So. How come all the Criminal Blacks riot in Northern Cities

Oh for Pete's sake...would you guys please remove my non existent post in your bantering? So I don't get all of the alerts on a post I didn;t make???
Fof real. I mentioned to the wife- Watch, the blacks in the South have respect for society. Up north they still have chips on their shoulders with Mayors (Ok Bradley/ LA Riots) giving green lights to burn the place down

Obama has done so much to divide us. His anti-American speech today was right out of who Cares


Obama has done nothing to divide you from anything.
Where you been the last 6 years, under a rock?



No, I've been looking for these wedges.

So I'll ask you what I always ask when the topic of wedges come up: You state that "Obama has done so much to divide us." Tell me what you or people you know can no longer do/say/act/feel/whatever to others that you could have did/said/acted/felt/whatever before he came into office.

A few examples please.

I would submit that if you've been "divided" from someone by the were not that close to them to start with.

"the police behaved stupidly" without knowing ANY facts of the incident is the root cause of all the strife with police.

I can't help it if you are too stupid to understand why those who were looking for an excuse to clash with police would take a President making such a statement to mean clashing with police was approved of.
I wonder why you are too stupid to realize that Pres.Obama made a comment on one particular incident and now you are trying to convince sane people that it was some type of call to arms...smh.

And You are truly stupid when you assert the President knew NONE of the facts of the incident.
Obama has done nothing to divide you from anything.
Where you been the last 6 years, under a rock?



No, I've been looking for these wedges.

So I'll ask you what I always ask when the topic of wedges come up: You state that "Obama has done so much to divide us." Tell me what you or people you know can no longer do/say/act/feel/whatever to others that you could have did/said/acted/felt/whatever before he came into office.

A few examples please.

I would submit that if you've been "divided" from someone by the were not that close to them to start with.

Computer science student Zach Anderson, 19, met a girl, 17, on the "Hot or Not?" app. He was from Elkhart, Indiana. She was 20 minutes over the border in Niles, Michigan. They hooked up. Once.

But it turned out the girl was really 14. She'd lied to Anderson and also in her profile. Now Zach sits in a Michigan jail, serving 90 days. When he gets out he will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 25 years...

In this excellent South Bend Tribune article, the mom told a reporter that she didn’t just ask the judge for leniency, "we asked him to drop the case."...

Now, in addition to registering as a sex offender, Anderson will spend five years on probation, during which time he will not be allowed to live in a home where there is internet access or a smart phone. He will obviously have to change his major. And he is forbidden to talk to anyone under age 17, except his brothers....
Male Teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender Banned from Internet. - Hit Run

One problem is that this 14 year-old girl searching sex through the "Hot or Not?" app.

And the next, the young man's sentence is a true miscarriage of justice. The criminalization of the resultant act and the destruction of this young man's future is the true crime. This kid got sex offender status for making a judge sadface about kids these days.

How long the judges will be allowed to screw up people as they want?

He was a legal adult, she was a minor - and not just slightly a minor. The only person who screwed up this kid was himself.
So, a 19 yr old, naive KID has sex with a 14 yr old girl who lied about her age, and his life is now ruined. That's justice?

"the police behaved stupidly" without knowing ANY facts of the incident is the root cause of all the strife with police.
So, according to you, Michael Brown and those thugs who rioted after were set off years earlier by a comment from the President? I would doubt these people watch much CNN or Fox News or whom ever.

You're a moron. A grade A 100% idiot of the first order. I mean, seriously, you're devoid of brain matter and are an imbecile deluxe.

I can't help it if you are too stupid to understand why those who were looking for an excuse to clash with police would take a President making such a statement to mean clashing with police was approved of.

And this divides you from your neighbor how exactly?

No, you and people like you are the idiots. And I'm not talking about liberals. Not every liberal is an idiot. But dogmatic morons , either left or right, who defend EVERY stupid position of "their side" no matter what are morons.

You don't even think, evaluate, or consider your positions. Fact don't matter to you one whit.

I dd not say "michael brown fought with wilson because Obama said..............."

