So How Much Military Is 2 Much Military?

First, we need to change the name back to The War Department, since we've not really been in defense for a long time, save a major f-up during Bush's terms. It's disingenuous to call it the DOD, when we are doing the attacking.

Second, we need to pare it down to be roughly the same as other industrialized countries, roughly 100 billion each year. That's plenty, once we extract ourselves from these unnecessary wars, and stop making enemies. Also, we need to shut about 600 of the 800 military bases, that take billions to maintain each year. We cut the number of forces, and we keep the research going, and we make damn sure we've got enough resources to gin up building if we need it. That will require that we bring a lot of the heavy businesses back to the U.S., but then we need the jobs anyway, right? It only makes good sense.

IT's crazy that we spend more than every other country on the globe added up, spends. No wonder we are neck-deep in debt, and can't afford the real things we need, education, health care, and infrastructure, to keep America and Americans strong. We're pissing it all down the drain.

Chalmers Johnson has a lot of good books on this topic, as well as many articles on the net. Also, Kevin Phillips has several that shows the futility of Empire.

Let's turn in the badge. World policeman is a thankless job, that only brings things to us like 9/11, and stokes the fires of anger in the world, which cause more conflicts. Defend US. Don't attack THEM. It's simple, and if you have to keep people from immigrating to keep out dangerous people, so be it.
Asking how much military is too much military is rather like asking how much much you value your safety and is it worth the cost you pay for it.

Personally, I don't think this is a dumb question. Were you to spend every penny you had on your personal safety, you'd not have food, a car, a place to hang your hat, or anything else, but skies overhead.

It is a very good question to ask how much is a reasonable amount to defend us, and whether we want to be in an eternal, Orwellian conflict, that continues to absorb our very life-blood, continues to dessimate our economy, and our country's infrastructure.

In fact, it is not asking that question that is foolhardy. You pick up an hand gun, if you can afford it, maybe a security system, and then you hope for the best. At some point, you've got that law of diminishing returns.

In our DOD, we hit that mark a long, long time ago. The 9/11 attack was a subtle clue that maybe we're overstepping our role in the world. Clearly they don't value us like our media tells us they do. Our media simply repeats what the Pentagon tells them to, and certainly this was true during the early Bush years, as they sold themselves out to a nationalist, God Bless America, wave of kickass. Shows were canceled that actually asked the poignant questions, which tells you how much the media, and military are under the same corporate umbrellas. Besides, wars present such good coverage for folks to watch on the tee-vees, and you can not talk about any of the stuff that is important to people for a long, long time, another big benefit of constant wars.(sarcasm, drip, drip)
What do you do when the world is desperately in the need of policing?

Truthfully I don't know. My gut reaction is to say to tell them to get a life and take care of their own damn problems. I am sick and tired of everyone bitching and whining when we do step in and then bitching and whining if we don't.

If the help is never appreciated why should we continue to offer it?

The fact is this. Since the Eurotrash socialists are afraid to have an army that has any balls because they are afraid some crazy bastard will pull another Hitler, they rely on the ones who saved their asses in WW2.....

The U.S.A.

Now with all of these other countries becoming world players, like China and India, they are crawling even further into their shells of wussification. Now that the Muslims represent nearly 20% of Europe's population they are even afraid to uphold their commitment to NATO with respect to any meaningful participation in the Afghan conflict.
What do you do when the world is desperately in the need of policing?

Truthfully I don't know. My gut reaction is to say to tell them to get a life and take care of their own damn problems. I am sick and tired of everyone bitching and whining when we do step in and then bitching and whining if we don't.

If the help is never appreciated why should we continue to offer it?

The fact is this. Since the Eurotrash socialists are afraid to have an army that has any balls because they are afraid some crazy bastard will pull another Hitler, they rely on the ones who saved their asses in WW2.....

The U.S.A.

Now with all of these other countries becoming world players, like China and India, they are crawling even further into their shells of wussification. Now that the Muslims represent nearly 20% of Europe's population they are even afraid to uphold their commitment to NATO with respect to any meaningful participation in the Afghan conflict.

Oh. So the USA is fighting the war in Afghanistan alone, are they! Listen numbnuts, I come from one of those countries you refer to as Eurotrash and my mates and brothers in arms are dying on a daily basis fighting in Afghanistan. You fuckingwell insult the memory of my countrymen who have given their lives in this war, so kindly fuck off and spew your shitty bile elsewhere!
Truthfully I don't know. My gut reaction is to say to tell them to get a life and take care of their own damn problems. I am sick and tired of everyone bitching and whining when we do step in and then bitching and whining if we don't.

If the help is never appreciated why should we continue to offer it?

The fact is this. Since the Eurotrash socialists are afraid to have an army that has any balls because they are afraid some crazy bastard will pull another Hitler, they rely on the ones who saved their asses in WW2.....

The U.S.A.

Now with all of these other countries becoming world players, like China and India, they are crawling even further into their shells of wussification. Now that the Muslims represent nearly 20% of Europe's population they are even afraid to uphold their commitment to NATO with respect to any meaningful participation in the Afghan conflict.

Oh. So the USA is fighting the war in Afghanistan alone, are they! Listen numbnuts, I come from one of those countries you refer to as Eurotrash and my mates and brothers in arms are dying on a daily basis fighting in Afghanistan. You fuckingwell insult the memory of my countrymen who have given their lives in this war, so kindly fuck off and spew your shitty bile elsewhere!

The UK isn't a Eurotrash cool your jets....or YOU can just fuck off as well.
What do you do when the world is desperately in the need of policing?

