So Hillary & her allies were threatening govt watchdog during their investigation of her e-mails...

please point to me someone else who did what she did? given she lies at the drop of a hat (do i need to prove that also?) she's maintained she didn't know it was classified.

then it was a simple mistake.

then lord knows what else.

i'm not the expert on process here. but i have many friends and people on both sides who's opinions i do respect because they're rooted in facts regardless of people. to a man (or woman) they all say if they had done what hillary did they'd be in jail.

then you should have absolutely no problem identifying someone who went to jail for the same thing. I'm sure Hillary is not the only person who received something over the wrong internet server.

and no powell and rice did not setup their own e-mail server, now did they? you're reaching to make this connection and falling very short.

No, they did something worse, they used private email services. And when Powell was asked for his emails related to Iraq, he said they were all deleted.

comey even referenced that.

Again, the problem with Comey is he was trying to please everyone, and ended up pleasing no one. So he slimed Mrs. Clinton twice while admitting he could never bring a case to court on it.
now you're just skewing shit and i'm about done.

at this point you've painted a picture where she did nothing wrong and you want people to go to jail for doing nothing wrong - "in your eyes". we don't have a single set of eyes in our judicial system and i can show you hundreds of links of people who say if they did what she did they'd be arrested. only if i give examples, your next move is to discredit the examples or declare them not the same. seen you post too much to not know what you'll do next.

and you are saying it's worse to use an e-mail service vs. having your own server? he can't control the "private" server now can he? btw - where was he hosting his e-mail? do you know? i can tell you if i own the server i can hide a hell of a lot more than if i use a service someone else controls. so unless you are prepared to be stupid and say powell had full access to the servers, so not the same.

and now comey is sliming poor miss clinton.

good god you're a piece of work.
eight Investigations. None of them found wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's part.
You have proven you are not JUST a LIAR, you are a DELUSIONAL LIAR with not one ounce of credibility.

Buh-bye, deranged, triggered, snowflake. I have no more time to waste on your fantasy-based denial, justifications, spins, and lies.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, Festive Festivus, etc.....
Even those supporting the Palestinians know of their threats

The Clinton scandals entailed violent threats against people who knew about his sex life

The two signature moments of the Clinton scandals both involve threats and sex. And anyone exploring these scandals 20 years on needs to reckon with these moments.

First, when civil servant Linda Tripp came to her desk in the Pentagon public affairs office on a day in 1998 after it had come out that she was cooperating with an investigation of Clinton’s sexual conduct (the Paula Jones case), she found a sheet left on her chair reprinting the famous Clinton “body count.” This was a list of people close to the Clintons or their political machine who had died. Tripp said she believed that her office-mate, Monica Lewinsky, left the list on her chair– Lewinsky, who was close to the Clintons and of course was Bill Clinton’s former lover.

Much of that list was surely spurious, a political hitjob by Clinton-haters. And Linda Tripp became a very controversial figure back then because she secretly taped Lewinsky; her character was grotesquely smeared, including on SNL. But that’s not the point. The point is that Linda Tripp disapproved of Clinton’s conduct toward women and was threatened with harm for acting to report it.

The second signature moment is from the beginning of the Clinton White House. In the spring of 1993, word came to the White House that some Arkansas state troopers who had served at Clinton’s statehouse when he was governor were talking to the press about his sexual conduct. The troopers would go public a few months later, in the American Spectator and LA Times. But that spring was a panicked moment in the new White House. The “bimbo eruptions” that Betsey Wright and other Clinton operatives had successfully suppressed through the 1992 election campaign — Clinton’s relationships with women in Arkansas– were getting documented. They had to be suppressed.

It is a matter of record that Clinton himself dangled jobs to state troopers, the trooper said, in an effort to get them to maintain their silence. It is also a matter of fact that those first articles in 1993 led to the disclosure of Paula Jones’s name, which led ultimately to Clinton’s impeachment.

Clinton and his team knew damn well that this scandal could destroy him.

Just how large that panic was inside the White House in spring 1993 is the most important undisclosed part of the Clinton scandals for me. We are now in an area of conjecture, but I came to believe that deputy White House counsel Vince Foster was under a lot of pressure to help suppress the latest bimbo eruptions/the Troopers; and that a rumored divorce file he had compiled a few years earlier in Little Rock when his friend Hillary Rodham Clinton was considering divorcing Bill Clinton was suddenly a hot potato. The night that Vince Foster died in Virginia, July 20, 1993, in what was ruled a suicide, Hillary Clinton aides went through his office rummaging through files. Two months later, the head of the Clinton campaign’s security operation the year before, Luther “Jerry” Parks, was killed gangland style in Little Rock, and the murder was never solved. Parks’s son told me that his father and Vince Foster had compiled that divorce file together.