I said Obama's statements began the trend of people finding it acceptable to fight with police. And it did.

As a man of color himself, with his background in the Black community, and his upbringing by essentially a racist minister, Rev. Wright, who was so bad, he had to distance himself from him, and now has Al Sharpton as his race relations adviser, President Obama has made it perfectly clear, that he is going to always side with the black community instead of on the side of the law, in these race related confrontations.

He ordered another man of color - ex-Attorney General Eric Holder, to Sanford, Florida, and a repeat of the original Civil Right's investigation, which already had been conducted by the FBI, in the Travyon Martin - George Zimmerman shooting. The FBI found Zimmerman not a fault the first time - they found no evidence to substantiate a Civil Right's violation the second time. A jury found Zimmerman Not Guilty by reason of Self Defense. Wasn't good enough for Al Sharpton to roll into Sanford and stir the pot. "Trayvon Martin could be my son," was President Obama's public quote regarding a routine police shooting investigation.

Same man who ordered the Beer Summit on the White House lawn with the Cambridge Police officer, and the drunk Harvard professor with the attitude. Officer should have declined the invitation.

Obama sent Holder and Sharpton to Ferguson, Missouri following the Michael Brown shooting by a cop who was simply defending himself. Officer Wilson, injured, and off the Ferguson Police Department now, got a Grand Jury No Bil of Indictment for shooting Michael Brown. Duh - when a football-sized thug attacks an on duty police officer, in his vehicle, attempting to grab his service revolver, he is going to get shot. Sharpton and Holder were not in Ferguson to follow the Grand Jury investigation into the shooting, they were there to deal with the Brown family. Sharpton's speech from the church was a race-inciting diatribe, and Holder wasn't far behind him. Meanwhile, 26 - black on black murder's occurred in Chicago's inner city ghetto, Obama's old community organizing neighborhood - not a breath was spoken by him about that. No call from the White House to get the guns off of the street - just the overall "attitude" from Washington, that whatever the Black community in Ferguson wanted to do, was ok, the Justice Department was there to cover it, just like the lib media, and what they covered was a riot. Police had to stand down.

There is nothing that President Obama has said publicly that changes the way anybody in the law enforcement, gun holding white community of America thinks. But, there is the attitude and idea out there, following the murder's in that AME church in Charleston, S.C., (one of the most racist states in America), that is is now OK to confront and attack the police, that all police are racists, and the appropriate response when challenged by them, particularly among Black youth, is to be confrontational. That idea and attitude has been in existence since the moment Obama took office, and a lot of young Black men are going to die, along with a lot of police officer's, and apparently innocent churchgoing citizens, because Obama has "moved the goal posts" and put civil rights back 50-years to the 1961 levels............
As a man of color himself, with his background in the Black community, and his upbringing by essentially a racist minister, Rev. Wright, who was so bad, he had to distance himself from him, and now has Al Sharpton as his race relations adviser, President Obama has made it perfectly clear, that he is going to always side with the black community instead of on the side of the law, in these race related confrontations.

He ordered another man of color - ex-Attorney General Eric Holder, to Sanford, Florida, and a repeat of the original Civil Right's investigation, which already had been conducted by the FBI, in the Travyon Martin - George Zimmerman shooting. The FBI found Zimmerman not a fault the first time - they found no evidence to substantiate a Civil Right's violation the second time. A jury found Zimmerman Not Guilty by reason of Self Defense. Wasn't good enough for Al Sharpton to roll into Sanford and stir the pot. "Trayvon Martin could be my son," was President Obama's public quote regarding a routine police shooting investigation.

Same man who ordered the Beer Summit on the White House lawn with the Cambridge Police officer, and the drunk Harvard professor with the attitude. Officer should have declined the invitation.

