So I was wrong. The Republican do have a plan to combat inflation. Tax increases on moderate wage earners and small businesses by R. Rick Scott fl.

It's the current shortage of workers that's driving up wages. That's the market in action.

There is no shortage of workers. Job creation doesn't spread itself out evenly among available labor, and an economy that creates mostly shit temp and service industry jobs doesn't mean somebody unemployed in St. Louis can afford to move to a boom city like Dallas for a crappy Pizza Hut job.
Sounds more like you're a trolling moron just playing I Touched You Last!!!
I asked you a very simple question: why should fast food workers make $50K a year and you have refused to answer. Apparently you just like talking shit but have nothing of substance to say.
The floor is yours.
I asked you a very simple question: why should fast food workers make $50K a year and you have refused to answer. Apparently you just like talking shit but have nothing of substance to say.
The floor is yours.

Obviously you think you stand out among all the other right wing shills. You don't, and obviously since minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be closer to $50K most tards could figure out what my answer would be without asking, except for super morons who can't read.

You idiots who think 1st world countries should have their workers competing with Asian labor for 25 cents an hour are fucking loons. That's why you're losing elections to other lunatics.
Obviously you think you stand out among all the other right wing shills. You don't, and obviously since minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be closer to $50K most tards could figure out what my answer would be without asking, except for super morons who can't read.

You idiots who think 1st world countries should have their workers competing with Asian labor for 25 cents an hour are fucking loons. That's why you're losing elections to other lunatics.
That's not an answer.
You think it's an answer because you're an idiot but it's not.
And just to show you why you are an idiot I just ran the inflation #'s:
$2.35 an hour in 1975 (when I got my 1st job) would be $12.63 now. That's about $25K a year, NOT $50K.
So it is not only my opinion that you are a loud mouthed idiot, it is also verifiable.
And I'm going to hit every Republican with this daily. A tax increase of 1000 dollars on people making 30,000 a year. But let's give a billion dollar company a tax cut.

This is maga crazy.
it's also total bullshit but hey - spread the FUD like "butta".

when you ain't got shit, lie.
There is no shortage of workers. Job creation doesn't spread itself out evenly among available labor, and an economy that creates mostly shit temp and service industry jobs doesn't mean somebody unemployed in St. Louis can afford to move to a boom city like Dallas for a crappy Pizza Hut job.
There's a shortage of skilled workers as well. College grads anticipate that they will likely have to relocate for a good job. Workers should also consider that option.

You can get rich starting from an entry level job. You gotta start somewhere.
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All tax brackets need increased until we pay off the debt. All corporations need to pay taxes and get no tax breaks. No more corporate welfare. Cut every department by 25% of last year's budget.

It is a start.
All tax brackets need increased until we pay off the debt. All corporations need to pay taxes and get no tax breaks. No more corporate welfare. Cut every department by 25% of last year's budget.

It is a start.
The government won't use that revenue for debt relief. They'll find new programs to spend it on.
There's a shortage of skilled workers as well. College grads anticipate that they will likely have to relocate for a good job. Workers should also consider that option.

Wrong again. There is no reason industries can't train their own workers. they just chose not to on purpose, and now think they're entitled to free govt. programs to train their employees for them. They also expect the govt. to provide them with green cards, so they can avoid having to pay American level wages for skilled help, esentially cutting their own throats re having a trained pool of people to fill jobs.
That's not an answer.
You think it's an answer because you're an idiot but it's not.
And just to show you why you are an idiot I just ran the inflation #'s:
$2.35 an hour in 1975 (when I got my 1st job) would be $12.63 now. That's about $25K a year, NOT $50K.
So it is not only my opinion that you are a loud mouthed idiot, it is also verifiable.

So you're stupid and you work cheap. I'm supposed to be impressed?
Of course, the then Prog promise to cut social programs never materialized. The people did well under Reagan. The 401 K that up to 2 thousand dollars a year and using it as a tax break on the yearly taxes was for the little guy. Of course, it was jettisoned. Reagan also had globalists in his administration along with those not so much. Permanent ghettos exist and you just say everything is fine with that.
The Corporations did well under Reagan; College graduates had virtually no employment opportunities and the 80s sucked.
There's a shortage of skilled workers as well. College grads anticipate that they will likely have to relocate for a good job. Workers should also consider that option.

You can get rich starting from an entry level job. You gotta start somewhere.
The old "shortage of skilled workers" bullshit in order to bring in Indian Business Visas who definitely have no skills but work for $15.00/hour.

Wrong again. There is no reason industries can't train their own workers. they just chose not to on purpose, and now think they're entitled to free govt. programs to train their employees for them. They also expect the govt. to provide them with green cards, so they can avoid having to pay American level wages for skilled help, esentially cutting their own throats re having a trained pool of people to fill jobs.
By the way, Trump ran on Corporate America claiming a shortage of skills.
To be snarky, when Trump sent all the H1-Bs home and MNCs had to hire Americans, our tech innovations took off like a rocket.
Of course. This is common with them, and one of the reasons they're barely winning by tiny margins in elections. Saint Reagan's 8 tax increases and George H.W. Bush's tax increases are classics. They also know it won't do squat to reduce inflation, they know it is giant corporations plundering the public at will that is causing inflation, but they hope the public is too stupid to notice.

If you ever want to beam back to Planet Earth and deal with reality, here's an article that will help you get started with your deprogramming:

Setting the Record Straight About the Bush and Reagan Tax Cuts

As for Scott's 11-point plan, only part of one point deals with taxes. Part of his tax plan would merely reestablish the tax rates that low-income and lower-middle-income people were paying before the Bush tax cuts. I think Scott is foolish for proposing something like this right before the mid-terms.
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If you ever want to beam back to Planet Earth and deal with reality, here's an article that will help you get started with your deprogramming:

Setting the Record Straight About the Bush and Reagan Tax Cuts
I have asked many store owners why doubling the price of fill a gas tank would cause every food item in the truck to by more than double; they all tell me the food distributors are ripping them off.
If 10 percent of the people control 90 percent of the wealth, then they need to pay more in taxes. If only 10 percent is left then that's what it is.

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