Linda Tripp later testified that her fear for her own life stemmed from the fact that Jerry Parks had died violently, two months after Vince Foster died violently. That is the essence of the Clinton scandals. “If you knew something about Bill Clinton’s sex life, that was dangerous information,” as I wrote years ago.

Or as Kathleen Willey, who was harassed by Clinton, told Fox News:

This story is not about what happened in the Oval Office. It is about what happened to me after I was subpoenaed by Paula Jones’s attorney. It was after I was subpoenaed by Ken Starr’s investigation. Terror, a terrible smear campaign, intimidation. No citizen in this country should be subjected to that kind of — terror.

I’m never going to investigate the threats against these people again. I did my time in the ’90s; I hurt my career by doing so. I moved on to more important heresies.
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.

Oh, gee, I thought unproven accusations can be dismissed as lies now, using the Roy Moore method.

An inspector general appointed by Obama choke on it.

When Hillary pays 25 million in penalty for one of her imagined crimes, as Trump did for the real crime of Trump University,

then we can start debating who is the corrupt one here.
eight Investigations. None of them found wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's part.
You have proven you are not JUST a LIAR, you are a DELUSIONAL LIAR with not one ounce of credibility.

Buh-bye, deranged, triggered, snowflake. I have no more time to waste on your fantasy-based denial, justifications, spins, and lies.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, Festive Festivus, etc.....

lol, nice white flag there, Puss.
...and another delusional already-proven liar with no credibility but a never-ending supply of personal attacks and insults speaks up....


Feeling left out, snowflake - had to jump in to get some attention?

Bwuhahaha....back to the 'kids' table' for you..... :p
at this point you've painted a picture where she did nothing wrong and you want people to go to jail for doing nothing wrong - "in your eyes". we don't have a single set of eyes in our judicial system and i can show you hundreds of links of people who say if they did what she did they'd be arrested. only if i give examples, your next move is to discredit the examples or declare them not the same. seen you post too much to not know what you'll do next.

Well, yeah, because I've been asking you guys to provide these cases for over two years now, and you always come up with either cases that weren't even close (usually someone intentionally leaking information or selling it) or claim, "Well, no one in the whole of human history did what Hillary did because she's an eeeeeeeevil bitch."

and you are saying it's worse to use an e-mail service vs. having your own server? he can't control the "private" server now can he?

No, but here's the thing. A LOT more people would have access to a public server. That's why it would be worse if Powell had gotten something classified on it. Not to mention, a public server not run by the government would probably be a lot easier for a foreign intel agency to hack.

i can tell you if i own the server i can hide a hell of a lot more than if i use a service someone else controls.

Well, that's the idea, wasn't it? The idea as for the server to be secure so you could hide stuff from people you didn't want to see it.

Remember, the whole reason why Mrs. Clinton using private emails to get classified information was "bad" was because someone could hack into it, not because she was "hiding something". Of course, the Russians hacked into the government servers, too. God knows what they have now that Comrade Donald Fredovich Trumpski is in the white house.

and now comey is sliming poor miss clinton.

Comey was always Sliming Clinton. If he didn't have a case, he should have said so. He most certainly shouldn't have implied there was something to the Weiner emails related to her when there wasn't, a week before the election.
Comey protected Hillary Clinton because his wife received a lot of money from the Clintons. Comey publicly declared Hillary broke the law, wrote that she had been 'grossly negligent' with classified - which is covered by the law and was / is a crime, and wrote her exoneration letter before the investigation was over.

Like his tutor, Mueller, Comey was / is a criminal who hid crimes. Both should be investigated, indicted, and charged with their crimes as well.
Last edited:
eight Investigations. None of them found wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's part.
You have proven you are not JUST a LIAR, you are a DELUSIONAL LIAR with not one ounce of credibility.

Buh-bye, deranged, triggered, snowflake. I have no more time to waste on your fantasy-based denial, justifications, spins, and lies.

Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, Festive Festivus, etc.....

