So Hillary Thinks She Can Take Trump Down When Nobody Else Could

So Hillary Thinks She Can Take Trump Down When Nobody Else Could

All she has to do is what she's doing now. And it's a good strategy. She simply remains calm, looks like the adult in the room. And then merely make real observations about Trump which he will find insulting (anyone with NPD takes anything but pure worship of themselves as a vicious insult that can't be ignored and must be destroyed).

I must say it was fun watching her play him like a fine tuned fiddle the other day. She, calm, complexion like a bowl of cream. Trump in contrast, fuming, spittle flying as he has red-faced tantrum after red-faced tantrum. :lmao: Look for this to be Hillary's constant strategy up until November. And she has just gotten started. Imagine what a state he'll be in by then?
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Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
Donny dangerous is an idiot, unfit for office....

She used his words, precise quotes of his, that show his own incoherent incompetence....

Trump fights back by acting like an imbecile and child calling wolf over and over again, with his 'crooked Hillary', Hillary should be in jail crap....

He's a dufus....he couldn't even address the comments he has made and resorts to name calling like a child.... His tactics may have worked on you and other Trumpsters, but they won't work on anyone else who actually uses their brain.... ''believe me''!
If Trump loses to Hillary it will not be because she took him down. It will be his mouth that took him out.
We have yet another election cycle ripe for a relatively easy gop victory but once again we have our sights set on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
Donny dangerous is an idiot, unfit for office....

She used his words, precise quotes of his, that show his own incoherent incompetence....

Trump fights back by acting like an imbecile and child calling wolf over and over again, with his 'crooked Hillary', Hillary should be in jail crap....

He's a dufus....he couldn't even address the comments he has made and resorts to name calling like a child.... His tactics may have worked on you and other Trumpsters, but they won't work on anyone else who actually uses their brain.... ''believe me''!
The funny thing is most of us aren't just paying attention to this election season, but remembering the last 3 decades, and looking at both Trump and Hillary Clinton. We don't fall for the fabrications and half-truths, the misquotes and outright lies coming out.

It's impossible for Hillary to be honest. She said a few weeks ago that she has never lied in her life. That she always tries to be honest. Those of us who know her know this is total BS. Only a liar says they've never lied in their life.

Hillary used portions of Trump's speeches, removing the context, if not outright lying about it.
Anyone who knows Trump over the decades would know that Trump isn't a racist or mistreats women. That is a media fabrication. If Trump had that in his past you would have women coming out of the wood-work accusing him like they did Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton. It didn't happen.

If anything, whatever Hillary is focusing on is only with the intention to cancel out her own weaknesses which are already well known. The mistreatment of women angle was created specifically because Hillary was already preordained to be the Democrat Party's nominee. Thank you Megyn Kelly. Hillary's husband is well known to have a problem keeping it in his pants. When Hillary ran against Obama, she and her surrogates made racist comments that Obama himself pointed out. And let's not forget that while Secretary of State Hillary was totally incompetent. From the Russian Reset to the attack in Benghazi. Hillary was a disaster.
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Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
Donny dangerous is an idiot, unfit for office....

She used his words, precise quotes of his, that show his own incoherent incompetence....

Trump fights back by acting like an imbecile and child calling wolf over and over again, with his 'crooked Hillary', Hillary should be in jail crap....

He's a dufus....he couldn't even address the comments he has made and resorts to name calling like a child.... His tactics may have worked on you and other Trumpsters, but they won't work on anyone else who actually uses their brain.... ''believe me''!
The funny thing is most of us aren't just paying attention to this election season, but remembering the last 3 decades, and looking at both Trump and Hillary Clinton. We don't fall for the fabrications and half-truths, the misquotes and outright lies coming out.

It's impossible for Hillary to be honest. She said a few weeks ago that she has never lied in her life. That she always tries to be honest. Those of us who know her know this is total BS. Only a liar says they've never lied in their life.

Hillary used portions of Trump's speeches, removing the context, if not outright lying about it.
Anyone who knows Trump over the decades would know that Trump isn't a racist or mistreats women. That is a media fabrication. If Trump had that in his past you would have women coming out of the wood-work accusing him like they did Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton. It didn't happen.

