So, how about that campaign promise?

We know the the Deep State is part of the swamp that needs to be removed. Trump is going to need 2 full terms to accomplish that.
The Deep State is who gave us the intelligence that Iran was an imminent threat..

Funny how you are so willing to believe the Deep state when you think you can get a war out of it -- or at least a chance to shoot off some missiles to make you feel better about your erectile dysfunctions
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??

Iran has already been flexing its muscle... they already attacked an embassy, attacked tankers, oil fields. Soleimani being an explosives expert and a designated terrorist is already culpable for IED technology that has helped to kill and maim our service people..... better to take out one man now and send them a message than to fight a war later because we showed weakness and appeased their regeime.
I doubt the downside to taking out Soleimani will be even close to what we experienced when we helped to take out Qadaffi allowing ISIS to grow. Democrats were also on the wrong side in Egypt as well, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, had it not been for the quick acting Egyptian generals deciding on their own to take back the government as they did, Democrats would have losing Egypt on their hands. They barely dodged a bullet there... they have no room to talk about making decisions in the ME as if they had any wisdom at all.
Here is a news flash people anytime you take out a high ranking terrorist leader their is going to be potential blowback and or retaliation. It was that when Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq was killed same with Bin Laden also with Baghdadi though he killed himself when fate caught up to him. If you are going to let the fear of posssible retaliation stop you from taking one of these people out when you get the chance you migh as well announce to all terrorist around the world they are free to do as they please without fear of any consquences.

Sometimes I think this is what they want. Send them money and tell them we're sorry for not being Islamic. In the end the radicals believe the entire world belongs to Islam, starting first with Israel, so no amount of appeasement will ever make them happy.
One only needs to look inside Europe and see how far good intentions has gotten them.

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