Again- 8 investigations. Millions of dollars spent. No wrongdoing on Mrs. Clinton's Part related to Benghazi.
Comey protected Hillary Clinton because his wife received a lot of money from the Clintons. Comey publicly declared Hillary broke the law, wrote that she had been grossly negligent' with classified - which is covered by the law and was / is a crime, and wrote her exoneration letter before the investigation was over.

Because- again- nobody goes to jail for that sort of thing, which happens all the time in Washington. Probably because they classify too many things and poorly train people on how to handle it.

Like his tutor, Mueller, Comey was / is a criminal who hid crimes. Both should be investigated, indicted, and charged with their crimes as well.

But again, buddy, it's Trump and his associates who are being indicted.
at this point you've painted a picture where she did nothing wrong and you want people to go to jail for doing nothing wrong - "in your eyes". we don't have a single set of eyes in our judicial system and i can show you hundreds of links of people who say if they did what she did they'd be arrested. only if i give examples, your next move is to discredit the examples or declare them not the same. seen you post too much to not know what you'll do next.

Well, yeah, because I've been asking you guys to provide these cases for over two years now, and you always come up with either cases that weren't even close (usually someone intentionally leaking information or selling it) or claim, "Well, no one in the whole of human history did what Hillary did because she's an eeeeeeeevil bitch."

and you are saying it's worse to use an e-mail service vs. having your own server? he can't control the "private" server now can he?

No, but here's the thing. A LOT more people would have access to a public server. That's why it would be worse if Powell had gotten something classified on it. Not to mention, a public server not run by the government would probably be a lot easier for a foreign intel agency to hack.

i can tell you if i own the server i can hide a hell of a lot more than if i use a service someone else controls.

Well, that's the idea, wasn't it? The idea as for the server to be secure so you could hide stuff from people you didn't want to see it.

Remember, the whole reason why Mrs. Clinton using private emails to get classified information was "bad" was because someone could hack into it, not because she was "hiding something". Of course, the Russians hacked into the government servers, too. God knows what they have now that Comrade Donald Fredovich Trumpski is in the white house.

and now comey is sliming poor miss clinton.

Comey was always Sliming Clinton. If he didn't have a case, he should have said so. He most certainly shouldn't have implied there was something to the Weiner emails related to her when there wasn't, a week before the election.
again - because you don't agree she passed classified information, knowingly or not. or do you? do you agree clinton passed highly classified information through her PRIVATE e-mail server SHE owned and ran?

for powell - tell me how he was setup for this "privacy'? it's one thing to have an account on someone's private server (if he did) but it's totally different to have own said server lock stock and barrell. since you know so much, what address did powell use and who ran the server for him?

now you're simply reinforcing facts you approve of and changing the narrative of what actually happened and leaving out, intentionally, important facts along the way. you accuse powell now of hiding things and hillary being innocent all of a sudden.

getting damn old.

so - answer nothing else but who ran powells server. let us just start there.
again - because you don't agree she passed classified information, knowingly or not. or do you? do you agree clinton passed highly classified information through her PRIVATE e-mail server SHE owned and ran?

Not really. Since the government won't show us these "classified" emails, they could be articles in the NYT. Yes, the government will do that if the NYT mentions a program they don't want to admit exists, like drone strikes in Pakistan. Everyone knows they are going on, but they are "Secret".

Some of the emails were classified AFTER the fact. So the argument Comey made was she "should have known they were classified, even if they lacked classified markings."

for powell - tell me how he was setup for this "privacy'? it's one thing to have an account on someone's private server (if he did) but it's totally different to have own said server lock stock and barrell. since you know so much, what address did powell use and who ran the server for him?

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

State Department officials have determined that classified information was sent to the personal email accounts of former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the senior staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, NBC News has learned.

In an interview with NBC News, Powell challenged the conclusion, saying nothing that went to his personal account was secret. A Rice spokeswoman said the emails were about diplomatic communications.

In a letter to Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy dated Feb. 3, State Department Inspector General Steve Linick said that the State Department has determined that 12 emails examined from State's archives contained national security information now classified "Secret" or "Confidential." The letter was obtained by NBC News

now you're simply reinforcing facts you approve of and changing the narrative of what actually happened and leaving out, intentionally, important facts along the way. you accuse powell now of hiding things and hillary being innocent all of a sudden.

Naw, dude, my position has always been consistent. This shit goes on all the time, it's not a big deal, but because we have some crazy people who hate, hate, hate Mrs. Clinton, it suddenly becomes a big deal.

so - answer nothing else but who ran powells server. let us just start there.

