So Hillary & her allies were threatening govt watchdog during their investigation of her e-mails...

so - you have zero fucking clue as to which server he used, what PRIVATE would mean in this instance, or technically where it was. IE - AOL is service the public can use. gmail is also.

all you know is - well hell, i don't even know what you know cause just said you ahve no idea what service he was running.

so what qualifies you to determine that it was worse than hillary's configuration if you're technically ignorant of the details as you happen to be?

Well, because the State Department said he used his private email to get emails and some of them had classified info on them.

So I don't have to know what service he was using. The very fact it was a private one is what makes it bad. A private one where all the IT guys who could have peaked in did not have government security clearances.

See how easy that was, bud?
Trump has again called for an investigation of Hillary in light of the latest evidence, the latest evidence of quite a bit that just keeps coming out.

Her attempts to intimidate an Inspector General considering how much she had to lose should not surprise anyone, especially with her history of insulting, attacking, demonizing, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims.

The fact that she broke NUMEROUS laws with her server use is not even in doubt anymore. Just more and more details keep coming out.
Well, because the State Department said he used his private email to get emails and some of them had classified info on them.
His server was approved.
- Hers was not.

His server was encrypted as US law mandates.
- Hers was not

His server was safely located in a secure, approved location.
- Hers was stored in an UN-secured, UN-authorized BATHROOM of an IT Company who did not have the legally required security clearance to have it in their possession.

He obeyed the FOIA and Federal Records Act by reportedly turning all official documents and correspondence.
- The FBI has over 22,000 individual charges that could be filed consisting of official documents, reports, and e-mails she never turned in as required by the law.

He did not have TS/SCI information stored on an unsecured, unencrypted, unauthorized server that was allowed to be accessed by individuals who neither had a 'need to know' or a proper security clearance.
- She had information 'so classified it could not be released in any form or it could cause grave damage to our National security' - information, according to this Inspector General put missions and, more importantly, lives in danger.

Attempting to com0pare the two is a disingenuous, false, inexcusable attempt to distort the truth, minimize the severity of her crimes, and justify both her illegal actions and the criminal acts it took to cover all of it up to protect her.
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.

Oh, gee, I thought unproven accusations can be dismissed as lies now, using the Roy Moore method.
If you really want to go down that road, we could take the opposite approach and say that unproven accusations are enough to destroy a person, using the Roy Moore method. IOW, whatever.
Trump has again called for an investigation of Hillary in light of the latest evidence, the latest evidence of quite a bit that just keeps coming out.

Her attempts to intimidate an Inspector General considering how much she had to lose should not surprise anyone, especially with her history of insulting, attacking, demonizing, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims.

The fact that she broke NUMEROUS laws with her server use is not even in doubt anymore. Just more and more details keep coming out.

and the left sure took up where she left off. like mother like child.
so - you have zero fucking clue as to which server he used, what PRIVATE would mean in this instance, or technically where it was. IE - AOL is service the public can use. gmail is also.

all you know is - well hell, i don't even know what you know cause just said you ahve no idea what service he was running.

so what qualifies you to determine that it was worse than hillary's configuration if you're technically ignorant of the details as you happen to be?

Well, because the State Department said he used his private email to get emails and some of them had classified info on them.

So I don't have to know what service he was using. The very fact it was a private one is what makes it bad. A private one where all the IT guys who could have peaked in did not have government security clearances.

See how easy that was, bud?
yea, knowing what you're talking about certainly isn't your strength.

quoting people you like and blindly misusing their arguments, is.
All things considered, the Inspector General should count himself lucky. He could have been found face down on the sidewalk, a bulled in the back of the head, his watch still on, his rings still on, his fat wallet still tucked neatly in his suit coat pocket...the victim of a 'robbery' gone bad.

Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.

Oh, gee, I thought unproven accusations can be dismissed as lies now, using the Roy Moore method.
If you really want to go down that road, we could take the opposite approach and say that unproven accusations are enough to destroy a person, using the Roy Moore method. IOW, whatever.

Why do you shift your view of an unproven allegation based on the politics of the accused?
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.

Oh, gee, I thought unproven accusations can be dismissed as lies now, using the Roy Moore method.
If you really want to go down that road, we could take the opposite approach and say that unproven accusations are enough to destroy a person, using the Roy Moore method. IOW, whatever.

Why do you shift your view of an unproven allegation based on the politics of the accused?
Because I'm cynical enough to realize both sides use the same arguments. Of course allegations should be proven before they can be used to destroy a person's life. I'm just pointing out the way people do exactly what you're complaining about.

The bottom line is: Everyone should be held to the same standard, but they won't be.
Another day, another day Hillary is protected from prosecution....
Trump has again called for an investigation of Hillary in light of the latest evidence, the latest evidence of quite a bit that just keeps coming out.

Oh, did he take some time off from posting racist videos to do that?

Hey, true story. When Barack Obama won, he didn't feel the need to keep bashing John McCain every week.

Of course, he legitimately beat McCain without any help from the Russians.
Does an Inspector General stepping forward to reveal Hillary Clinton threatened an Investigator investigating her crimes during the (multiple) on-going investigation(s) of Hillary Clinton spur the DOJ / Sessions to do ANYTHING, to call for a Special Counsel to investigate, indict, charge, and jail Hillary?

Nope. Pretty much not credible when he showed up on Hannity to say that.

Write, call, march - it is indefensible that such heinous crimes have been so openly committed and proven; yet, our government refuses to act to hold the criminals accountable unless Americans 'rise up' to force their hand.

Uh, guy, don't worry, we'll frog march Trump out of the White house at some point.
Oh, did he take some time off from posting racist videos to do that?
Hey, true story. When Barack Obama won, he didn't feel the need to keep bashing John McCain every week. Of course, he legitimately beat McCain without any help from the Russians.

