So, how about that campaign promise?

You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.
Recruiting more Islamic extremists? We have more planes and more skyscrapers genius.
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.
Mr. Pompeo said he and other American officials “evaluated the relevant risks” that the strike against General Suleimani might bring

we haven't heard from any of our intel.... nor UN's ....nor Israels on this

What is our trophy for that?


"Our President will start a war with Iran because he has absolutely no ability to negotiate. He's weak and he's ineffective.

Pulling out of JAPOC was his campaign promise , mainly because it was an Obama administration construct. Security Council Resolution 2231....2015

That was some 3 + yrs ago

Note the rest of the big players stayed in the pact.....inclusive of the IAEI

Trump pulled the USofA out in 2018 iirc

Sanctions followed suit , the embassy scenario after that, General Head Terrorist after that

Trump's only played the 'big stick' card since , which isn't much of a threat to Iran, w/o UN security council support. In fact Iran has asked the UN to condemn Trump's dealings as a criminal act

The crux of Security Council Resolution 2231 boils down to a M.E coldwar agreement that Iran can't have nukes, while our ally doesn't even need to report them.

That, in of itself , was a high aim accomplished via former world cold war participants , which had a LOT of economic teeth to it, because Iran was not about to willingly go along.

So now Trump's backed himself in this maverick corner talking tough behind a cell phone and SS protection , while placing our troops in the conflagration he's poured gasoline on...

he'll eventually need the support of the world no matter what he does .

he'll need the support of his troops

he'll need the support of the American public

he'll need a strategy

and if it doesn't all work to his favor, he'll be looking worse than Nixon did by Nov '20


You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.

Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Yep....Trump just bitch slapped Iran and they backed everyone knows that if you kill Americans, Trump is willing to kill leaders, not minions.......... drones can kill mullahs in Iran just as easily as terrorist Generals driving around Iraq........
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Damn. I thought you were smarter than that. If O did this, you wouldn’t just accept his words. Why do you accept Donnie’s?
After W lied us into a disastrous war, I had thought republicans and conservatives would be a little more circumspect this time around. Alas, I was wrong.

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Damn. I thought you were smarter than that. If O did this, you wouldn’t just accept his words. Why do you accept Donnie’s?

obama gave iran 1.7 billion dollars, and Iran kept killing Americans....Trump killed a terrorist leader in Iran, the essentially #2 guy in Iran, and Iran backed down.......

Here......the truth is in this interview at the 9:30 mark...explains why this was a good, smart move....

Yeah....and what exactly has happened since he killed the terrorist? Are we now at war with Iran? Trump knows what he is doing, too many of you don't understand Trump, so you keep jumping to the wrong conclusions and assumptions......get back to us when we are at a shooting war with Iran.....
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Damn. I thought you were smarter than that. If O did this, you wouldn’t just accept his words. Why do you accept Donnie’s?

obama gave iran 1.7 billion dollars, and Iran kept killing Americans....Trump killed a terrorist leader in Iran, the essentially #2 guy in Iran, and Iran backed down.......

Here......the truth is in this interview at the 9:30 mark...explains why this was a good, smart move....

You cons keep claiming Iran is killing Americans, but never supply any proof. You say it like it’s a a trained CIA monkey.

Shouldn’t you have proof?
That’s some funny shit there. We aren’t at war because those crazed religious fanatics bent on world domination, whom you fear greatly, chose not to escalate.
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Damn. I thought you were smarter than that. If O did this, you wouldn’t just accept his words. Why do you accept Donnie’s?

obama gave iran 1.7 billion dollars, and Iran kept killing Americans....Trump killed a terrorist leader in Iran, the essentially #2 guy in Iran, and Iran backed down.......

Here......the truth is in this interview at the 9:30 mark...explains why this was a good, smart move....

You cons keep claiming Iran is killing Americans, but never supply any proof. You say it like it’s a a trained CIA monkey.

Shouldn’t you have proof?

Really? You are one of those guys who thinks Iran isn't doing
At least they kept their heads, but Donnie didn’t.

You really don't understand them.......had Trump not killed that guy, the escalation would have increased on their end, not look but you can't see.....
Damn. I thought you were smarter than that. If O did this, you wouldn’t just accept his words. Why do you accept Donnie’s?

obama gave iran 1.7 billion dollars, and Iran kept killing Americans....Trump killed a terrorist leader in Iran, the essentially #2 guy in Iran, and Iran backed down.......

Here......the truth is in this interview at the 9:30 mark...explains why this was a good, smart move....

You cons keep claiming Iran is killing Americans, but never supply any proof. You say it like it’s a a trained CIA monkey.

Shouldn’t you have proof?

Really? You are one of those guys who thinks Iran isn't doing

That’s right. How are they harming us here at home?

If we weren’t constantly antagonizing and provoking them, imposing onerous and illegal sanctions, and threatening to destroy them there would be peace.

Why do you support the Empire that only benefits the oligarchy? You have nothing in common with the oligarchy.
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.
As far as "consequential" goes, he has not yet surpassed Reagan, but he has 5 more years to go and ultimately will.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.

Get back to us when he actuall does....till then, his appointments to the Federal Bench make that far less likely....but thanks for playing....
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.

Get back to us when he actuall does....till then, his appointments to the Federal Bench make that far less likely....but thanks for playing....

Idiot. Any Republican president would appoint the same types of judges. That is McConnells work, anyway. Your moron hero doesn't know a fucking thing about any of the names that he's read from the lists that were given to him.

If a president's greatest accomplisent is reading names from a list, he's a fucking failure.

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