So Hillary Thinks She Can Take Trump Down When Nobody Else Could

Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

Yup, nailed just about at every wingnut talking point. Too bad most people aren't really buying them.

OTOH, it doesn't take a whole lot of looking at tRump to see she has a point. And what does he say back?

"I know you are, but what am I."

Might look great to nutbags such as yourself, but outside of that bubble...
Do you want me to show you articles about the nasty exchanges that have been going on between the Obama Administration and former allies like Israel, and with Russia? The juvenile acts of not only Obama, but many members of his staff?

If anything, the current administration has set a new low in diplomatic decorum, yet you feel you can talk about Trump during a nasty political campaign, as if that is how he talks to people when he needs to work with them. Seems to me, his opponents have said things about Trump that would end up with them being on the receiving end of an ass-whipping. However, after all is said and done, Trump finds nothing bad to say of those he has battled and beaten. Compare that to this vindictive big-eared prick currently occupying the Oval Office. He's such a whining bitch that he cannot take any criticism from the press, especially when it is spot-on. We've witnessed this act for over 7 years......and you think Trump has a thin skin. Truth is Trump feels that failure to respond only rewards his he eats criticism up with relish and then dishes it back to them in spades.
Donald will rebuild our bridges with Russia! That's the ticket, muddy.

bullshytte removed

did you know that my necklace exhibits the star signs of all the victims i killed? you can see vince foster's capricorn disappearing in my neck, lol.
And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?

And of course no Americans will die on Trump's watch, for the first time in American history, ever, amiright? Because that's just how tremendous the inexperienced dumb fuck is.

Hillary has been skating sitting on the sidelines and throwing out opportunistic comments whenever anyone in the GOP attacked Trump. Her primary advantage up to this point is the fact that she's been able to stay above the fray. The focus has always been on somebody else. Now she thinks she can win by bad-mouthing Trump.....even though everyone else has failed at it. What makes her think it will work for her?

It's clear just about everything she's accusing Trump of isn't honest. Just about everything she's accusing him....she herself is weak on. Like the claim that Trump is dangerous to national security, even though everyone knows she is currently under investigation for espionage.

I don't think it's gonna work any better for her than it did for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush. First Jeb went out of character and trashed Trump at every opportunity. Then Marco started making Dick jokes at the Donald's expense. Finally, Ted Cruz showed everybody how big an asshole he was. He was the only one of them that was actually an asshole. The rest were just playing a role. Now Hillary thinks she can be a BIGGER ASSHOLE than Ted Cruz???

I really doubt it's going to work. Not only is she losing state after state to Bernie Sanders, but she's finally decided to get dirty with everyone else. One thing is for sure, it seems the more people see of Hillary, the worse they think of her. Now she's decided that the very thing she's been avoiding all along is worth trying.

Good Luck, Lady.

Gloves off as Trump shoves back: 'Hillary Clinton has to go to JAIL!'
REuters gives double digit lead to hillary over dump
And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?

And of course no Americans will die on Trump's watch, for the first time in American history, ever, amiright? Because that's just how tremendous the inexperienced dumb fuck is.
These nitwits supported the moron bush ,,are you surprised they support the dump?
And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?

And of course no Americans will die on Trump's watch, for the first time in American history, ever, amiright? Because that's just how tremendous the inexperienced dumb fuck is.
I've got news for you, dumb-ass.....we're already back in Iraq. 101st redeployed months ago to support 5th Special Forces Group.
And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?

And of course no Americans will die on Trump's watch, for the first time in American history, ever, amiright? Because that's just how tremendous the inexperienced dumb fuck is.
These nitwits supported the moron bush ,,are you surprised they support the dump?
Yeah, and supporting a lying criminal like Hillary shows you're smart I suppose.

And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?
vowed? are you sure it was not a suggestion?

Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday.

That's not a suggestion, idiot.

This is how batshit crazy Trump is. Before the invasion, he was for it. He even said we fucked up by not doing it "correctly" the first time when Bush, Sr. invaded Iraq. He felt we should have gone all the way to Baghdad the first time.

Then, when the war went sour, he suddenly started sounding like Cindy Sheehan, demanding Bush's impeachment and that we cut and run from Iraq.

Cut and run from Iraq. The very thing the Right says led to the rise of ISIS. Trump said we should cut and run.

If that isn't a fucking RINO, I don't know what is.

And now, the best part. He says to pay for all the soldiers wounded in the Iraq war we should...DEFINITELY get MORE soldiers wounded so we can take some oil profits. Trump has succeeded in creating a Stupidity Black Hole from which no intelligence can escape. He's actually saying we have wounded soldiers, so let's make more wounded soldiers to show how much he cares about wounded soldiers! And it will all be paid for by the oil profits we will reap from invading Iraq.

That's EXACTLY what Bush said we would do! Oil profits would pay for the war! Trump is a Möbius strip!

You dumb shits must have ten pounds of brain damage to whine about four dead Americans, and yet remain totally silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dead Americans in Iraq, and then support a raging clown who is going to get THOUSANDS AND THOUSAND of MORE Americans killed!
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And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?

