So Fallujah has fallen to al Qaida

The stunning and absolute tragedy is that this victory of Al Qaida highlights the complete stupidity of trying to save Iraq from itself and try to install good old american style democracy, not only there but in the whole region.

Obama is largely to blame because his principle of withdrawing from the world hot-spots has meant the vacuum has been filled by enemies of the West including Islamists and Al Qaeda ...who Obama once claimed it has been defeated.

The whole thing makes you puke!
We had no business going to war in Iraq.

We are now witnessing an inevitable fight between two factions of Islam, which means all of our lives, blood, treasure have been wasted there.
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We have no business going to war in Iraq.

We are now witnessing an inevitable fight between two factions of Islam, which means all of our lives, blood, treasure have been wasted there.

^ that

No Arab country wants to be occupied by foreign invaders. If we stayed there ANOTHER 10 yrs, they simply would have waited us out.

Repubs can't constantly fly the deficit hawk banner on the one hand then blow huge wads of taxpayer cash into these foreign excursions on the other hand. Only people profiting are defense contractors.....HEY!!! that where Repubs get campaign contributions & cushy jobs after they are defeated/retire. Hmmm :eusa_think:
And the next incursion into Iraq will rack up a few more million dollars for Dick Cheney and his Republican and Democratic friends.

As well as Pelosi and her husband and Obama's political contributors yet again..
The stunning and absolute tragedy is that this victory of Al Qaida highlights the complete stupidity of trying to save Iraq from itself and try to install good old american style democracy, not only there but in the whole region.

Obama is largely to blame because his principle of withdrawing from the world hot-spots has meant the vacuum has been filled by enemies of the West including Islamists and Al Qaeda ...who Obama once claimed it has been defeated.

The whole thing makes you puke!

Obama was more concerned with the coming election that the integrity of the United States, I suppose he figured He/his voters/the Demo-media would blame Bush for Obama's defeat and resulting death toll.
And the next incursion into Iraq will rack up a few more million dollars for Dick Cheney and his Republican and Democratic friends.

As well as Pelosi and her husband and Obama's political contributors yet again..

Right, so let's all be aware of what neo-conservatism is all about. Not American exceptionalism, only corporate pockets.
We have no business going to war in Iraq.

We are now witnessing an inevitable fight between two factions of Islam, which means all of our lives, blood, treasure have been wasted there.

^ that

No Arab country wants to be occupied by foreign invaders. If we stayed there ANOTHER 10 yrs, they simply would have waited us out.

Repubs can't constantly fly the deficit hawk banner on the one hand then blow huge wads of taxpayer cash into these foreign excursions on the other hand. Only people profiting are defense contractors.....HEY!!! that where Repubs get campaign contributions & cushy jobs after they are defeated/retire. Hmmm :eusa_think:

Liberals talking about wasting taxpayer money is always amusing.

When Democrats waste far far far far far more they call it investment so Democrats have a ready excuse..Oh, the comedy and accepted hypocrisy by the left.
We had no business going to war in Iraq.

We are now witnessing an inevitable fight between two factions of Islam, which means all of our lives, blood, treasure have been wasted there.

Wasted because Obama handed Iraq to AQ
And the next incursion into Iraq will rack up a few more million dollars for Dick Cheney and his Republican and Democratic friends.

As well as Pelosi and her husband and Obama's political contributors yet again..

Right, so let's all be aware of what neo-conservatism is all about. Not American exceptionalism, only corporate pockets.

What, are you talking General Electric and other Obama/Democrat contributors.

I hope there is a re-emergence of American Exceptional-ism, it's been sorely abused by liberal policies and legislation but it still exists. I recall being personally reintroduced to it when I visited my son at his army base and met his fellow soldiers.
Val Jarrett took over for Osama, she's running AQ and she has Obama doing her bidding

And I hope everyone recognizes HER radical orientation by education and through childhood and subsequent indoctrination.

Hey Conservatives, you ever wonder why the Left REALLY gets riled up when you discuss McCarthy?

It's because so many of them feel some kind of guilt and they know people who would be correctly identified as having anti-American views. People like Jarrett.

Like so many Obama appointees, Valerie Jarrett bears the unmistakable imprint of the president’s ideology. She is a leftist to her core, with notable personal ties to the communist movement. Jarrett’s maternal grandfather, for instance, was a Chicagoan named Robert Taylor, who in the 1940s was involved with such communist fronts as the American Peace Mobilization and the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee. Also a member of these groups was Frank Marshall Davis, the communist journalist who in the 1970s would mentor a young Barack Obama.

Jarrett’s mother (and Robert Taylor’s daughter) is early-childhood-education author Barbara Taylor Bowman, who co-founded a Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute, named after the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson; in 1950 Erikson became a hero to the left by choosing to resign from his professorship at the University of California rather than sign an anti-communist loyalty oath as the school required. Indicative of the Erikson Institute’s radical political orientation is the fact that its board of trustees has included, in addition to Bowman, such figures as Tom Ayers (father of the former Weather Underground terrorist and lifelong Marxist Bill Ayers) and Bernardine Dohrn (longtime wife of Bill Ayers).

