So God Gave Us Trump

DeSantis hasn't done much? Is that the Kool-Aid the Trump camp has you drinking? The man has literally done everything you guys have been screaming about. He took DEI out of education. He got the inappropriate book ban in schools passed. He signed off on inappropriate displays and discussions in elementary schools regarding pride and transgenderism (Trump wouldn't answer the question when Meghan Kelley asked him if a man can be a woman.) He signed a ban on abortion after six weeks (Trump criticized him for it). He took on Disney's woke culture. He reopened his state after the original "two weeks to slow the spread (Trump criticized him for it)." He signed off on Constitutional carry (Trump signed a bump stock ban and told Feinstein he'd look into her assault weapons ban). He's bused illegals to sanctuary cities.

You're so brainwashed by your cult you don't even know reality anymore. Trump is a New York liberal and he's got conservatives worshiping him like he's the Second Coming of Christ. The ignorance is astounding.
Your cult brownshirt.
It's not DeSantis time yet. He will get his term or terms after Trump removes all your evil ilk from power.

with all due respect, which isn't much btw Trump (after all, YOU started the cold war against China and got me drawn into that), you're NOT a messiah! AND YOU WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTIONS WITH LIES!
Of course not....but we aren't voting for the candidate of the party full of lies doofus.
well i saw a campaign speech in Newton, IA, by Trump, on Fox News US just now, in which he states that Biden got the US and NATO into 2 wars already (Ukraine and Israel).. and i can agree that Biden's weak international image directly led to those wars...

that said, i really think Trump should refrain from implying he's some kind of Messiah.
he knows that you and your ilk are atheists, and that the vast majority of real Americans believe in God. So its not dumb at all.
By no means, but Trump has shot his own credibility, across the board, with his known documented actions, activities, words, lawsuits lost. Nobody can believe him on anything. Take rape allegations against him, for instance. His attitudes toward women are well known, even before that Access Hollywood tape. Yet, he claims to have respect for women. I don't call him a pedophile, though he might be. It is well documented, he would invite himself to walk through the dressing rooms of teenage beauty pageant he sponsored. He has admired Epstein, commenting favorably to on Epstein (his close friend at the time) having appreciation for liking them young. Now we are reading, on the documents Republicans wanted released, he had sex with young women at Epstein's place. True/False, who knows? As, he is not a credible consistent reporter on himself, and known actions and deeds conflict highly with the image he wishes he had, rather than the deceptive, untruthful image he has. We know he was accused of rape of an older female, also. We are aware he has been accused of rape and sexual activity most of us never engage in or have ever been accused of, much less paid off people to keep it private. This is a recurring thing with him, and it is documented. We are left not knowing if he is a rapist or not. Heck, Florida just kicked out the head of the Florida GOP on a rape allegation charge. The charge has not been proven in court, but it is known the head of the Florida GOP and his wife did threesomes (another kinky sex thing), not usually associated with morally upright married couples. Whatever, the truth is, the rape charge is enough for Florida to disapprove of his character, doubt his veracity and morality of actions, to the point of kicking out of his position at the top of their party. At the same time, with the same lack of credibility, 30-40% of national GOP embrace trump, with his better known checkered history. If you do not have personal credibility, you are unfit to be trusted in a leadership position, because if you would possibly lie or mislead in one major area of your life, you undoubtedly lie and mislead on others. Trump, as I have said, shot his own credibility in the ass, a long time ago.
Wow, thats at least 10 pounds of ba-lo-ney from the leftist sausage factory there......
oops, I mean the "independent" sausage factory.....
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I do not care if you feel warm inside or not. I suggest you take every political speech, by any politician with a huge grain of salt, never hanging on their every word to support. It is much better to look at actions taken or not taken to form your opinions, not political speeches.

You think Biden calling us racists and Nazis is about wanting to "feel warm inside," do you fucking fag? You are SO full of shit, all this bull about everyone get along. Except with you racists that means everyone EXCEPT whites, particularly men, Christians, and of course most of all, those dirty filthy Jews.

This is your normal hate filled comeback. Kaz, you're a Nazi! White 6: You object to that? You need to feel "warm inside?" Every time you say you're not a one sided ass, what you say belies that ridiculous claim

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