So I was wrong. The Republican do have a plan to combat inflation. Tax increases on moderate wage earners and small businesses by R. Rick Scott fl.

The old "shortage of skilled workers" bullshit in order to bring in Indian Business Visas who definitely have no skills but work for $15.00/hour.
Those Indian workers just add to the pool of those who won't do work that requires physical work, so we still have a huge shortage of skilled tradespersons.
Those Indian workers just add to the pool of those who won't do work that requires physical work, so we still have a huge shortage of skilled tradespersons.

Rubbish. You think Indians are digging ditches n stuff over here? They're driving down wages for skilled Americans, and not only that Silly con Valley, the aerospace industry, and even the poultry industry are getting caught right and left colluding with each other not to steal each other's employees by offering more money, rigging the wages; there is no 'market', and only the utterly clueless still believe that 'free market' nonsense' every business and industry group on the planet hates competition, and not a single one of them support 'free markets' in anything.
Rubbish. You think Indians are digging ditches n stuff over here? They're driving down wages for skilled Americans, and not only that Silly con Valley, the aerospace industry, and even the poultry industry are getting caught right and left colluding with each other not to steal each other's employees by offering more money, rigging the wages; there is no 'market', and only the utterly clueless still believe that 'free market' nonsense' every business and industry group on the planet hates competition, and not a single one of them support 'free markets' in anything.
A rigged market is still a market. The lack of skilled workers is driving wages up, not down.
If they are unemployed and not looking for work they are not part of the labor force. The labor force are those who are working, are looking for work, or have signed up for unemployment benefits (which are limited). Tens of thousands of would-be workers are simply missing.

Nah, it means businesses don't want to pay enough to draw them out, is all, and like I said jobs aren't distributed evenly and only idiots think unemployed people will move 2,000 miles to a boom town for a crappy part time service industry job. They wou;d be harssed and arrested for vagrancy even of they were employed, since you right wing nuts want to also criminalize poverty while you're sniveling over not being able to find workers for 25 cents an hour.
The Corporations did well under Reagan; College graduates had virtually no employment opportunities and the 80s sucked.

Best American President the Japanese ever had. Same with all the big time Ponzi Scheme operators, especially in the banking and real estate hustles.
Nah, it means businesses don't want to pay enough to draw them out, is all, and like I said jobs aren't distributed evenly and only idiots think unemployed people will move 2,000 miles to a boom town for a crappy part time service industry job. They wou;d be harssed and arrested for vagrancy even of they were employed, since you right wing nuts want to also criminalize poverty while you're sniveling over not being able to find workers for 25 cents an hour.
I'm referring to skilled labor jobs, not flipping burgers. Although even that is looking better.

Poverty is rewarded here, not punished. We who are net tax payers subsidize the poor to the tune of $Billions each year. Poor in America is like being rich in the developing world. That's a big reason for the current stream of immigants. They'd rather be poor in America than rich in their own country.
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Wow not on the topic once again.

I did notice that Rick Scott didn't want to pay higher taxes.

He didn't add his tax bracket in the equation.

But I do like your dodge. Alot of effort to derail the thread for sure.

But you failed.

Looks like the President failed.

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