Obama sent Holder and Sharpton to Ferguson, Missouri following the Michael Brown shooting by a cop who was simply defending himself. Officer Wilson, injured, and off the Ferguson Police Department now, got a Grand Jury No Bil of Indictment for shooting Michael Brown. Duh - when a football-sized thug attacks an on duty police officer, in his vehicle, attempting to grab his service revolver, he is going to get shot. Sharpton and Holder were not in Ferguson to follow the Grand Jury investigation into the shooting, they were there to deal with the Brown family. Sharpton's speech from the church was a race-inciting diatribe, and Holder wasn't far behind him. Meanwhile, 26 - black on black murder's occurred in Chicago's inner city ghetto, Obama's old community organizing neighborhood - not a breath was spoken by him about that. No call from the White House to get the guns off of the street - just the overall "attitude" from Washington, that whatever the Black community in Ferguson wanted to do, was ok, the Justice Department was there to cover it, just like the lib media, and what they covered was a riot. Police had to stand down.

There is nothing that President Obama has said publicly that changes the way anybody in the law enforcement, gun holding white community of America thinks. But, there is the attitude and idea out there, following the murder's in that AME church in Charleston, S.C., (one of the most racist states in America), that is is now OK to confront and attack the police, that all police are racists, and the appropriate response when challenged by them, particularly among Black youth, is to be confrontational. That idea and attitude has been in existence since the moment Obama took office, and a lot of young Black men are going to die, along with a lot of police officer's, and apparently innocent churchgoing citizens, because Obama has "moved the goal posts" and put civil rights back 50-years to the 1961 levels............

Overall, a very good post.
Obama has certainly increased tensions. Anyone not seeing that is blind, probably by choice.
However I disagree that he has moved the goal post back to the 60's. Not even close.
As far as tensions between the races...he has certainly helped a great deal to set us back by several decades.
As a man of color himself, with his background in the Black community, and his upbringing by essentially a racist minister, Rev. Wright, who was so bad, he had to distance himself from him, and now has Al Sharpton as his race relations adviser, President Obama has made it perfectly clear, that he is going to always side with the black community instead of on the side of the law, in these race related confrontations.

He ordered another man of color - ex-Attorney General Eric Holder, to Sanford, Florida, and a repeat of the original Civil Right's investigation, which already had been conducted by the FBI, in the Travyon Martin - George Zimmerman shooting. The FBI found Zimmerman not a fault the first time - they found no evidence to substantiate a Civil Right's violation the second time. A jury found Zimmerman Not Guilty by reason of Self Defense. Wasn't good enough for Al Sharpton to roll into Sanford and stir the pot. "Trayvon Martin could be my son," was President Obama's public quote regarding a routine police shooting investigation.

Same man who ordered the Beer Summit on the White House lawn with the Cambridge Police officer, and the drunk Harvard professor with the attitude. Officer should have declined the invitation.

Obama sent Holder and Sharpton to Ferguson, Missouri following the Michael Brown shooting by a cop who was simply defending himself. Officer Wilson, injured, and off the Ferguson Police Department now, got a Grand Jury No Bil of Indictment for shooting Michael Brown. Duh - when a football-sized thug attacks an on duty police officer, in his vehicle, attempting to grab his service revolver, he is going to get shot. Sharpton and Holder were not in Ferguson to follow the Grand Jury investigation into the shooting, they were there to deal with the Brown family. Sharpton's speech from the church was a race-inciting diatribe, and Holder wasn't far behind him. Meanwhile, 26 - black on black murder's occurred in Chicago's inner city ghetto, Obama's old community organizing neighborhood - not a breath was spoken by him about that. No call from the White House to get the guns off of the street - just the overall "attitude" from Washington, that whatever the Black community in Ferguson wanted to do, was ok, the Justice Department was there to cover it, just like the lib media, and what they covered was a riot. Police had to stand down.

There is nothing that President Obama has said publicly that changes the way anybody in the law enforcement, gun holding white community of America thinks. But, there is the attitude and idea out there, following the murder's in that AME church in Charleston, S.C., (one of the most racist states in America), that is is now OK to confront and attack the police, that all police are racists, and the appropriate response when challenged by them, particularly among Black youth, is to be confrontational. That idea and attitude has been in existence since the moment Obama took office, and a lot of young Black men are going to die, along with a lot of police officer's, and apparently innocent churchgoing citizens, because Obama has "moved the goal posts" and put civil rights back 50-years to the 1961 levels............

