So Hillary & her allies were threatening govt watchdog during their investigation of her e-mails...

brace yourself for the "my you're facinated with hillary" talk.

like you - i just want her to be held to the same standards we all are. to me she seems to be the poster child of being above it all so to hold her to these standards would in my mind put us back on the road to right and wrong being simply right or wrong again.

Okay- so once again, please point out to me someone who went to prison for doing the same thing she did.

Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the same thing, and they didn't go to prison. (although I think they both did MUCH worse things they should be in prison for.)
Never going to happen, the Clintons obviously have dirt on too many corrupt Washington politicians to be held accountable. What else explains why she has got off scott free?

That she really didn't do anything all that wrong?

I'm sorry, "Used the wrong email" is hardly something bad.
almost as amazing as refusing to acknowledge the shitstorm she was under while SoS and then TRYING to be president.

but like i said - won't take long before the "TRUMP IS WORSE STOP TALKING ABOUT HILLARY" crap would come from the left. appreciate your predictability.

How many Benghazi hearings did we have and she was found guilty of nothing. Her handling of the private email server was investigated and she was cleared of any wrong doing. Uranium One is a ridiculous topic that has so little connection it's laughable and yet you morons STILL want to find something, ANYTHING to blame on her.

Like I said. Hilarious.

She was NOT cleared stop lying. An inspector general appointed by Obama who has seen the above top secret emails that were on Clinton's server said he would be serving time in Leavenworth prison if he had done what Hillary did.

Ok nutjob. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.
You are either really naive or paid. Either way I feel sorry for you.
Saw a bit of this, this morning. She needs to be brought to heel.

Never going to happen, the Clintons obviously have dirt on too many corrupt Washington politicians to be held accountable. What else explains why she has got off scott free?

I'll take a wild guess here.....because she's not guilty of anything your corporate masters accuse her of.

Crazy concept I know!

I can't be paid. I am a lazy dem moocher.
How many Benghazi hearings did we have and she was found guilty of nothing. Her handling of the private email server was investigated and she was cleared of any wrong doing. Uranium One is a ridiculous topic that has so little connection it's laughable and yet you morons STILL want to find something, ANYTHING to blame on her.

Like I said. Hilarious.

She was NOT cleared stop lying. An inspector general appointed by Obama who has seen the above top secret emails that were on Clinton's server said he would be serving time in Leavenworth prison if he had done what Hillary did.

Ok nutjob. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.
She was NOT cleared stop lying. An inspector general appointed by Obama who has seen the above top secret emails that were on Clinton's server said he would be serving time in Leavenworth prison if he had done what Hillary did.

Ok nutjob. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.

Its front page news wow earth to RDD.
brace yourself for the "my you're facinated with hillary" talk.

like you - i just want her to be held to the same standards we all are. to me she seems to be the poster child of being above it all so to hold her to these standards would in my mind put us back on the road to right and wrong being simply right or wrong again.

Okay- so once again, please point out to me someone who went to prison for doing the same thing she did.

Colin Powell and Condi Rice did the same thing, and they didn't go to prison. (although I think they both did MUCH worse things they should be in prison for.)
please point to me someone else who did what she did? given she lies at the drop of a hat (do i need to prove that also?) she's maintained she didn't know it was classified.

then it was a simple mistake.

then lord knows what else.

i'm not the expert on process here. but i have many friends and people on both sides who's opinions i do respect because they're rooted in facts regardless of people. to a man (or woman) they all say if they had done what hillary did they'd be in jail.

comey even referenced that.

and no powell and rice did not setup their own e-mail server, now did they? you're reaching to make this connection and falling very short.

Colin Powell’s Email Use: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Moochers do get paid...
You are either really naive or paid. Either way I feel sorry for you.
Saw a bit of this, this morning. She needs to be brought to heel.

Never going to happen, the Clintons obviously have dirt on too many corrupt Washington politicians to be held accountable. What else explains why she has got off scott free?

I'll take a wild guess here.....because she's not guilty of anything your corporate masters accuse her of.

Crazy concept I know!

I can't be paid. I am a lazy dem moocher.

On top of everything else, she should win an award here. Can’t make this stuff up. Lol
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please point to me someone else who did what she did? given she lies at the drop of a hat (do i need to prove that also?) she's maintained she didn't know it was classified.

then it was a simple mistake.

then lord knows what else.

i'm not the expert on process here. but i have many friends and people on both sides who's opinions i do respect because they're rooted in facts regardless of people. to a man (or woman) they all say if they had done what hillary did they'd be in jail.

then you should have absolutely no problem identifying someone who went to jail for the same thing. I'm sure Hillary is not the only person who received something over the wrong internet server.

and no powell and rice did not setup their own e-mail server, now did they? you're reaching to make this connection and falling very short.

No, they did something worse, they used private email services. And when Powell was asked for his emails related to Iraq, he said they were all deleted.

comey even referenced that.

Again, the problem with Comey is he was trying to please everyone, and ended up pleasing no one. So he slimed Mrs. Clinton twice while admitting he could never bring a case to court on it.
Ok nutjob. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.

Its front page news wow earth to RDD.

Breitbart isn't news.
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.
You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.

Its front page news wow earth to RDD.

Breitbart isn't news.

Neither is WAPO or NYT.
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And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.

Its front page news wow earth to RDD.

Breitbart isn't news.

Neither is WAPO or NYT.

Of course they're real news. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can determine the difference between Breitbart and WAPO or NYT.
huh? the inspector general was not part of her email server investigation, that was done by the FBI per the inspector general's request....

once the inspector found the 4 emails with classified information, it was turned over to the FBI to investigate a possible security breech.

