So How Exactly Is Obama Fucking Over America Again?

Considering they're supposed to be paying right now about 35%, I don't quite see how you think you've scored ANY points on me in this. I'd say that clearly shows there are some loopholes that should be closed.

But you did a GREAT JOB of deflection from the actual question at hand:

Taxes are historically low, and yet you fucktards still are claiming he's hurting our economy. Despite 27 straight months of private sector jobs growth, the DOW doubling, all of these things you give him NO credit for, but when you just take two minutes to dissect your grievances, all you're left with is a pile of bullshit.

Just because taxes are low, does not mean Raising them in a Rescission wont hurt the Economy.

Besides your study completely Ignores the effects of all the Regulations, and Non Income Taxes in Obama's Policy.

It also completely Ignores State and Local Taxes.

As usual.

What, exactly, is Obama's responsibility for state and local taxes again?

And clearly, as has been shown in my other previous school lessons, raising taxes on the rich is not harmful to recession recovery. Ask William Jefferson Clinton.

ROFLMAO? what is Obama's Responsibility for State and local Taxes? need I remind you that the ACA asks the States to massively expand their MC rolls but only helps them pay for it for the first couple of years? Do you really think the States wont have to Raise taxes to cover it?

That is just one Example, the Federal Government often enacts Policy that Forces the States to Raise Taxes. It's is completely Ignorant to imply the President has no effect on State and Local Taxes.

Besides, I was not Blaming Obama for State and Local Taxes, and you know that. You are just avoiding the issue as usual. I was simply pointing out that your study claims Americans are paying less in Taxes, but it completely ignores state and Local Taxes in it's Findings.

I told you why I think Obama is Hurting America. Same Reason I think Bush did. Spending to FUCKING MUCH MONEY.

Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd be curious to see what data for 2010 and 2011 comes up to, and if the economy had recovered enough to push the average tax rate back up.

Umm he is a Demoncrat?

And if Willard wins everything will be Obama's fault for the next 4 years too.

And if Willard wins and spends 4 years Failing and Blaming Obama, I will be just as Vocally against his Re-election as I am Obama's.
Partisan Hacks should be careful what they Post.

From your own Link:

Aren't you one of those who tells us the Rich don't pay their Fair Share? lol

The lowest Quintile saw their Fed Tax Burden Drop by 81% while the Top saw about a 4.9% Drop.

Considering they're supposed to be paying right now about 35%, I don't quite see how you think you've scored ANY points on me in this. I'd say that clearly shows there are some loopholes that should be closed.

But you did a GREAT JOB of deflection from the actual question at hand:

Taxes are historically low, and yet you fucktards still are claiming he's hurting our economy. Despite 27 straight months of private sector jobs growth, the DOW doubling, all of these things you give him NO credit for, but when you just take two minutes to dissect your grievances, all you're left with is a pile of bullshit.

Yes and the Lowest Bracket should be paying 17% so what's your fucking point?

My point was you posted a link in which the General Liberal Argument that the rich don't Pay their Fair share is Proven BOGUS.


23 % just isn't enough they want much more,regardless of overall share of the tax burden.

And you might as well try and pull elephant teeth then get a responsible and objective response.
Yes and the Lowest Bracket should be paying 17% so what's your fucking point?

My point was you posted a link in which the General Liberal Argument that the rich don't Pay their Fair share is Proven BOGUS.


You see what you want to see.

In other words: No I didn't.

So now you claim you did not post the link? In which it clearly shows the Rich Pay a FUCK TON more as a % of their income than anyone else? lol

I am not arguing with you about your point that Taxes are Historically low, I am simply saying in your Link is Strong evidence that the Rich are indeed paying more than their "Fair share" When Compared to everyone else.


Of course they pay a fuck ton more than anyone else. Have you ever heard me say that they don't? "Fair share" isn't the right term that should be used. A progressive tax code means that someone has to shoulder more of the burden. But that never USED to be such a terrible thing. In the 1950s and 60s the top tax rate could hit 90%. And yet our economy still took off like a rocket and way more people were able to enter the upper class.

So what I'm saying is that this link, along with any other that shows actual, historical data proves that Conservative economic policy is built mostly on hope that everything works out right, while sound, Progressive Capitalism that has tight regulation and moderate taxation works like a charm. Again, see Bill Clinton for proof that taxation doesn't kill economic recovery.
Just because taxes are low, does not mean Raising them in a Rescission wont hurt the Economy.

Besides your study completely Ignores the effects of all the Regulations, and Non Income Taxes in Obama's Policy.

It also completely Ignores State and Local Taxes.

As usual.

What, exactly, is Obama's responsibility for state and local taxes again?

And clearly, as has been shown in my other previous school lessons, raising taxes on the rich is not harmful to recession recovery. Ask William Jefferson Clinton.

ROFLMAO? what is Obama's Responsibility for State and local Taxes? need I remind you that the ACA asks the States to massively expand their MC rolls but only helps them pay for it for the first couple of years? Do you really think the States wont have to Raise taxes to cover it?

That is just one Example, the Federal Government often enacts Policy that Forces the States to Raise Taxes. It's is completely Ignorant to imply the President has no effect on State and Local Taxes.

Besides, I was not Blaming Obama for State and Local Taxes, and you know that. You are just avoiding the issue as usual. I was simply pointing out that your study claims Americans are paying less in Taxes, but it completely ignores state and Local Taxes in it's Findings.

I told you why I think Obama is Hurting America. Same Reason I think Bush did. Spending to FUCKING MUCH MONEY.