Truthfully I don't know. My gut reaction is to say to tell them to get a life and take care of their own damn problems. I am sick and tired of everyone bitching and whining when we do step in and then bitching and whining if we don't.

If the help is never appreciated why should we continue to offer it?

Because you go in all guns blazing without picking the right fights..

WWI and WWII and Korea - right fights
Viet Nam, Iraq, Black Ops in Central America in the 80s - wrong fights....
Hmmm... "how much *military* is enough" in the *politics* section, when there's a *military* section... is someone not paying attention?
The fact is this. Since the Eurotrash socialists are afraid to have an army that has any balls because they are afraid some crazy bastard will pull another Hitler, they rely on the ones who saved their asses in WW2.....

The U.S.A.

Now with all of these other countries becoming world players, like China and India, they are crawling even further into their shells of wussification. Now that the Muslims represent nearly 20% of Europe's population they are even afraid to uphold their commitment to NATO with respect to any meaningful participation in the Afghan conflict.

Oh. So the USA is fighting the war in Afghanistan alone, are they! Listen numbnuts, I come from one of those countries you refer to as Eurotrash and my mates and brothers in arms are dying on a daily basis fighting in Afghanistan. You fuckingwell insult the memory of my countrymen who have given their lives in this war, so kindly fuck off and spew your shitty bile elsewhere!

The UK isn't a Eurotrash cool your jets....or YOU can just fuck off as well.

Since the UK is a EU nation, the term Eurotrash would apply. Seems you need to take more care over your terminology. Oh, and I'LL not be fucking off until my next deployment!
Oh. So the USA is fighting the war in Afghanistan alone, are they! Listen numbnuts, I come from one of those countries you refer to as Eurotrash and my mates and brothers in arms are dying on a daily basis fighting in Afghanistan. You fuckingwell insult the memory of my countrymen who have given their lives in this war, so kindly fuck off and spew your shitty bile elsewhere!

The UK isn't a Eurotrash cool your jets....or YOU can just fuck off as well.

Since the UK is a EU nation, the term Eurotrash would apply. Seems you need to take more care over your terminology. Oh, and I'LL not be fucking off until my next deployment!

Sorry .... I got you beat already...I'm on deployment...and FFP...a definition of Eurotrash:
Males from Europe usually Italy, France, Spain, Eastern Europe, dressed in designer clothes v-neck t-shirts tight jeans slicked greasy hair.They are tan and have an accent.They are not stable financially, but somehow afford the newest fashion items.They hang in fancy clubs and "prey" on American teen's.They love European car brands like Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Volkswagen and such.Listen to Dance and House music and are constantly dressed like they are going clubbing.

Seems to me you should read up before jumping to conclusions....but then again...all of us are guilty of that at some point.
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The UK isn't a Eurotrash cool your jets....or YOU can just fuck off as well.

Since the UK is a EU nation, the term Eurotrash would apply. Seems you need to take more care over your terminology. Oh, and I'LL not be fucking off until my next deployment!

Sorry .... I got you beat already...I'm on deployment...and FFP...a definition of Eurotrash:
Males from Europe usually Italy, France, Spain, Eastern Europe, dressed in designer clothes v-neck t-shirts tight jeans slicked greasy hair.They are tan and have an accent.They are not stable financially, but somehow afford the newest fashion items.They hang in fancy clubs and "prey" on American teen's.They love European car brands like Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Volkswagen and such.Listen to Dance and House music and are constantly dressed like they are going clubbing.

Seems to me you should read up before jumping to conclusions....but then again...all of us are guilty of that at some point.

You pick one definition out of over a dozen shown in the Urban Dictionary. I know precisely what the term Eurotrash has come to mean and this definition sums it up:

Eurotrash is a derogatory term used in the United States against Europeans.

Much as we in Britain would rather not be, our government has ensured that we are Europeans.

If you're deployed, good luck and stay safe. Doesn't change the fact that I think you're a shit head!
Since the UK is a EU nation, the term Eurotrash would apply. Seems you need to take more care over your terminology. Oh, and I'LL not be fucking off until my next deployment!

Sorry .... I got you beat already...I'm on deployment...and FFP...a definition of Eurotrash:
Males from Europe usually Italy, France, Spain, Eastern Europe, dressed in designer clothes v-neck t-shirts tight jeans slicked greasy hair.They are tan and have an accent.They are not stable financially, but somehow afford the newest fashion items.They hang in fancy clubs and "prey" on American teen's.They love European car brands like Alfa Romeo, Peugeot, Volkswagen and such.Listen to Dance and House music and are constantly dressed like they are going clubbing.

Seems to me you should read up before jumping to conclusions....but then again...all of us are guilty of that at some point.

You pick one definition out of over a dozen shown in the Urban Dictionary. I know precisely what the term Eurotrash has come to mean and this definition sums it up:

Eurotrash is a derogatory term used in the United States against Europeans.

Much as we in Britain would rather not be, our government has ensured that we are Europeans.

If you're deployed, good luck and stay safe. Doesn't change the fact that I think you're a shit head!

He's just another poster who posts without thinking.

Pretty common occurrence around here.
Because you go in all guns blazing without picking the right fights..

WWI and WWII and Korea - right fights
Viet Nam, Iraq, Black Ops in Central America in the 80s - wrong fights....

This caught my eye.

Explain how WWI was the 'right fight' considering the UK and France had massive colonial empires that treated the locals like dirt whereas Germany had a marginal colonial empire that treated the locals like dirt.

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