At that point, for the next year plus, the FBI and the FBI alone, was in charge of investigating her emails/server?
Is anyone shocked that the Clinton crime family threatened an inspector general? I'm not. They asked the inspector general what would have happened to him if he had done what Hillary did, he said he would be doing time in Leavenworth federal prison.

Former Intel IG: I Was 'Marginalized, Threatened' for Reporting Concerns About Clinton Emails

in 2014 - rampant mismanagement:
State Dept. inspector general: More evidence of rampant mismanagement under Hillary Clinton

google away.
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Ok nutjob. Thanks for keeping me laughing.

You were obliterated, you can't explain why an Obama appointed inspector general has said Hillary should be in prison so you deflect. Go live in your liberal bubble imbecile.

And you can't explain why you refuse to let go of the conspiracy theories despite her being found of no wrong doing. But please, keep "obliterating" me. It's funny.

Obama's inspector general who has seen the above top secret emails on Hillary's server is not a conspiracy theory you moron.

What you believe was said, never happened.

Its front page news wow earth to RDD.

It's on Fox as we speak.

Ol' Rotten Crotch should be convicted on circumstantial evidence.

NOTE: Remember, the the FBI undercover investigator hasn't been heard from yet.
How many Benghazi hearings did we have and she was found guilty of nothing.

What you idiots refuse to understand / acknowledge is that the investigations into what happened in Benghazi were NEVER criminal investigations.

The Benghazi investigations were 'FACT FINDING' investigations, to discover WHY what happened actually happened and to ensure that no such event ever takes place again.

'Hillary was never convicted / charged with anything.'
- No shit. Again, the investigations into Benghazi were never CRIMINAL investigations.

'Nothing was ever found in the Benghazi Investigations.'


1. Obama was running weapons to terrorists through the CIA out of Benghazi

2. Hillary and Obama hired an AL QAIDA-ASSOCIATED militia to protect the US Ambassador and Americans left behind in Benghazi FROM AL QAIDA.

3. Al Qaida's presence in Benghazi was greatly increasing - Ambassador Stevens informed the State Department that MORE terrorist training camps were opening up there, that Al Qaida's numbers were increasing, that violence there was increasing, and that Al Qaida flags were being flown over the govt buildings there.

4. The State Dept / Hillary / Obama ACKNOWLEDGED THEY KNEW about both the call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens from an Al Qaida leader in retaliation for the drone strike death of an Al Qaida leader from Benghazi a month earlier AND that they knew about the call for MIDDLE-EAST WIDE ATTACKS on US Embassies and compounds on 9/11/12.

5. EVERY other nation who had people in Benghazi pulled their people out as a result of all of this (#4) and increased terrorist attacks....EXCEPT the US. Hillary / Obama REFUSED to order their people out.
-- Ambassador Stevens and the US compound were not prepared for increased attacks and were left to scrounge for defensive equipment - like road barriers - because the State Department did not provide them with any / enough.

6. Two (2) terrorist attacks were perpetrated against the US compound leading up to the 3rd and final attack on the compound on 9/11/12 - the anniversary of 9/11/01. The 2nd attack left a 4-foot hole in the compound wall. STEVENS WARNED THE STATE DEPARTMENT THAT IF ANOTHER, LARGER ATTACK ON THE COMPOUND WAS MADE HE WOULD DIE WITHOUT MORE SECURITY PERSONNEL. HE, AGAIN, WAS DENIED.

7. Hillary / The State Department denied OVER 70 REQUESTS for additional security, EVEN AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks on the compound and Stevens' warning that if they were attacked again by a larger force he would die. NOT ONLY did the State Department do THAT, they REDUCE the number of security members protecting Stevens and the Americans in the poorly defended US Compound.
-- Before Congress, when Hillary was asked about this, SHE LAUGHED and said she just thought his 70+ pleas for more help were a 'JOKE', 'PART OF HIS SENSE OF HUMOR'!

8. The Americans who survived were rescued buy GADAFFI'S FORMER OFFICERS, the 'enemy' Obama and Hillary's US-supported Al Qaida forces overthrew when they took over Libya.

9. KNOWING the compound had already been attacked twice before - and breeched, KNOWING a potential Middle East-wide attack on US compounds / Embassies was coming on 9/11/12, KNOWING the US compound could NOT be defended / desperately needed more security the State Department would not give them / knowing the US compound would be overrun if a larger attack on 9/11/12 came, Hillary and Obama, did not provide more security, did not ensure a military response team was in place and ready to go rescue them if they needed it, and did not pull them out prior to the attack on 9/11/12!

Instead, they ABANDONED the Americans in Benghazi - they left them there, unable to defend themselves from a attack they KNEW was coming.


And, of course, after the FIT HIT THE SHAN, they tried to cover up / gloss over all this after it was over.

So yes - NO, Hillary was never charged with a crime after / during the Benghazi hearings...BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION...despite her being proven to be 'criminally incompetent' in failing to run the State Department and in doing her job of keeping Americans abroad SAFE.

What it did reveal was that Hillary Clinton could not run her own AGENCY let alone the country, that she left Americans to die, that she then sought to protect her own ass rather than worry about the victims / survivors / families, than worry about ensuring this never happened again - she sought to SURVIVE POLITICALLY BECAUSE 2016 WAS 'HER TURN'!

Democrats SHOULD have seen her for what she was after Benghazi - a self-serving, lying F*-Up who did not deserve to be GIVEN the DNC nomination in 2016. Who knows - many of them did, which is why they pulled for Bernie and why Hillary and the DNC (that she OWNED) screwed Bernie, rigged primaries, engaged I election fraud, and cheated in debates to make sure she got the DNC nomination 'by hook or by crook'.
Can you imagine if this were November, 2013, and liberals here were starting 50 threads a day about Mitt Romney?

How retarded would that look? Well, we know how retarded that would look because we see the comparable example here every day.

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