lessening the symptoms.
MISSINFORMATION by even physicians on the MSM news networks have been down playing zinc as not a cure for even a regular cold, well thank you captain obvious, it's sometimes not about curing something, but lessening the severity and duration so you don't take up a hospital bed or end up on a ventilator. Seriously, how did these people get to med school being this stupid?
IT doesn't hurt to take zinc before going out to grocery shop and then upon returning after washing up. IT won't be affective if you take it
30-50minutes before or after drinking an acidic drink like citrus sodas or juices, so if it never worked for you then you probably took it to far into a cold or drank something or ate something that destroyed it's affectiveness .
Cold eeze is great for coughs, it severly reduces the coughs and sharp pain in the throat as well as make a week to 2 week cold last only 3days.
everyone should have zinc and mucinex in their mirror cabinet to shorten their regular colds and severe viruses. And of course fever reducing aspirin. I PREFER sweating out the fever method allowing my body to naturally cool down to combat the external temp.
Knowing what's out there you should be taking plenty of vitamins, eating small meals all day, sleeping more then enough all to maintain the best immune system and health possible in preparation for any infection. The health care workers who die from this, most likely did not have enough sleep and perhaps did not eat well, making them susceptible to having a more severe case of the virus.
How right you were and have been over the years it turns out hydrodroxyquine is Zinc based and when taken in combination with more Zinc goes to the cellular level to inhibit CV 19 people can google these things up... I just find it incredibly humorous that you have been telling me this for many many years and here we are with this virus and you were correct in your thinking and ahead of everyone by years..

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