1. Hillary Clinton should NEVER have had her name on the ballot in Nov 2016:
- The DNC, that she 'OWNED', rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, and screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination while she stole / used money donated to the DNC and intended to be used for other candidates on her own campaign.

- She was under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit. Because she was Hillary Clinton, she was protected from indictment / prosecution and allowed to stay in the race - YOU DAMN-WELL KNOW NO GOP CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO STAY IN THE RACE UNDER THE SAME CIRCUMSTANCES.

2. The Russians did NOT help Trump win the election.
- What was revealed thru leaks was the DNC rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates and that their e-mails exposed them as racists / sexist / homophobic Anti-Semites - NOTHING AMERICANS DID NOT ALREADY KNOW

- LIBERAL GROUPS accepted money from the Russians and engaged in racial division and racial violence for them - snowflakes organized and march for them like good little Russian puppets

- Not ONE vote was ever proven to have been changed because of 'Russian Interference'

3. Just like in 2009, Obama and the FBI KNEW about Russian interference and intent and did NOTHING. They did not even warn the most Senior Positions and agencies in the US govt that the Russians were trying to hack them...even though, again, BARRY KNEW WHAT WAS GOING ON.

4. BARRY, COMEY, LYNCH, & the propaganda-pushing / Hillary-defending media did more to effect the outcome of the 2016 election than the Russians ever did:
- CNN's Cuomo declared live on the air that CNN had done everything it could to help Hillary win, to include effusing to report on her scandals. The Liberal media protected Hillary's ass...

- Comey declared Hillary broke laws, wrote she had been 'grossly negligent' in handling classified - until he changed those words because he realized by admitting she did so was admitting she violated a very specific law regarding 'gross negligence' handling classifies, and even wrote her exoneration letter PRIOR to the investigation being over. Both Comey and his Vice's / FBI 2nd in command stepped in at times to take over and protect Hillary - both of their wives had received money from the Clintons.

- Barry and Lynch protected Hillary from indictment, charges, and prison, also fighting to keep her in the race - again, something no GOP candidate would have been allowed to do. AGAIN, Obama KNEW - like in 2009 - what Russia was doing yet hid it and did not try to stop it. he did not even act to WARN the politicians / agencies the Russians were targeting. Finally, Barry and his DHS attempted to hack into numerous states' election systems while arguing they were susceptible to hacking and therefore should be placed under HIS control right before the election. He tried to seize control of state elections!
When Barack Obama won, he didn't feel the need to keep bashing John McCain every week. Of course,

"Those who do not accept the results of election are THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY."
--- Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has proven to be 'a threat to our Democracy' by seditiously refusing to accept the outcome of the election in which she lost every single day since she lost. She has blamed everyone under the sun - to include Obama, the DNC - which she 'bought', Schumer, Pelosi, Democrats, constituents, the Russians, her husband, etc...and has continued Russia's campaign of dividing the country by NOT taking her own advice and accepting the fact that she LOST...AGAIN!

Snowflakes have proven to be 'threats to our Democracy' EVERY single day since the election by refusing to accept Hillary's loss, instead:
- Violently Rioting
- Looting
- Committing Arson
- Destroying property
- Physically attacking Trump supporters
- Funding and defending Liberal groups who use violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights
- Traitorously calling for military coups against the US Government
- Traitorously calling for assassinations against the President and Republicans
- Attempting to CARRY OUT those assassinations, gunning down Republicans on a ball field
- Physically attacking and breaking the ribs of a US GOP Senator
- Attempting to ram the residential Motorcade
- Organizing and marching for the Russians
- Liberal groups taking money to engage in racial division and racial violence
- Continuing the Russian campaign to divide America by continuing to refuse to accept Trump as President
- More than a year of multiple investigations into a non-existent crime and the non-existent participation of the President in that non-existent crime...a Special Counsel led by a former head of the FBI who has been exposed by produced evidenced aided US AG Holder and President Obama in hiding Russian crimes and efforts to corner the US Uranium industry - a man proven that he himself should be facing his own Special Counsel....a stacked partisan Counsel, ZERO efforts to continue their witch hunt, and intentionally ignoring REAL EXISTING evidence that has exposed seditious, treasonous, criminal activity by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Eric Clapper, John Brennan, Mueller, and Barak Obama himself.

....and it has not stopped YET.....

Good god, stop the delusional spreading of your own reality, lies, propaganda, and BS already. This is again WHY I try to listen to you and then finally have to realize you are either insane, an incurable liberal defender / liar, or both...and just ignore you again.

Either return to your asylum with the guys in the white coats or go back to the kids' table and let the adults talk.

Either way, as Hillary Clinton declared:"Those who do not accept the results of election are THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY."

You, my friend, have proven yourself to be a 'threat to our Democracy'...
It is so good for America that hiLIARy lost.

I remember that every day.
- The DNC, that she 'OWNED', rigged primaries, engaged in election fraud, cheated in debates, and screwed Bernie Sanders out of the nomination while she stole / used money donated to the DNC and intended to be used for other candidates on her own campaign.

Yawn, are you going to rehash all your crazy from the campaign, buddy?

2. The Russians did NOT help Trump win the election.

Then why is he under investigation? Why are all his friends copping deals with the SC?

Snowflakes have proven to be 'threats to our Democracy' EVERY single day since the election by refusing to accept Hillary's loss, instead:
- Violently Rioting
- Looting
- Committing Arson
- Destroying property
- Physically attacking Trump supporters

Blah, blah, blah... not interested. When you see your country being hijacked by criminals, you do something and you say something.

Trump is the best advertising the Democrats have ever had.

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