If anything, whatever Hillary is focusing on is only with the intention to cancel out her own weaknesses which are already well known. The mistreatment of women angle was created specifically because Hillary was already preordained to be the Democrat Party's nominee. Thank you Megyn Kelly. Hillary's husband is well known to have a problem keeping it in his pants. When Hillary ran against Obama, she and her surrogates made racist comments that Obama himself pointed out. And let's not forget that while Secretary of State Hillary was totally incompetent. From the Russian Reset to the attack in Benghazi. Hillary was a disaster.
We have Republicans in congress on the record that she was a much better secretary of State than Kerry is....

And lest ye forget, the two recent Republican SOS's let 9/11 happen and got us in to an unnecessary WAR in Iraq...and Afghanistan, killing and maiming thousands of Americans serving....
If Trump loses to Hillary it will not be because she took him down. It will be his mouth that took him out.
We have yet another election cycle ripe for a relatively easy gop victory but once again we have our sights set on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Um, Hillary knows it's Trump's mouth that will bring him down. And she is egging him on to do exactly that. So she really actually is the one taking him down. It is by her very design. And his defeat thusly is as certain as the sun rising in the East.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
Take down Trump as in getting him to drop out of the race? That's obviously not going to happen. Trump has his rabid fan base. I think the idea was to win over as many fence sitters as possible and after that speech, you'd have to feel pretty silly to still consider him.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

What wasn't honest?

She said, he said:

“He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia.”

Trump said this in an interview with Fox News: “I know Russia well. I had a major event in Russia two or three years ago, Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event. An incredible success.”


Hillary's foreign policy, started with lies and ended in death of innocent civilians.

Hillary Clinton Continues to Lie About the Failed State She Helped Create

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
Donny dangerous is an idiot, unfit for office....

She used his words, precise quotes of his, that show his own incoherent incompetence....

Trump fights back by acting like an imbecile and child calling wolf over and over again, with his 'crooked Hillary', Hillary should be in jail crap....

He's a dufus....he couldn't even address the comments he has made and resorts to name calling like a child.... His tactics may have worked on you and other Trumpsters, but they won't work on anyone else who actually uses their brain.... ''believe me''!
The funny thing is most of us aren't just paying attention to this election season, but remembering the last 3 decades, and looking at both Trump and Hillary Clinton. We don't fall for the fabrications and half-truths, the misquotes and outright lies coming out.

It's impossible for Hillary to be honest. She said a few weeks ago that she has never lied in her life. That she always tries to be honest. Those of us who know her know this is total BS. Only a liar says they've never lied in their life.

Hillary used portions of Trump's speeches, removing the context, if not outright lying about it.
Anyone who knows Trump over the decades would know that Trump isn't a racist or mistreats women. That is a media fabrication. If Trump had that in his past you would have women coming out of the wood-work accusing him like they did Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton. It didn't happen.

If anything, whatever Hillary is focusing on is only with the intention to cancel out her own weaknesses which are already well known. The mistreatment of women angle was created specifically because Hillary was already preordained to be the Democrat Party's nominee. Thank you Megyn Kelly. Hillary's husband is well known to have a problem keeping it in his pants. When Hillary ran against Obama, she and her surrogates made racist comments that Obama himself pointed out. And let's not forget that while Secretary of State Hillary was totally incompetent. From the Russian Reset to the attack in Benghazi. Hillary was a disaster.
We have Republicans in congress on the record that she was a much better secretary of State than Kerry is....

And lest ye forget, the two recent Republican SOS's let 9/11 happen and got us in to an unnecessary WAR in Iraq...and Afghanistan, killing and maiming thousands of Americans serving....
Hillary voted for the Iraq war and supported going back into Afghanistan. Guess you forgot that.

Oh, and claiming that Hillary was a better sec. of state than Kerry isn't exactly a compliment. Kerry helped work out the Iran deal, which is turning out to be just a way to fast-track Iranian nukes.


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