So Fallujah has fallen to al Qaida

Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.

That has to be one of the most ignorant statements I have ever read.

Most of our wars in the past 100 years have had Democrats at the helm, not Republicans. part of your signature.

You invalidate your statement in the post by identifying yourself with the sig quotes as being opposed to American patriotism and against war.

We're all against war. But its mostly those who see ZERO circumstances when war is necessary that make anti-war posters, stickers and sig quotes part of their raison d'être.

And your post, coming from a person who never recognizes when force may be the better evil, is laughable.

And anyone who decries American patriotism is no friend of mine.

Really? It's my sig that offended you? I'm obviously not trying hard enough.

And what about JFK's quote says that force is never necessary?

As for your patriotism, I don't decry American patriotism. I decry blind patriotism.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them! -Albert Einstein

You are the typical libtard ass hat who has nothing but contempt for the patriot who patrols the streets overseas as well as at home....until you need him.

Eat shit, little whiney bitch.
Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.

Dems, i.e., Wilson, FDR, Truman, Clinton, and Obama did the same.

Kudos for your intellectual honesty. Unusual from a dim

To libturdom in general.........

At least ten times the number of Americans died under democrats as Republicans in Foreign Wars.

Wilson, WWI


Truman, Korea

And this will come as a surprise to dimocraps (because you're stupid) but....

Two Thirds of the deaths during the Viet Nam War came under JFK and LBJ.

What Republicans do is stop cataclysmic Wars before they happen. dimocraps are too stupid to consider that. They're attitude is, "Peace now. Let our children worry about the next Global War."

Because they're cowards.

And if you people on the left don't think the ME can cause the next Global War, you're too stupid to live part of your signature.

You invalidate your statement in the post by identifying yourself with the sig quotes as being opposed to American patriotism and against war.

We're all against war. But its mostly those who see ZERO circumstances when war is necessary that make anti-war posters, stickers and sig quotes part of their raison d'être.

And your post, coming from a person who never recognizes when force may be the better evil, is laughable.

And anyone who decries American patriotism is no friend of mine.

Really? It's my sig that offended you? I'm obviously not trying hard enough.

And what about JFK's quote says that force is never necessary?

As for your patriotism, I don't decry American patriotism. I decry blind patriotism.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them! -Albert Einstein

You are the typical libtard ass hat who has nothing but contempt for the patriot who patrols the streets overseas as well as at home....until you need him.

Eat shit, little whiney bitch.

Orwell wrote, "People sleep peaceably in their beds because Rough Men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

He was doing an essay on Kipling and his works when he decided that Kipling's high regard for the Warrior was based on the historical need for ALL Great Civilizations to have great Armies.

Think about it. The Greeks might be known for their Philosophy and their Mathematics but the people of that era knew them mostly for their Army.

Same with Romans.

The British didn't become the most powerful Empire to ever exist by having a weak Army. They were seriously badass.

None of these civilizations ceased because they stopped writing poetry or gazing at the sky, they ceased because bigger, badder Armies came around and kicked their fucking asses.

In the case of the Brits, it was FDR who dismantled them, but it was still the direct result of Hitler and his Army.

dimocraps are scum because they are arrogant and stupid. A deadly combination.

They don't like being around "Rough Men". They think we're barbaric, coarse, and violent.

And they would be right.

Consider this, when Persia decide to wipe Greece from the face of the Earth, how many Persian Armies were turned away by Philosophical words or by the logic of Math?

How many Philosophers and Mathematicians stood and railed against the invading Persian Army?

If any did, they died. Probably horribly.

Rough Men protect candy-assed Philosophers and Academics from invaders and marauders and the civilizations who forget that are not long for this world.

But, dimocraps are the scum of the Earth for a reason. They're stupid and they're arrogant and should NEVER have power.

We should consider to supply the moderate fighters among ISIL with weapons to help the Iraqi people to overthrow the regime. :eusa_boohoo:
Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.

Dems, i.e., Wilson, FDR, Truman, Clinton, and Obama did the same.

Kudos for your intellectual honesty. Unusual from a dim

To libturdom in general.........

At least ten times the number of Americans died under democrats as Republicans in Foreign Wars.

Wilson, WWI


Truman, Korea

And this will come as a surprise to dimocraps (because you're stupid) but....

Two Thirds of the deaths during the Viet Nam War came under JFK and LBJ.

What Republicans do is stop cataclysmic Wars before they happen. dimocraps are too stupid to consider that. They're attitude is, "Peace now. Let our children worry about the next Global War."

Because they're cowards.

