So, exactly who / what makes up the Democrat ‘base’?

Today's Democrat voters include grievance-mongering minority crybabies who want to blame us white males for EVERYTHING, guilty-white-liberal self-hating Americans who worship the 3rd-world dregs of humanity, muslim inbred violent filth, Antifa spoiled brats (& other associated Bernie subhumans) who are obsessed with their delusions of "revolution", welfare whores with multiple children from multiple fathers, foreigners who want to use America for every convenience and advantage they can (while cursing our country's existence), feminist man-haters who fellate the woman-brutalizing Pisslam filth, and generally paranoid pieces of shit who love to blame America for all the problems in their own lives, which they brought upon themselves.

In other words, Democrat voters are the real-life Jerry Springer show.
There we go, that’s what the OP has been waiting for... a hyperbolic stereotyping over dramatic delusional rant. I guess that’s what y’all need to feel better about yourselves. Hope it worked

Not at all Slade...I was waiting for honesty....Look bud, we’ve exchanged enough dialogue, I have you pegged, you are blinded by your bleeding heart and nobility. You don’t care if your desires are detrimental to our nation as a whole so long as you feel warm and fuzzy.
I dont think there is anything wrong with empathy and nobility. In fact I think our nation needs more of that in these divisive modern times. You like to use fear tactics and degradation to push your narrative. Your tactics are not new and the they are very transparent. But reality doesn’t line up. We have a great country. It has progressed in positive ways since its inception. Our country’s future isn’t hanging off the edge of a cliff. We are doing just fine. Just gotta tone down all dishonest and hyperbolic rhetoric... the kind of shit you like to spew.

if you want honesty then start by being honest instead of the constant trolling.

Haha...I like to use truth, facts, statistics and historical data to push my, like many are very inconvenienced by facts as you prefer to pretend everybody is amazing and everybody makes America better. You like to operate in the FEELZ zone exclusively.
I always thought it was the responsibility of We The People to keep .GOV honest, to keep .GOV doing the right things for Americans...We are supposed to keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
there have been all white teams who have won it all before......
Go on, list them, be interesting to see when temporally.
1927 NY Yankees
1936 GB Packers
1948 Minneapolis Lakers....
All pre-civil rights era?
they were all white who won it all....thats all i said....
And that is why I asked when, thanks.
im here to help.....
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?

Mostly white people who are guilty they are white and minorities who profit from idiotic guilty white people.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?

The same could be said about an all white hockey team. Quit being stupid.

He is the one that brought up the football team, take it up with him dumbass.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?
there have been all white teams who have won it all before......

back when they did not let non-whites join in.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?
there have been all white teams who have won it all before......

back when they did not let non-whites join in.
well in a 7 game series anyone could get hot and win....even an all white team....
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?
there have been all white teams who have won it all before......

back when they did not let non-whites join in.
well in a 7 game series anyone could get hot and win....even an all white team....

if you were a betting man, would you put your money on the all white football team or the diverse team?
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?
there have been all white teams who have won it all before......

back when they did not let non-whites join in.

Wow...I bet those times were horrible for the majority of Americans...huh?
Inclusivity has fucked the bulk of America blind.
Today's Democrat voters include grievance-mongering minority crybabies who want to blame us white males for EVERYTHING, guilty-white-liberal self-hating Americans who worship the 3rd-world dregs of humanity, muslim inbred violent filth, Antifa spoiled brats (& other associated Bernie subhumans) who are obsessed with their delusions of "revolution", welfare whores with multiple children from multiple fathers, foreigners who want to use America for every convenience and advantage they can (while cursing our country's existence), feminist man-haters who fellate the woman-brutalizing Pisslam filth, and generally paranoid pieces of shit who love to blame America for all the problems in their own lives, which they brought upon themselves.

In other words, Democrat voters are the real-life Jerry Springer show.
There we go, that’s what the OP has been waiting for... a hyperbolic stereotyping over dramatic delusional rant. I guess that’s what y’all need to feel better about yourselves. Hope it worked

Not at all Slade...I was waiting for honesty....Look bud, we’ve exchanged enough dialogue, I have you pegged, you are blinded by your bleeding heart and nobility. You don’t care if your desires are detrimental to our nation as a whole so long as you feel warm and fuzzy.
I dont think there is anything wrong with empathy and nobility. In fact I think our nation needs more of that in these divisive modern times. You like to use fear tactics and degradation to push your narrative. Your tactics are not new and the they are very transparent. But reality doesn’t line up. We have a great country. It has progressed in positive ways since its inception. Our country’s future isn’t hanging off the edge of a cliff. We are doing just fine. Just gotta tone down all dishonest and hyperbolic rhetoric... the kind of shit you like to spew.

if you want honesty then start by being honest instead of the constant trolling.

Haha...I like to use truth, facts, statistics and historical data to push my, like many are very inconvenienced by facts as you prefer to pretend everybody is amazing and everybody makes America better. You like to operate in the FEELZ zone exclusively.
I always thought it was the responsibility of We The People to keep .GOV honest, to keep .GOV doing the right things for Americans...We are supposed to keep our nation on a positive trajectory by paving a pathway for America via governance and legislation. What went so terribly wrong?

Three out of four male prisoners are nonwhite. (see below)

  • African American men remain overrepresented in the prison population.
    At the end of 2016, 29% of the male prisoners in state prisons were African American, while only 6% of the state’s male residents are African American. The incarceration rate for African American men is 4,180 per 100,000. White men are imprisoned at a rate of 420 per 100,000, and imprisonment rates for Latino men and men of other races are 1,028 and 335, respectively.

Incarceration Rate of LGB People Three Times the General Population - Williams Institute
funny cause the way you describe me is what I see coming from you. Emotion, FEELZ, hyperbolic stereotyping.... you just did it with how you describe me. You say you like truth and facts yet you don’t use them in a honest way.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?

You're treading dangerously close to admitting race is more than just skin color.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?

You're treading dangerously close to admitting race is more than just skin color.

I hate to break this to you...but there is really only one race...the human race.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?

You're treading dangerously close to admitting race is more than just skin color.

I hate to break this to you...but there is really only one race...the human race.

10 megatons of pure weaponized cringe
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”
When diversity flows naturally through a society, the society is enriched.

When it is forced on society, the society suffers.

Libtards love to see us suffer.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
ignorant gutter dwellers that can't exist without the added "diversity " of other gutter dwellers . Their problem is they really can't keep up the momentum that the hundreds of different gutter dwellers present as a group . They'll say each other as soon as the target ,Americans, are out of the picture .
Did I mention gutter dwellers ? If I was redundant you can substitute "maggots" any time you want.
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”

actually...start a football team of all white players against one with a diverse selection of players...which do you think will win?

You're treading dangerously close to admitting race is more than just skin color.

I hate to break this to you...but there is really only one race...the human race.
Oh, lawdy. The walking contradiction doesn't see his contradiction.

Is this what libtards mean by intellectual?
Dems tell us the Republican base is comprised of old racist white guys....I’m curious, who makes up the Dem base?
Diversity dude

The scary thing is; you say that with such it’s a good thing or’s as if you have data that proves we are better for our diversity.
“Hey Johnny, who’s playing on your football team?”
“Our team is amazing, we have nothing but shitty players, we’re awesome,”
When diversity flows naturally through a society, the society is enriched.

When it is forced on society, the society suffers.

Libtards love to see us suffer.

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C. S. Lewis
I suspect their base consists of teachers in public schools, federal union workers, and (the impression I got from the folks my wife had over to the house two or three weeks ago) a whole lot of women.

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