So how are you holding up?


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
We were mostly prepared. I just went to the store earlier and stocked up on food again. We likely could get by several months without going back, plus we have a good bit of survival foods. Good on the tp too. If this BS lasts for another few months we are likely done anyway. I've read all kinds of teotwawki stories and you know what? It never happens like you think it will. Now if they'll just shut the phones and internet down I'll go clean my garage like I did in the 80's.
We were mostly prepared. I just went to the store earlier and stocked up on food again. We likely could get by several months without going back, plus we have a good bit of survival foods. Good on the tp too. If this BS lasts for another few months we are likely done anyway. I've read all kinds of teotwawki stories and you know what? It never happens like you think it will. Now if they'll just shut the phones and internet down I'll go clean my garage like I did in the 80's.
We're holding up quite well. My sister and I, and our two kitties (who don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of social distancing) are pretty well stocked in all of the essentials.
Good. Those of us on the Gulf Coast (the smart ones anyway) are used to maintaining a stockpile of goods. Compared to the aftermath of hurricane Michael this is a breeze. We were without electricity for 28 days, cable and internet for 6 weeks. Food stores were closed for 2 weeks. Everything was wrecked and I didn't really get back to work for a month. If anything good comes out of this it will be greater preparedness and a reminder that we are all in the same boat.
We were mostly prepared. I just went to the store earlier and stocked up on food again. We likely could get by several months without going back, plus we have a good bit of survival foods. Good on the tp too. If this BS lasts for another few months we are likely done anyway. I've read all kinds of teotwawki stories and you know what? It never happens like you think it will. Now if they'll just shut the phones and internet down I'll go clean my garage like I did in the 80's.

Small case of cabin fever here, but we're managing. We're both working from home. I set up a small home office for my wife who is the accounting department for a small pharmaceutical company and now she's been working, paying invoices, until like 0300 every morning—so I feel obligated to stay up with her and work as well. We're eating incredibly well, I'm trying many of the more elaborate Indian and Dutch recipes I've always wanted to attempt, along with some Chinese recipes as well. During daylight hours I've been going out hiking in a park on the Chesapeake Bay, and fishing in some of the inlets on base and near a local dam on the river. We also go out driving on a regular basis to get personal glimpses of the apocalypse. Yesterday I hit the local grocery store. This time I chose to wear a mask, gloves and scarf. Most other shoppers there looked at me like I had a hole in my head as they were uncovered. The store clerks were also not wearing PPE of any kind, and people still want to get up close and chat.

Overall, we're doing good, staying healthy and trying to deal with the endless close quarters living. Above all else I am concerned for older friends and family members who live in other states. I've called everyone up a few times to float the idea of the entire family gathering in one place—if the shit truly hits the fan and this pandemic runs on for months. So far the plan is to gather in a remote location with plenty of defilade in the form of thick brick walls, pool everyone's food stores and otherwise ride out the "storm". Problem is, many family members are reporting that they're comfortable at home and might not want to displace, even if mass looting or whatever happens. We'll see what goes down in the coming weeks.

Everyone stay safe out there.
I love being at home...bummed that I can't see my son in law and daughter and grand kids but doing fine all alone....been trying new recipes and new wines and entertaining myself with Netflix....and I hooked up my old play station....damn my thumb is sore....
My wife is doing her lectures from home. I retired last year and my outdoor activities haven't been affected. I was meeting friends for lunch every week and miss seeing them. Hope we can get together soon.

I re tiled the hall bathroom and replaced the toilet and we are going through the house decluttering. We haven't seen our oldest son in awhile out of precaution. He is an essential worker and there have been 3 virus cases confirmed at his work.
We were mostly prepared. I just went to the store earlier and stocked up on food again. We likely could get by several months without going back, plus we have a good bit of survival foods. Good on the tp too. If this BS lasts for another few months we are likely done anyway. I've read all kinds of teotwawki stories and you know what? It never happens like you think it will. Now if they'll just shut the phones and internet down I'll go clean my garage like I did in the 80's.
if the internet fails there will be riots
Let's just say...if this isn't over soon, my kids are gonna realize just how crazy Mom can get cause things are gonna get real......


I'm going to work tomorrow until they send me home to do some teleworking.
We are stocked up for a few days. If I can't get out of the house beyond "going for a walk" and on my own time---I'm going to go crazy.

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