And if you people on the left don't think the ME can cause the next Global War, you're too stupid to live

"What Republicans do is stop cataclysmic Wars before they happen" is dishonest, of course.

Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush

More Americans died in the Civil War than in all other wars combined
According to Obama ... "Al Qaeda is on the road to defeat"

Democrats and the Demo-News media should use that statement to undermine Obama...:lol:

Obama pulled out of Iraq without a status of forces agreement. it's Obama's fault this happened. Even if you didn't agree with Bush, what was the point of letting the terrorist retake Fallujah after all we didn't there to liberate it from the terrorists. now look at the place. We should at least be there with air support for the Iraqi military if needed :mad:

Obama has also weakened 3 other nations in the Mideast. Egypt, Libya and Syria. his decisions are going to lead to multiple afghanistans down the road

the right is getting all misty in the eyes over going back into Iraq

Look you idiots how many years did we tell you it would turn into a civil war once we left?

Sadam was a lump of shit

he was the lump of shit that acted as a cork in the middle east bottle of bees.

You wanted that cork gone.

ACCEPT what you did
the right is getting all misty in the eyes over going back into Iraq

Look you idiots how many years did we tell you it would turn into a civil war once we left?

Sadam was a lump of shit

he was the lump of shit that acted as a cork in the middle east bottle of bees.

You wanted that cork gone.

ACCEPT what you did
For once I have to totally agree with TM .... :eek:

I hope it never happens again........ :eusa_angel:
obama intended to lose in both Iraq and Afghanistan. That's why he changed the rules of engagement, to make sure more Americans died.

Spike in battlefield deaths linked to restrictive rules of engagement - Washington Times

The rules murdering our troops | New York Post

Then to make SURE we lost, he came up with weakening our fighting ability by filling the military with gays and women.

Exactly right

Exactly and deliberately false: your comments are treasonable.
the right is getting all misty in the eyes over going back into Iraq

Look you idiots how many years did we tell you it would turn into a civil war once we left?

Sadam was a lump of shit

he was the lump of shit that acted as a cork in the middle east bottle of bees.

You wanted that cork gone.

ACCEPT what you did
For once I have to totally agree with TM .... :eek:

I hope it never happens again........ :eusa_angel:

Neo-cons want to be bee keepers.

so when you righties all go back into the middle east to fight again will you pay for it this time or will you just DUMP the cost on the next democractic president who gets elected because your idiot ideas yet again fail?
Part of me says, "Let 'em go ahead and slaughter each other. Fewer for us to fight in the future."\

But the other part of me says, "Is this the result of all those lives lost by our men and women fighting there to free people from religious tyranny?"

And then Kerry blabs his big mouth off to say that we'll support Iraq - but not with military forces. What the hell is he talking about?
the right is getting all misty in the eyes over going back into Iraq

Look you idiots how many years did we tell you it would turn into a civil war once we left?

Sadam was a lump of shit

he was the lump of shit that acted as a cork in the middle east bottle of bees.

You wanted that cork gone.

ACCEPT what you did
For once I have to totally agree with TM .... :eek:

I hope it never happens again........ :eusa_angel:

I hope we never have to again, but circumstances may call for it.

Our mistake was REMAINING in Iraq and trying to rebuild it. We should have made peace with the Baathist party-led government and had them re-establish a political entity that was stable and able to remain fairly democratic. But if they cant do that, it is none of our damned business.

It was the decision to play nation builder that ruined Bushes presidency, and for that he can thank his neocon advisors like Connie Rice.
so when you righties all go back into the middle east to fight again will you pay for it this time or will you just DUMP the cost on the next democractic president who gets elected because your idiot ideas yet again fail?

Most of the current deficit is not due to the military budget, honey.
wars should be paid for .

NO sane country cuts taxes and wages expensive wars at the same time.

its why your party is so full of shit.
the right is getting all misty in the eyes over going back into Iraq

Look you idiots how many years did we tell you it would turn into a civil war once we left?

Sadam was a lump of shit

he was the lump of shit that acted as a cork in the middle east bottle of bees.

You wanted that cork gone.

ACCEPT what you did
For once I have to totally agree with TM .... :eek:

I hope it never happens again........ :eusa_angel:

I hope we never have to again, but circumstances may call for it.

Our mistake was REMAINING in Iraq and trying to rebuild it. We should have made peace with the Baathist party-led government and had them re-establish a political entity that was stable and able to remain fairly democratic. But if they cant do that, it is none of our damned business.

It was the decision to play nation builder that ruined Bushes presidency, and for that he can thank his neocon advisors like Connie Rice.

so lying the American people into Iraq was fine with you?

I guess you like their election cheating too huh?

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