In 1983 Valerie Jarrett married the son of Vernon Jarrett, a black journalist who formerly wrote for the communist-influenced Chicago Defender. In the 1940s, Mr. Jarrett was a leader of the Chicago chapter of American Youth for Democracy—youth wing of the Communist Party USA. He also served on a publicity committee for the Packinghouse Workers Union, a Chicago-based entity dominated by the CPUSA. In each of these endeavors, Mr. Jarrett had close contact with the aforementioned communist, Frank Marshall Davis.

And here's another source which goes into great detail to explore her Communist background.

Add to this the numbers of Muslims who came to America to live partly to satisfy the command for jihad. Muslims who might have felt certain their jihad would be without doubt and without incident. If America began seeing the big picture things might change for these non-violent Muslims who by simply living here are supporting future tactics of people like the Brotherhood.

So when the subject of McCarthy comes up we have Muslims, Hispanics as well as un-discriminating Libs to deal with.
Last edited: part of your signature.

You invalidate your statement in the post by identifying yourself with the sig quotes as being opposed to American patriotism and against war.

We're all against war. But its mostly those who see ZERO circumstances when war is necessary that make anti-war posters, stickers and sig quotes part of their raison d'être.

And your post, coming from a person who never recognizes when force may be the better evil, is laughable.

And anyone who decries American patriotism is no friend of mine.

Really? It's my sig that offended you? I'm obviously not trying hard enough.

And what about JFK's quote says that force is never necessary?

As for your patriotism, I don't decry American patriotism. I decry blind patriotism.

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them! -Albert Einstein
As well as Pelosi and her husband and Obama's political contributors yet again..

Right, so let's all be aware of what neo-conservatism is all about. Not American exceptionalism, only corporate pockets.

What, are you talking General Electric and other Obama/Democrat contributors.

I hope there is a re-emergence of American Exceptional-ism, it's been sorely abused by liberal policies and legislation but it still exists. I recall being personally reintroduced to it when I visited my son at his army base and met his fellow soldiers.

I agree wholeheartedly. Let's not confuse the two ism's as integrated.

They are not.

I want American exceptionalism with the neo-cons out of it.

And I agree with the quality of our Armed Forces personnel.

They are so awesome.
Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.
Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.

Democrats got us into Vietnam, would you like to start there and then go before and after?
Repubs, & people who vote for them, never tire of sending others people's kids to endless deployments so they can say victory is right around the corner :rolleyes: Result? endless quagmires w/ TRILLIONS of borrowed taxdollars.

Dems, i.e., Wilson, FDR, Truman, Clinton, and Obama did the same.
obama intended this all along. That's why he changed the rules of engagement. It's why he intentionally weakened our military and is continuing to weaken our military.

Nothing you said is backed up by any evidence, and it may be one the dumbest thing ever typed on this forum. Good job.

the lying cocksucker-in-chief and his toady, Hitlery, intentionally fucked up the Status of Forces agreement with Iraq and everybody with an above room temperature IQ knows it.

Since you're not really interested in facts anyway, I'm not going to bother explaining it to you
This is what happens when society supports religious extremist. The religious extremist take over and destroy any freedom of thought.

Yeah like all that freedom of thought they got going at the following Universities that are controlled by secularists.

Queers United: University of Alaska Students Protest "Ex-Gay" Speaker

Students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks are protesting a series of speaking engagements by Edward Delgado a so called "ex-gay" evangelist. Brought in as a guest speaker by the Campus Bible Ministries Mr. Delgado will give 14 lectures titled “From Sin’s Bondage to Christ’s Freedom" on his claim that through reading the Bible he magically journeyed from being gay to becoming a heterosexual.

The visit is offensive to gay students, and allies because of advertisements around campus with the headline “Gay? Lonely? Confused?” attempting to draw students to the event in hopes of their salvation.

Wow, so much freedom of thought and expression there, so much the students can effectively get a speaker uninvited by their protests, lol.

And there are plenty more with a simple Google search. Some of these protests are done by religious groups operating under the tacit approval of secular administrators, so even having said secularists in charge doesn't keep the religious fanatics from censoring those they disagree long as they are not Christian.

Groups protest former Israeli PM's speech |

Anti-India protests back at Kashmir University - The Hindu

Hell, these secular kooks don't even want their universities accepting money from the unwashed and unapproved.

50 educators sign letter to Catholic University protesting Koch Foundation?s $1 million gift - The Washington Post

Student protesters accuse Florida Atlantic University of violating their First Amendment rights | Inside Higher Ed

A predictable pattern of events played out at Florida Atlantic University this spring: an Israeli speaker gave a presentation on campus, and pro-Palestinian students protested. But the way they protested -- by interrupting his talk -- has renewed a debate over free speech.

Lol, yeah, the right to free speech seems to be a point of debate among all you enlightened folks, there Matthew. Why is that up for debate in the ivory towers these days?

Here is a video of secular run university free speech
Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Storm SOAS London University Lecture On Egypt (VIDEO)

And another speaker silenced by secularists.

Ray Kelly lecture canceled amidst student, community protest ? Brown Daily Herald

And of course the last century is filled with secularist luminaries like Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Ill Sung, Stalin, etc.

Very impressive record that secularists have for allowing freedom of thought and speech, all the way back to the French Revolution...oh , wait, there was that Reign of Terror thingy....


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