So Hamilton wants Diversity and the Right's response is to boycott. Safe Space from Broadway? Yep

If you didnt know the right now wants a safe space from big bad Broadway actors who had the unmitigated gall as to promote such things like diversity and tolerance of others.


Now they right is all whipped up because....I'm not really sure actually. Pence was there and when they did something other than kiss his ring its time to cry about big meanies in makeup scaring you. LMAO
You think protesting = safe space? You are very stupid.

I know I got it right when all you can say is what something is NOT. *wink* Thanks for playing tho. Your coloring book will be along shortly
Your retarded party literally gave out coloring books and playdoh to Hillary supporters after the election.

You do realize that, right?
Some people don't feel like paying there hard earned money to be preached to if I want to hear a sermon I will go to church I don't need to hear one at a play. If others want to fine by me.
If you didnt know the right now wants a safe space from big bad Broadway actors who had the unmitigated gall as to promote such things like diversity and tolerance of others.


Now they right is all whipped up because....I'm not really sure actually. Pence was there and when they did something other than kiss his ring its time to cry about big meanies in makeup scaring you. LMAO

Stop the sarcasm please.
This isn't about being safe from anyone, it's about the fact that the cast was lecturing us and our future vice-president.
I don't want my sports, my movies, my music constantly going political.
When I attend an event such as this play, I want to escape all of this shit.

Oh no, someone had an opinion and you called a lecture!!! Are you ok? or has someone speaking or as you call it a "lecture" harmed you? Should someone call a butt doctor to investigate the hurt?

You can call, but you won't be able to get an appointment, the butthurt doctors will be working around the click for months attending to you guys.
If you didnt know the right now wants a safe space from big bad Broadway actors who had the unmitigated gall as to promote such things like diversity and tolerance of others.


Now they right is all whipped up because....I'm not really sure actually. Pence was there and when they did something other than kiss his ring its time to cry about big meanies in makeup scaring you. LMAO

Stop the sarcasm please.
This isn't about being safe from anyone, it's about the fact that the cast was lecturing us and our future vice-president.
I don't want my sports, my movies, my music constantly going political.
When I attend an event such as this play, I want to escape all of this shit.

Oh no, someone had an opinion and you called a lecture!!! Are you ok? or has someone speaking or as you call it a "lecture" harmed you? Should someone call a butt doctor to investigate the hurt?

You can call, but you won't be able to get an appointment, the butthurt doctors will be working around the click for months attending to you guys.

People who pay to see a play should see the play. People who pay to,receive a lecture should hear a lecture. Of course the actors have a right to speak their minds. They just don't have that right when they are contractually bound to speak lines of dialogue.
They said all their lines. The comments came after the curtain call.
No one paid to hear their drivel.
People who pay to see a play should see the play. People who pay to,receive a lecture should hear a lecture. Of course the actors have a right to speak their minds. They just don't have that right when they are contractually bound to speak lines of dialogue.
They said all their lines. The comments came after the curtain call.
No one paid to hear their drivel.
Too bad. so sad.

Suck it up, buttercup.

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