Not my job, dude, I have no idea which service he was using, but everyone admits he used a private server. Fuck, it might have been AOL. wouldn't that be a bitch?

Colin Powell defends personal email use

Powell's statement came after a top Democrat released an email Powell sent Clinton in early 2009 describing his use of personal communication devices in State's secure executive suite despite warnings from security officials that such use could jeopardize classified information.

"Secretary Clinton has stated that she was not influenced by my email in making her decisions on email use. I was not trying to influence her but just to explain what I had done eight years earlier to begin the transformation of the State Department's information system," Powell said.

Powell adopted one of Clinton's defenses Thursday, saying his actions didn't jeopardize government record-keeping because official emails would have found their way into State's official systems.

"With respect to records, if I sent an email from my public email account to an addressee at another public email account it would not have gone through State Department servers. It was a private conversation similar to a phone call. If I sent it to a address it should have been captured and retained by State servers," Powell said. "I was not aware at the time of any requirement for private, unclassified exchanges to be treated as official records."
Does an Inspector General stepping forward to reveal Hillary Clinton threatened an Investigator investigating her crimes during the (multiple) on-going investigation(s) of Hillary Clinton spur the DOJ / Sessions to do ANYTHING, to call for a Special Counsel to investigate, indict, charge, and jail Hillary?

Does the government/nation foundation-shaking revelation that the United States Justice Department protects corrupt, criminal elitist politicians from the very laws it uses to prosecute 'ordinary' citizens enough to force the DOJ to do it's job?

Sadly, NO...which is why US AG Jeff Sessions needs to be FIRED and replaced with someone who is not afraid to do his / her job of enforcing US law and Justice at EVERY LEVEL in the United States, no matter 'who you are'!

At some point the majority of Americans will eventually get tired of their noses being rubbed in the fact that there are two Americas, one for them and one where elitists / elitist politicians have elevated themselves above both Constitution and Law...

....unless the liberals / politicians can successfully 'dumb down' and brainwash citizens enough to the point where they will truly be 'sheep' in every sense of the word, forevermore on their knees, dependent, and 'subservient' to their 'masters'.
Congress, the DOJ, and the WH needs to be pressured to finally act to deliver Justice in this case!

Write, call, march - it is indefensible that such heinous crimes have been so openly committed and proven; yet, our government refuses to act to hold the criminals accountable unless Americans 'rise up' to force their hand.
so - answer nothing else but who ran powells server. let us just start there.

Not my job, dude, I have no idea which service he was using, but everyone admits he used a private server. Fuck, it might have been AOL. wouldn't that be a bitch."

so - you have zero fucking clue as to which server he used, what PRIVATE would mean in this instance, or technically where it was. IE - AOL is service the public can use. gmail is also.

all you know is - well hell, i don't even know what you know cause just said you ahve no idea what service he was running.

so what qualifies you to determine that it was worse than hillary's configuration if you're technically ignorant of the details as you happen to be?

if you're going to stand around and go POWELL WAS WORSE THAN HILLARY and follow it up with "not my job dude, i have no idea" then that says all anyone would need to know about you.


later johnboy.
Hillary used an unapproved server, failed to have it secured - encrypted, in a location, and safeguarded all as required by the government - all laws broken.

Hillary then kept TS/SCI information on her personal server - more laws broken.

She gave persons who had no security clearance or ability to have access to the information access to both the server and the information - more laws broken.

She allowed her server - containing information so damaging to national security if released - to be stored in an unsecure location - a company's bathroom - by a company who did not have required security clearance to do so - more laws broken.

And that's just getting started listing her many crimes...
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.
knowing this, I'm sure now that Bill and Loretta had a rather intense conversation. Bill I believe now threatened her. There is no doubt in my mind. And she went to Comey and told him the very same thing. evil fking family. EVIL
Does an Inspector General stepping forward to reveal Hillary Clinton threatened an Investigator investigating her crimes during the (multiple) on-going investigation(s) of Hillary Clinton spur the DOJ / Sessions to do ANYTHING, to call for a Special Counsel to investigate, indict, charge, and jail Hillary?

Nope. Pretty much not credible when he showed up on Hannity to say that.

Write, call, march - it is indefensible that such heinous crimes have been so openly committed and proven; yet, our government refuses to act to hold the criminals accountable unless Americans 'rise up' to force their hand.

Uh, guy, don't worry, we'll frog march Trump out of the White house at some point.

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