And of course no Americans will die on Trump's watch, for the first time in American history, ever, amiright? Because that's just how tremendous the inexperienced dumb fuck is.
These nitwits supported the moron bush ,,are you surprised they support the dump?
Yeah, and supporting a lying criminal like Hillary shows you're smart I suppose.

You believing all that repub bullshit handed to you about Hill doesn't put you in a high paygrade,,,,,typical repub supporter
And Hillary is great on foreign policy because she voted to go into Iraq while Trump opposed it and she also oversaw Benghazi.

Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

Has Hillary said she is going to?
vowed? are you sure it was not a suggestion?

Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors

Donald Trump says he would defeat ISIS by taking over the oil fields the terrorists have seized in Iraq.

"We should definitely take back money for our soldiers," he told NBC's "Meet the Press" with Chuck Todd on Sunday.

This is how batshit crazy Trump is. Before the invasion, he was for it. He even said we fucked up by not doing it "correctly" the first time when Bush, Sr. invaded Iraq. He felt we should have gone all the way to Baghdad the first time.

Then, when the war went sour, he suddenly started sounding like Cindy Sheehan, demanding Bush's impeachment and that we cut and run from Iraq.

Cut and run from Iraq. The very thing the Right says led to the rise of ISIS. Trump said we should cut and run.

If that isn't a fucking RINO, I don't know what is.

And now, the best part. He says to pay for all the soldiers wounded in the Iraq war we should...DEFINITELY get MORE soldiers wounded so we can take some oil profits.

That's EXACTLY what Bush said we would do! Oil profits would pay for the war!

You dumb shits must have ten pounds of brain damage to whine about four dead Americans, and yet remain totally silent about the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dead Americans in Iraq, and then support a raging clown who is going to get THOUSANDS AND THOUSAND of MORE Americans killed!
oh come on, you cannot use trump's best words against his other best words yet to come.
Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

Yup, nailed just about at every wingnut talking point. Too bad most people aren't really buying them.

OTOH, it doesn't take a whole lot of looking at tRump to see she has a point. And what does he say back?

"I know you are, but what am I."

Might look great to nutbags such as yourself, but outside of that bubble...
Do you want me to show you articles about the nasty exchanges that have been going on between the Obama Administration and former allies like Israel, and with Russia? The juvenile acts of not only Obama, but many members of his staff?

If anything, the current administration has set a new low in diplomatic decorum, yet you feel you can talk about Trump during a nasty political campaign, as if that is how he talks to people when he needs to work with them. Seems to me, his opponents have said things about Trump that would end up with them being on the receiving end of an ass-whipping. However, after all is said and done, Trump finds nothing bad to say of those he has battled and beaten. Compare that to this vindictive big-eared prick currently occupying the Oval Office. He's such a whining bitch that he cannot take any criticism from the press, especially when it is spot-on. We've witnessed this act for over 7 years......and you think Trump has a thin skin. Truth is Trump feels that failure to respond only rewards his he eats criticism up with relish and then dishes it back to them in spades.

Seems to me if the Dumpster wanted to show he can do better than the former SoS, he'd be doing it by now. After all, we're already pretty much in general election mode at this point. But no, he's still carrying on the way you nutters applaud him so much for but pretty much makes him look like a buffoon to everyone else.
Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton attacked Donald Trump during her foreign policy speech in San Diego. Photo: Zuma Wire
That was a “major national-security address”?

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

Yup, nailed just about at every wingnut talking point. Too bad most people aren't really buying them.

OTOH, it doesn't take a whole lot of looking at tRump to see she has a point. And what does he say back?

"I know you are, but what am I."

Might look great to nutbags such as yourself, but outside of that bubble...
Do you want me to show you articles about the nasty exchanges that have been going on between the Obama Administration and former allies like Israel, and with Russia? The juvenile acts of not only Obama, but many members of his staff?

If anything, the current administration has set a new low in diplomatic decorum, yet you feel you can talk about Trump during a nasty political campaign, as if that is how he talks to people when he needs to work with them. Seems to me, his opponents have said things about Trump that would end up with them being on the receiving end of an ass-whipping. However, after all is said and done, Trump finds nothing bad to say of those he has battled and beaten. Compare that to this vindictive big-eared prick currently occupying the Oval Office. He's such a whining bitch that he cannot take any criticism from the press, especially when it is spot-on. We've witnessed this act for over 7 years......and you think Trump has a thin skin. Truth is Trump feels that failure to respond only rewards his he eats criticism up with relish and then dishes it back to them in spades.
Donald will rebuild our bridges with Russia! That's the ticket, muddy.
the bering-bridge? awesome
Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

That's his best judgement. That we need to do the Iraq boogaloo all over again.

And then when it all turns sour again, he'll cut and run.

But at least we will know how much he loves our soldiers, right? Right?
Trump has vowed to invade Iraq again.

That's his best judgement. That we need to do the Iraq boogaloo all over again.

And then when it all turns sour again, he'll cut and run.

But at least we will know how much he loves our soldiers, RIGHT? RIGHT?
Let the pos send his kids to war
Trump is saying he is going to invade Iraq and ISIS will pay for the war.

Not kidding.

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