So I was wrong. The Republican do have a plan to combat inflation. Tax increases on moderate wage earners and small businesses by R. Rick Scott fl.

I asked you a very simple question: why should fast food workers make $50K a year and you have refused to answer. Apparently you just like talking shit but have nothing of substance to say.
The floor is yours.
Where do fast food workers make 50k a year, millions would love to move there
The plan to stop inflation, decrease the price of fuel, seal the border, increase family income?

Get rid of the Democrat turds.
I have asked many store owners why doubling the price of fill a gas tank would cause every food item in the truck to by more than double; they all tell me the food distributors are ripping them off.

They know there are a lot of voters who can't do simple math and think doubling fuel prices will double the price of every item on a truck, same as they believe doubling minimum wages 'will make burgers cost $10 n stuff, never mind the fact that fast food prices were approaching that anyway while wages remained stagnant for a very long time. Busting unions didn't lower meat prices in the 1980's, and in fact since anti-trust enforcement disappeared under Reagan they increased under cheap labor, along with other bubbles. They're clueless and just parroting what some propagandist tells them to. It's also clear they never read anything in the business press and don't care, they're just happy to be babbling nonsense their peer group approves of.
They're part of the labor pool working or not, and like I aid nobody can afford to move a thousand miles just to take a shot at some Wally World or MacDonald's job.
If they are unemployed and not looking for work they are not part of the labor force. The labor force are those who are working, are looking for work, or have signed up for unemployment benefits (which are limited). Tens of thousands of would-be workers are simply missing.
Dems are too STUPID to understand that.
I can guarantee you that those 50% that are mooching are predominately Democratic voters. Some aren’t stupid, just lazy and want to take advantage of the rest of us that pay. ”Tax the rich”, the rich don’t pay their “fair share”, “racism” etc. are tag lines to mind-meld middle-class Democrats into believing that they are getting screwed by the those that make more money than them. Sadly, there are a bunch if ignorant middle-class Democrats.
So soak the poor is your answer. 😂😂😂 At least you are honest about wanting to shift the tax burden on the working poor. You go boy.

By “soak” you mean pay something? Do you really think it makes sense to have an entire class that can vote themselves “free” stuff from other people? Of course you do, you are a childish, short-sighted Democrat.
Wrong again. There is no reason industries can't train their own workers. they just chose not to on purpose, and now think they're entitled to free govt. programs to train their employees for them. They also expect the govt. to provide them with green cards, so they can avoid having to pay American level wages for skilled help, esentially cutting their own throats re having a trained pool of people to fill jobs.
Industries can't train people who don't apply for jobs. It seems that people only want to sit in front of a computer in a air conditioned office. We have enough of those. We need people to do physical work. For example, we need tens of thousands more truck drivers to deliver products. Virtually every skilled trade is woefully short of workers.
Businesses usually have to train people anyway.
Post #118 should be attributed to DudleySmith. The site is screwing up responses.
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If 10 percent of the people control 90 percent of the wealth, then they need to pay more in taxes. If only 10 percent is left then that's what it is.
Money and wealth aren't necessarily the same thing. Much of the wealth referred to was purchased with after-tax money. Even the rich can't have their cake and eat it too *. Also until Biden came along the money supply was finite and most loans were made with money on deposit in banks, that was part of the 'wealth' of the 10 percenters. I'm a 20 percenter and all of my monetary 'wealth' is available for borrowers who qualify to borrow it.

*If I buy a yacht for a $million dollars I don't get to keep the $million dollars and the yacht. I'm short one $million and ahead one yacht. Also, the yacht not only requires expensive maintenance but is depreciating in value. Most such yachts also generate much more in tax revenue through employment and rental income than if the value of the yacht is taxed, as you are suggesting.
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