All you're doing is throwing up smoke and mirrors. Yeah, so the article doesn't talk about state and local taxes. So fucking what? Are you really going to make the argument that state and local taxes hit people harder than Federal Income tax? I don't know about you, but state tax debt is NEVER NEAR as high as my Federal Tax debt. Maybe you live in a shitty state, I don't know.

Oh, Obama's spending too much? Okay. Let's stop spending so much money on Defense.
the hidden agenda, Obama wants to raise taxes on the rich to pay for his monthly vacations to Hawaii,Marthas Vinyard and every expensive european getaway.
News around the Nation.....

100 US cities going bankrupt in economic crisis « Follow The Money

100 US cities going bankrupt Things just keep getting worse.

Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd be curious to see what data for 2010 and 2011 comes up to, and if the economy had recovered enough to push the average tax rate back up.

Umm he is a Demoncrat?

And if Willard wins everything will be Obama's fault for the next 4 years too.

And if Willard wins and spends 4 years Failing and Blaming Obama, I will be just as Vocally against his Re-election as I am Obama's.

If only you weren't too dumb to see the obvious. Romney really sucked as governor, and he'd really suck as president.
Last edited:
Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd be curious to see what data for 2010 and 2011 comes up to, and if the economy had recovered enough to push the average tax rate back up.

Umm he is a Demoncrat?

And if Willard wins everything will be Obama's fault for the next 4 years too.

Considering what Obama spent (more then all the presidents before him) and we lost our credit rating, NASA, trillion or two in corrupt stimulus and non budget spending. It will take generation to undo this governments spending and size.
Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd be curious to see what data for 2010 and 2011 comes up to, and if the economy had recovered enough to push the average tax rate back up.

Umm he is a Demoncrat?

And if Willard wins everything will be Obama's fault for the next 4 years too.

Considering what Obama spent (more then all the presidents before him) and we lost our credit rating, NASA, trillion or two in corrupt stimulus and non budget spending. It will take generation to undo this governments spending and size.

That's spin. Every president since Hoover has outspent the last. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

The credit rating was marked down because the House Republicans were playing hostage with it over the Bush Tax Cuts. How the fuck do you think you can say stupid shit like this and not get called the fuck out?

You're old. You need to go away and let the youngins handle shit for awhile.
So How Exactly Is Obama Fucking Over America Again?

Much in the same what Bush did:

They both started wars in the Middle East
They both unconstitutionally bypassed Congress in starting those wars
They both maintained our military presence in over 100 countries
They both supported the Patriot Act
They both dramatically increased the national debt
They both showed undying support for the Federal Reserve and central price controls of money
They both made campaign promises they did not keep
They both tried stimulus spending
They both added dramatically to the number of pages in the Federal Register...aka more regulations
They both did very little to stop illegal immigration
They both gave sweetheart deals to failing corporations
They both instituted huge national medical programs
They both curtailed the rights of suspects not convicted of a crime
They both expanded the war on drugs
They both used ‘Special Signing Statements’ to avoid obeying the law

The list goes on, but you get the idea.
LOL @ Derp and his dickhead graphics.

predictably, DiaperFire doesn't like the info presented so he attacks the way in which its presented :clap2:

I could crank out a picture and add stats in a couple of minutes which proves you are a cocksucker.

Does that make you one?

oh wait

Don't answer that.

So, before I put you on ignore, because you bring NOTHING to the table, I just need you answer something. You list "Coon Hunting" as one of your hobbies on your profile. What exactly are you referring to there?
News around the Nation.....

100 US cities going bankrupt in economic crisis « Follow The Money

100 US cities going bankrupt Things just keep getting worse.


How wrong is this?? Hate to tell you but small businesses don't just need customers, they need customers that can pay their bills. Oh snap..........I forgot if you're on the government dole, you can spend lots of money on whatever you want, your food, housing, utilities and cell phone are provided to you. And no, it's definitely not free, except to the recipient.
Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'd be curious to see what data for 2010 and 2011 comes up to, and if the economy had recovered enough to push the average tax rate back up.

He isn't ,he is just doing a very sub-par job.
Americans paid the lowest taxes in 30 years in 2009. It's safe to assume that trend continued the last two years. So tell me again, how exactly is Barack Obama bad for the economy? If Conservatives hate taxes more than anything, and he's kept them at historically low levels...why exactly is the Right Wing so opposed to him, again?

(insert "socialist," "wipes his ass with the Constitution" and whatever other buzzword-laden rhetoric you'll fire back with but won't actually answer my question)

Also, this shows just how CRAZY BAD the economy was when Obama took over.

Americans paid lowest tax rates in 30 years in 2009 | GlobalPost

Partisan Hacks should be careful what they Post.

From your own Link:
People with the highest incomes were hit the hardest by the economic downturn, according to Politico: while those in the four lowest quintiles of income saw their average income before taxes drop by five percent or less, America's wealthiest 20 percent saw an 18-percent drop in their income. Those with earnings in the top 1 percent lost 36 percent of their income, Politico reported.

Those in the lowest quintile paid just one percent of their income to the federal government in 2009, down from 5.1 percent in 2007. The richest Americans gave the government 23.2 percent, compared with 24.7 percent in 2007, according to the reported.

Aren't you one of those who tells us the Rich don't pay their Fair Share? lol

The lowest Quintile saw their Fed Tax Burden Drop by 81% while the Top saw about a 4.9% Drop.

People in the lowest quintile include people who have no job. How do you pay income taxes on no income?

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