So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in

the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.

not blaming anyone for anything but you for being a dumbass. that's all on you.

Anyways, Matthew is right. We don't have what it takes to fight for things like social security and affordable healthcare for all. The libertarian unregulated free market capitalism is coming. Lets see how that benefits your dumb ass when you never retire.

Two-Thirds of Americans Aren’t Putting Money in Their 401(k)

Oh yea I'm to believe you are in the 1/3 who are saving? Fucking liar. Now I am but still I have empathy for the people like you who are not. Admit it, loser. Has Trump made America great for your blue collar ass?

And don't claim you are smart either

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Or again are you claiming that you are the exception to the rule. So you aren't saving and you aren't smart. And if you are you are the minority in your group.
the only thing i'm claiming at this time is you're a 100% guaranteed fucktarded asshole.

Is that why you are now following me? Weirdo.
no - it was next to "ignore the fuckhead" - my bad.

Our healthcare system was already a mess. That's why he got elected. Yes, the right did so badly that America was willing to elect a socialist black liberal muslim who wasn't even born in this country.
You know what sealybobo? That is just BS, the system had flaws, the states were trying to correct some of them. Like California and tort reform and Michigan and their new system. I was alive back then and had healthcare insurance through my business. It was affordable, I didn't need to get referrals to see a specialist. The wait times were non existent. The meds and co pays were affordable. The only folks having problems were the uninsured. I took responsibility for myself and my employees and we were happy with what we had. When Obama took office healthcare was at the bottom of the list of complaints from the citizens. He fucked it up beyond any recognition. FUBAR!!!
Our healthcare system was already a mess. That's why he got elected. Yes, the right did so badly that America was willing to elect a socialist black liberal muslim who wasn't even born in this country.
You know what sealybobo? That is just BS, the system had flaws, the states were trying to correct some of them. Like California and tort reform and Michigan and their new system. I was alive back then and had healthcare insurance through my business. It was affordable, I didn't need to get referrals to see a specialist. The wait times were non existent. The meds and co pays were affordable. The only folks having problems were the uninsured. I took responsibility for myself and my employees and we were happy with what we had. When Obama took office healthcare was at the bottom of the list of complaints from the citizens. He fucked it up beyond any recognition. FUBAR!!!

Bullshit. Healthcare was becoming more and more unaffordable everyday. You won't believe it but healthcare would be more expensive today if it weren't for Obamacare.

Yea, if you are working for a company that gives you healthcare you weren't complaining, just like I'm not complaining now. But when I wasn't working for a corporation, I saw what a mess our healthcare system is.

And Republicans want to raise the prices on old people. Old and sick people. You don't think you are going to be one of those things eventually? How about BOTH of those things eventually? A corporations goal is to make a profit, not provide the best healthcare possible. You can't do both.
Bullshit. Healthcare was becoming more and more unaffordable everyday. You won't believe it but healthcare would be more expensive today if it weren't for Obamacare.

Yea, if you are working for a company that gives you healthcare you weren't complaining, just like I'm not complaining now. But when I wasn't working for a corporation, I saw what a mess our healthcare system is.

And Republicans want to raise the prices on old people. Old and sick people. You don't think you are going to be one of those things eventually? How about BOTH of those things eventually? A corporations goal is to make a profit, not provide the best healthcare possible. You can't do both.
Bologna that's not true. It was working. Now it's not. So what do you say to that? Can you point to any state in the nation that is not on the verge of total healthcare collapse? I'll give you 30 mins while I take my bike out for a ride. It was working and now it's not. It was working and now it's broken. It was working and now insurance company's are dropping out. It was working but now doctors are leaving the field. It was working but now people are not going into medicine. Wake up!

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