So Donald Trump Wants a Statue of Himself

Juan de Fuca

Gold Member
May 24, 2016
What a huge narcissist! He hasn't even created a legacy, or been voted in yet and he wants to talk about a statue. Sorry Donnie, No American Caesar's for us.


Trump -- who made his wealth in part from the branding of his name -- said he wouldn't mind seeing his surname on a statue in Washington, D.C., one day.
Speaking at a rally here Thursday night, the presumptive Republican nominee repeated a joke that he's made before about potentially naming the border wall he wants to build after his namesake.
But then he thought of a better idea.

"It's going to be a beautiful wall. Someday, when I'm gonzo, maybe they'll name it after Trump," he said. "I'd really much rather have a statue in Washington, D.C. I don't want a wall named after me, but that's OK. I want a statue in Washington, D.C."
As the crowd cheered, Trump suggested maybe he'd "share it with Jefferson or something."

Read more: Arc de Trump? GOP hopeful wishes for D.C. statue -
I want a statue of him also. It should tower over San Francisco and look similar to this:

If you are going to post an outrage against Trump it would help if the link did not specifically state that Trump responded to a joke.
theres a Brooklyn fountain in his likeness already ..

What a huge narcissist! He hasn't even created a legacy, or been voted in yet and he wants to talk about a statue. Sorry Donnie, No American Caesar's for us.


Trump -- who made his wealth in part from the branding of his name -- said he wouldn't mind seeing his surname on a statue in Washington, D.C., one day.
Speaking at a rally here Thursday night, the presumptive Republican nominee repeated a joke that he's made before about potentially naming the border wall he wants to build after his namesake.
But then he thought of a better idea.

"It's going to be a beautiful wall. Someday, when I'm gonzo, maybe they'll name it after Trump," he said. "I'd really much rather have a statue in Washington, D.C. I don't want a wall named after me, but that's OK. I want a statue in Washington, D.C."
As the crowd cheered, Trump suggested maybe he'd "share it with Jefferson or something."

Read more: Arc de Trump? GOP hopeful wishes for D.C. statue -
------------------------------ no muslims , mexicans or people named juan , 'no third worlders wanted' would cover it pretty well 'john' !!
LOL this is an actual topic? It was a flippant statement, who cares?

PS - You don't think that what drives Hillary is that she is dying to be the first female POTUS thus securing a spot in the history books? etc etc. NO ONE makes it to that level of business or politics without having a HUGE ego.
Let it go lefties, posting trivial out of context junk gleaned by Media Matters (we monitor only conservative speech) only makes you look petty and vindictive.
I demand that the great statue of Trump has one leg on Manhattan and the other on the great borough of Brooklyn
Just past the Brooklyn bridge


And his man package should be well defined....
He does have HUGE hands after all...

I'm just sayin!!

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