So farewell then Judge Randy Jinks.................

American rednecks call their kids that. They aren't educated enough to know what it means.

On the flip side I do know a Brit named "Dick" so I'm thinking that's a stone you shouldn't be casting.
Randy Jackson says fuck off, twat.


Thats actually his real name. Sacked for trumpism, er , I mean racism.

How does a character like this get to a position where he gets to judge people ?

If I was a freedom fighter like BLM I would get a team of researchers looking over his past record on the bench. I suspect there will be a few klan friendly judgements in there.

nb What sort of fucked up parents call their kid "Randy" ?

LOL. Probate judges deal with estates, and in some places competency hearings. There are no "klan friendly judgments" to be given out by them. The toughest cases they have to deal with are like "Is this scribbling on the back of a paper towel done in the hospital by someone on their death bed legally their Last Will and Testament?"
BLM is nothing but a bunch of Jew-hating communists.
There's nothing they're doing that's about FREEDOM.

This is what Jew hating commies look like


This is what some guy in a used car sales ad looks like.


Jinks reportedly read out a meme in his office saying of Black Lives Matter protesters, "You sons of b------ are going to need something to burn down after Trump gets re-elected for a second term, sons of b------." He also made disparaging remarks about George Floyd and asked a Black clerk, Darrius Pearson, if he was "selling drugs" to afford his new car, and discussed pornography with subordinates.

I can see how he got a job as judge in Alabama.
You and Judge (ex) Randy Jinks prove that they are very much needed in modern America.
Disparaging George Floyd doesn’t make you a racist. I can think he was a degenerate criminal and also think he was wrongly killed. Im not sure why so many people have such a hard time understanding that. GF was a piece of human garbage, he was a net negative to society, his community and our country were worse off while he was breathing. Derek Chauvin 100% shouldnt have killed him. That said, GF also holds some responsibility in his own death. Had he not been high as a kite on fentanyl he probably wouldnt have died. That doesnt exonerate Chauvin but it's just the reality.

BLM are not freedom fighters. I know this because they disappeared 10 seconds after Biden was elected and systemic problems dont disappear that quickly. So their complaints are bullshit, or at a minimum they dont really give a shit about the complaints they were making. Sadly, every day black people got played once again by the democrat party and BLM to put the Dems in power and take their money to enrich the leaders of BLM. It's amazing to me that groups like BLM and the Democrat party are able to do this over and over, but they do.

Thats actually his real name. Sacked for trumpism, er , I mean racism.

How does a character like this get to a position where he gets to judge people ?

If I was a freedom fighter like BLM I would get a team of researchers looking over his past record on the bench. I suspect there will be a few klan friendly judgements in there.

nb What sort of fucked up parents call their kid "Randy" ?
OMG, can you possibly prove a bit more emphatically how bottom-of-the-barrel STUPID you are?

"freedom fighter like BLM"? Do I even have to ask if you are serious? More like "vicious racist swine like BLM".

And although randy just means horny to someone from Jolly Olde or thereabouts, here in the US, it doesn't have that connotation as much, and it can be as simple as the shortened form of Randall. Are we surprised that you couldn't figure that out?
It figures the loathsome Tommy Tainted got his little pussy wet reading this. There is only one charge that even approaches an actual ethics violation: "he tried to use the power of his position to get or grant favors." It's listed last, and isn't spelled out. Translation: it, too, is bullshit. But it doesn't matter to the juvenile school girls like Tommy Tainted, whose whole world pivots on his hatred of white Gentiles. He is pig vomit and the world will be a better place on the day he goes to his father below.
I can see why trumpers are defencing his trumpy behaviour.
At least we can agree that he is unsuitable for the judging game.

Thats actually his real name. Sacked for trumpism, er , I mean racism.

How does a character like this get to a position where he gets to judge people ?

If I was a freedom fighter like BLM I would get a team of researchers looking over his past record on the bench. I suspect there will be a few klan friendly judgements in there.

nb What sort of fucked up parents call their kid "Randy" ?
sorry trumpism? what trump policies? and racism? what did he say in the article that was racist?

with that said he should be sanctions for what he did

this sort of behavior isn’t rewarded. in places like Alabama…if he was in NY he might get the dems nomination for Gov

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