So Hillary Thinks She Can Take Trump Down When Nobody Else Could

Donald "the Liar" Trumps seem to be taking down Donald "The Tweeter" Trump

"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?

"Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"
Yeah. "Taking Down Trump" is just an aspect of his cult of personality. People use that term all the time, but it actually fits in Trump's case because his "policies" are incoherent and self-contradictory at all times. He shows no patience or interest in actually learning about intl relations, and his domestic "plans" are based on catering to racist views of his supporters, whether he shares those views or not. If enough Americans are fully exposed to his vitriol and know nothingism, and he's still elected then it's no one's fault but our own.

Trump supporters are people who have been told repeatedly that someone - generally gopers - will make it better, yet incomes remain stagnant at best, and because compromise is verboten with the tea party, nothing has gotten done since the dems lost the House and then the Senate. Trump's not of the party elite, and he's promising to make lives better, so despite the lack of any evidence he can do that, his supporters support him at his word because .... there's nothing else.

Hillary can talk the talk, and walk the walk on policy, and she might even be effective in working across the aisle, but she so flawed by corrupt selling of access that in a sense she benefits from the email bs that distracts from her personal corruption. She's going to bait the Donald, hoping for personal attacks and more incoherent policy nonsense.
"nobody else could" :laugh2:

hmmm hillary vs a split field of republican lightweights...


Bought this T-Shirt on Amazon last week. Donald Trump Rosie The Riveter 2016 Build A Wall T-Shirt: Clothing


I rest my case. LOL

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

What wasn't honest?

She said, he said:

“He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia.”

Trump said this in an interview with Fox News: “I know Russia well. I had a major event in Russia two or three years ago, Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event. An incredible success.”


Hillary took the Reset button to Russia and didn't even use the right Russian word for Reset. That reset really worked out well, huh! LMFAO!
hmmm winning a primary nomination in a split field of republican mental midgets...

vs achieving the u.s. presidency...........? :eusa_think:

This is Why Trump Will Get Slaughtered in November

Mike Breen, CEO of Truman National Security Project and a former Army officer who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, offers a harsh critique of Trump's approach.

"If you take the man at his word and you listen to his statements on the trail, he set himself up, if he's elected, to trigger the largest civil military crisis probably since the American Civil War," he says.

Breen argues that Trump is suggesting that U.S. soldiers carry out "illegal orders" — things like targeting the families of terrorists, and murdering civilians on purpose, and torturing for the sake of torturing.

"He says even if [torture] doesn't work, let's do it anyway," Breen says. "He's talking about, as a presidential candidate, issuing clearly illegal orders that our senior military leaders would be very unlikely to follow. That's a crisis we haven't had in a long time."

Veteran: Trump Will Throw the Military into 'Crisis'

Click on the 'Listen' button above to hear our full interview with Mike Breen.

"Donald Trump may not get it, but that's what honor looks like."

TRANSCRIPT: Hillary Clinton Delivers Major National Security Address
Obviously Hillary doesn't have any honor.......or she never would have tried to run for president.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

Your a bigger asshole then Ted Cruze. Hey, Why your boy kissing the Lyin' Ted ass ?

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

What wasn't honest?

She said, he said:

“He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia.”

Trump said this in an interview with Fox News: “I know Russia well. I had a major event in Russia two or three years ago, Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event. An incredible success.”


Hillary took the Reset button to Russia and didn't even use the right Russian word for Reset. That reset really worked out well, huh! LMFAO!

This is not to deflect to W, but it's odd that both he and Obama came in determined to do a Russian reset. I didn't get it either time. But if you ask the question who is in a better position to know what Putin's up to, I don't think the Donald is in the picture. He's praised the fock and said he'd meet with Kim Bong Wong III, and SK and Japan need their own nukes.
Why yes, she quite possibly could...