Overall, a very good post.
Obama has certainly increased tensions. Anyone not seeing that is blind, probably by choice.
However I disagree that he has moved the goal post back to the 60's. Not even close.
As far as tensions between the races...he has certainly helped a great deal to set us back by several decades.

Follow you on several points, but it appears that being the first African-American to occupy the White House, and an elegant man of manners, one would have expected Mr. Obama to uphold the law, instead of tilting the tide, and using the "bully pulpit" of the White House to lend a sympathetic ear to the Black, minority thugs of today, who rape, rob, murder pillage and burn their own communities. The low information, low education, victimology-raised youth who see everything through the lens of white prejudice holding them back, when in fact, they do not value or accept public education as a possible way out of their predicament and ghetto lifestyle, which lends itself quickly to crime and violence, mostly against their own black community members.

This is the result of 50-years of the Federal government, the Supreme Court, the liberal media, and liberalism, indoctrinating that minority, lowering the standards through Affirmative Action, paying for welfare babies and ignoring education, creating generational welfare, now in its fifth generation. Remember, the Civil Right's movement of the 1960's wasn't a movement of race, if was a movement to gain unfettered franchise at the voting booth.

That is something the Black community did take to heart, and elected many of their own to political position's of power, in many Northern cities, only to fail miserably at governing. Mayor Barry in Washington, D.C. itself springs to mind. Detroit, Atlanta, Newark, not far behind.

The shrine the Black community should be placing flowers and memorializing is not Dr. King's, as good and talented a man as he was, but former President Lyndon B. Johnson, for his War On Poverty (which we lost), and his Great Society Program, designed as a hand up, not a hand out. Those programs, which emerged five generations later into what we have today, a permanent underclass of citizen's, who do not understand America, its laws, its Constitution, the value of education to escape poverty, and is so ingrained in the Black community calling themselves victims, that we are seeing Black youth being gunned down in the street's routinely, for challenging legitimate authority, the most prevalent, the police.

Johnson had another reason for his mega-social programs - it was political, as his own statement's proved when he said to his Congressional friends - "I will have those N-XXX ers voting Democratic for the next 100-years. It has been over 60 years now, and they still vote Democratic, and expected one of their own to "save" them from the poverty and failures, which they routinely blame on racism. The Civil Right's movement was about voting rights, not racism, although many died as a result of the prejudice that came out of it.

One can not legislate against prejudice, (a learned behavior), only against discrimination. The Black youth community of today, whose live expectancy for 18-25 year old males is exceptionally dangerous, it is either school to escape - crime - death or jail, has bought into the life-long racist, prejudice teachings of the NAACP, which makes people like Al Sharpton one of the 1%-ers of this country. Give them whatever they need, unfortunately, Middle Class America, which used to be able to support the poor, and keep them from dropping through the safety net, no longer has the financial ability - and it appears neither the inclination - to continue to try. Left on their own, it appears, under Mr. Obama's stewardship, that the Black community of America, is no better off today, than it was in 1961, thus the clock has, in fact, been turned back on race relations 50 plus years. Eventually, white America, is going to tire of Black America and leave them to their own devices, and stand their ground, no matter what the liberals or the court's decide. You see elements of that in the "thing blue line" known as the police, in their handling today of the confrontational Black attitude that they are their enemies.

Ten murdered church goers in South Carolina, no matter what their color, is unacceptable - where is Mr. Obama on this, why hasn't he spoken out - why isn't he in Charleston, S.C. speaking against violence, as Dr. King certainly would have, or Bill Clinton, or in the inner city of Chicago, speaking out against the gun violence and black on black murder's that decimate those communities? If you are going to use the "bully pulpit" of the Presidency, lets remember that the Black population is only 23% of America, there is a good 75% out there, who are getting antzy and ;olishing up their guns, many of whom are White, and voted for this man...........twice........
Again. For the libbies in denial. Why are southern blacks more assimilated into society with respect to abiding by Christian values that do not always equate to race?


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