So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in

So far, after that shocking loss in November, the Democrats have done a remarkable job of sharpening their skills in insulting people who disagree with them, finding myriad creative ways to call Americans stupid, name-calling, political correctness, supporting the end of freedom of expression on college campuses, spinning & deflecting after every jihadist atrocity, and refusing to look in the mirror, for anything, ever.

So I guess that might be considered progress, who knows.
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So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.

whats funny is - the people on the right usually want the same thing but see things differently in how it accomplished.

fair right for all. you specify LGBT - ok, fine. but i want the same rights for all. from a "legal" standpoint i think we have that. from a social standpoint, that's not for the law to decide. what legally is the LGBT not allowed to do a "non-LGBT" person can?

help people. i do it daily. my job is to help people as well. i also put a good % of my income to help family and charities. at work we have groups that coordinate assistance for people hit by tragedy and i dive in to help every single time i can.

take away from the poor. not wanting to give them more and more is not the same as taking away from them. so far the "poor" get free medical help, food assistance, welfare checks and the like. not wanting to expand what we 'give away' isn't taking anything away from them they earned on their own.

better infrastructure. did you see trumps latest plan? that is EXACTLY what he's doing and he's dead on right. we're falling apart and the thought of giving a trillion dollars to foreign countries WHILE we fall apart is insanely stupid. so you agree with trump here. now will you admit it?

trump outsources. lord dude - did you not see when outsourcing began in earnest back in the mid 90s? it's all a part of the "globalization" that you liberals are screaming for and now you're bitching he's participating in it. something tells me you're just bitching w/o thought.

conservatives also want a better educational system with accountability but it was the liberal side that said "no one can fail" and made it impossible to tell a child they are in fact failing at their objectives.

so get fucking angry. but what will that do. GRRR I'M ANGRY FIX THIS!!!!

get over it. there are simply times in life your "way" isn't the voted way to go and for some asanine reason we as a country have decided it's more beneficial to work against "the other side" than with them. that has been building up for awhile now.

so again - get angry. but if that's all you do, can you do it quietly? the rest of us are tired of bitching 24x7 and want to get some things accomplished in less than ideal conditions.
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.
The left believes in what is best for itself, not what is best for the nation...and it is fighting for that.
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.

/---- actually you're Snowflakes because you can't accept the outcome of a fair and open election. And Obozo squandered a trillion dollars on saving the unions when he promised the money would go for infrastructure. You had your chance Cupcake and you blew it,
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

So far we on the left don't have the fire the right has to fight for what it believes in ...Honestly,when we get real passion and start pushing liberalism and stand up to counter the conservative points= get thought of as bad and people don't want to hear it. We're snowflakes for fighting for fair treatment of the LGBT community, we're snowflakes for wanting to help people and we're snowflakes for asking for a little common decency...The right can scream and whine all day long about how they want to take this away from the poor, cut science and be outright assholes to most of the population and you know what..They win.

Most of their policies don't even make a ounce of sense (at least to me)but they keep saying it until people believe it. What is most ironic is Trump on the campaign trial was talking about a snake and how you shouldn't trust that snake....Well, looking at his history and how he treats people, I think he just played the biggest con ever on the American people. Why? He outsources, he brings in cheap labor and hell he even doesn't pay his workers.A life time of fucking people over and stealing from people.

Why on earth should I or anyone stop fighting for better infrastructure, funded science and a basic safetynet for our poor and old. I won't stop! Stopping is losing. People of course will get tired of it but won't get tired of hearing the cruel senseless crap coming out of the mouths of the conservatives that support the very people that have fucked the very people that are tired of my message over the past 50 fucking years. Even Trump the big liar of our time ran on this message so conservatives and tired so called liberals, well, look at the reality and the evidence for once.

It is time for people on the left to get as angry as the people that want to fuck us over currently are. Time to sharpen the horns.
We don't have the money or media to win over the independents who stupidly vote gop
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
oh my fucking god. hillary had money and the media on your side. if you honestly believe this then you are why we're so jacked up right now. you and your mindset of make shit up and cry it to be true.

WAH - We didn't have the money!!!!! trump spent roughly 1/2 what hillary did.
What Trump and Clinton spent per electoral vote

or media? please.

maybe - just maybe - its you and your message people are tired of and you can't spend them into your pocket anymore.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
Republicans spent a lot of dark money and spread a lot of fake news for free.

Plus voters are dumb. They were tired of the GOP message but 8 years later they forgot.

We all know the reasons Trump won. One main reason is voters are dumb.

Of course our government sucks. It represents us. We suck
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.
well your last sentence was about the only truth bomb in your entire statement. everything is simply the same old bullshit of "my side is smarter than your side" crap we're mired in these days.

Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.

not blaming anyone for anything but you for being a dumbass. that's all on you.
Hey, I'm going to roll with it. I think I'll get hurt by GOPanomics a lot less than most of you idiots. But make no mistake neither of us are rich enough to benefit from Republican policies. That's why I can't stand people like you. So fucking stupid. And if you are rich then excuse me but you vote for selfish reasons, and don't try to convince the rest of us that your way works for anyone other than you, ya greedy fucks.

So fuck it and fuck you. I'm going to save like the end is coming. And by the way, that won't help with Trumps growth numbers. See, this is why you idiots are idiots. One day you'll be arguing that Americans spend too much instead of saving for retirement, but then you must realize if they don't spend then the economy tanks. But you are too stupid to put that together in your pea heads.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.

not blaming anyone for anything but you for being a dumbass. that's all on you.

Anyways, Matthew is right. We don't have what it takes to fight for things like social security and affordable healthcare for all. The libertarian unregulated free market capitalism is coming. Lets see how that benefits your dumb ass when you never retire.

Two-Thirds of Americans Aren’t Putting Money in Their 401(k)

Oh yea I'm to believe you are in the 1/3 who are saving? Fucking liar. Now I am but still I have empathy for the people like you who are not. Admit it, loser. Has Trump made America great for your blue collar ass?

And don't claim you are smart either

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Or again are you claiming that you are the exception to the rule. So you aren't saving and you aren't smart. And if you are you are the minority in your group.
what a fucking idiot.

That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.

not blaming anyone for anything but you for being a dumbass. that's all on you.

Anyways, Matthew is right. We don't have what it takes to fight for things like social security and affordable healthcare for all. The libertarian unregulated free market capitalism is coming. Lets see how that benefits your dumb ass when you never retire.

Two-Thirds of Americans Aren’t Putting Money in Their 401(k)

Oh yea I'm to believe you are in the 1/3 who are saving? Fucking liar. Now I am but still I have empathy for the people like you who are not. Admit it, loser. Has Trump made America great for your blue collar ass?

And don't claim you are smart either

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Or again are you claiming that you are the exception to the rule. So you aren't saving and you aren't smart. And if you are you are the minority in your group.
the only thing i'm claiming at this time is you're a 100% guaranteed fucktarded asshole.

The left has gone crazy right in front of our eyes. We had 9-11 and what do the libs go and do? they elect a guy named Hussein to be our president. Then that guy named Hussein tears apart our healthcare system, raises our taxes, ruins our schools, divides us like no other man in history, and keeps our economy below a 2% growth rate for 8 years.

He then surrenders a war before it was won and brings untold terror upon the people of Iraq and helps to create Issl. But he wasn't finished, he then opened our borders and let thousands of people we do not know into our nation. It's not the size of fire in your bellies libs it's the insanity of your beliefs that is causing you to lose.
That's what Bush supporters said leading up to his Great Recession. Go fuck yourself and remember when it happens I told you so. AGAIN.
the only time i'll remember you is when i'm going through a painful and unreasonable shit. however, at least in that instance i know with a good push or 2 the pain is over.
In your case, you need to realize what you ate is what's causing you pain. But instead of blaming it on the shit you ate last night, you'll blame the food you ate this weekend. It was a liberal black owned soul food joint that served damn fine food. But then Trump came along and food poisoned you but you're blaming chef Obama.

not blaming anyone for anything but you for being a dumbass. that's all on you.

Anyways, Matthew is right. We don't have what it takes to fight for things like social security and affordable healthcare for all. The libertarian unregulated free market capitalism is coming. Lets see how that benefits your dumb ass when you never retire.

Two-Thirds of Americans Aren’t Putting Money in Their 401(k)

Oh yea I'm to believe you are in the 1/3 who are saving? Fucking liar. Now I am but still I have empathy for the people like you who are not. Admit it, loser. Has Trump made America great for your blue collar ass?

And don't claim you are smart either

Education, Not Income, Predicted Who Would Vote For Trump

Or again are you claiming that you are the exception to the rule. So you aren't saving and you aren't smart. And if you are you are the minority in your group.
the only thing i'm claiming at this time is you're a 100% guaranteed fucktarded asshole.

Is that why you are now following me? Weirdo.
The left has gone crazy right in front of our eyes. We had 9-11 and what do the libs go and do? they elect a guy named Hussein to be our president. Then that guy named Hussein tears apart our healthcare system, raises our taxes, ruins our schools, divides us like no other man in history, and keeps our economy below a 2% growth rate for 8 years.

He then surrenders a war before it was won and brings untold terror upon the people of Iraq and helps to create Issl. But he wasn't finished, he then opened our borders and let thousands of people we do not know into our nation. It's not the size of fire in your bellies libs it's the insanity of your beliefs that is causing you to lose.
Our healthcare system was already a mess. That's why he got elected. Yes, the right did so badly that America was willing to elect a socialist black liberal muslim who wasn't even born in this country.

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