This is likely why Hillary Clinton is spending so much of her time talking about Donald Trump lately. She is defining him for the public and the press in a way that his Republican rivals during the primary couldn’t. It’s not just that they were afraid of offending his supporters (although I’m sure that was a big part of it). But it’s also because challenging him meant taking on things that also made them vulnerable. When Trump became so extreme about Mexican immigrants and Muslims, it was all based on policies and rhetoric that Republicans had been relying on themselves. The case they were left with was to suggest that they would simply be either a little bit more or less extreme than Trump. None of them could successfully challenge the very basis of his extremism.

Hillary Clinton and Democrats face no such limits. Over the last couple of weeks, she and her surrogates have mounted blistering attacks on the presumptive Republican nominee. It is almost as if you can hear a collective sigh of relief from those who kept silent during the Republican slugfest of a primary. The challenges to Trump are not unfounded in the way attacks can sometimes be in elections. They are all things we’ve been noticing for a while now, but haven’t seen articulated very well.

Clinton is Defining Trump

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

What wasn't honest?

She said, he said:

“He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant in Russia.”

Trump said this in an interview with Fox News: “I know Russia well. I had a major event in Russia two or three years ago, Miss Universe contest, which was a big, big, incredible event. An incredible success.”

That is not confirmation for her statement.

All Trump said was that he has actually been to Russia, not that his only knowledge about Russia comes from hosting a pageant. Trump just likes to lead into bragging about his business endeavors.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'

Your a bigger asshole then Ted Cruze. Hey, Why your boy kissing the Lyin' Ted ass ?

Great spelling. Where did you get your edumacation???
Hillary is really the the threat she claims Trump is.

Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.​

Who doesn’t understand the world?
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Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

Yup, nailed just about at every wingnut talking point. Too bad most people aren't really buying them.

OTOH, it doesn't take a whole lot of looking at tRump to see she has a point. And what does he say back?

"I know you are, but what am I."

Might look great to nutbags such as yourself, but outside of that bubble...
Hillary is really the the threat she claims Trump is.

Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.​

Who doesn’t understand the world?

When people laugh at the USA, it's at the people who live in the Faux bubble.
Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

Indeed, it's very moronic that she picked the tactic that won't work for certain. Trump pulled her to his level, and will beat her with experience.

She can not not be PC after so many years of her bullshit, she will get destroyed by someone who it comes to naturally. Trying to pull of the "tough anti-pc Hillary" will alienate even those she had in the bag.
Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

Yup, nailed just about at every wingnut talking point. Too bad most people aren't really buying them.

OTOH, it doesn't take a whole lot of looking at tRump to see she has a point. And what does he say back?

"I know you are, but what am I."

Might look great to nutbags such as yourself, but outside of that bubble...
Do you want me to show you articles about the nasty exchanges that have been going on between the Obama Administration and former allies like Israel, and with Russia? The juvenile acts of not only Obama, but many members of his staff?

If anything, the current administration has set a new low in diplomatic decorum, yet you feel you can talk about Trump during a nasty political campaign, as if that is how he talks to people when he needs to work with them. Seems to me, his opponents have said things about Trump that would end up with them being on the receiving end of an ass-whipping. However, after all is said and done, Trump finds nothing bad to say of those he has battled and beaten. Compare that to this vindictive big-eared prick currently occupying the Oval Office. He's such a whining bitch that he cannot take any criticism from the press, especially when it is spot-on. We've witnessed this act for over 7 years......and you think Trump has a thin skin. Truth is Trump feels that failure to respond only rewards his he eats criticism up with relish and then dishes it back to them in spades.
Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

Indeed, it's very moronic that she picked the tactic that won't work for certain. Trump pulled her to his level, and will beat her with experience.

She can not not be PC after so many years of her bullshit, she will get destroyed by someone who it comes to naturally. Trying to pull of the "tough anti-pc Hillary" will alienate even those she had in the bag.
She can not not be PC after so many years of her bullshit, she will get destroyed by someone who it comes to naturally.

What the fock did that mean to say? LOL

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