Zone1 So If Black Violence Isn't Bad In America Than Why Are They The Only Ones Killing Each Other?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Besides whites that is. As this came up in another topic of mine and tell me how many Hispanics are killing other Hispanics? How many Asians are killing other Asians? Oh and while we're on the subject realize that the only time the race card for the reason why a person committed a crime instead of accountability is when they're black?
Besides whites that is. As this came up in another topic of mine and tell me how many Hispanics are killing other Hispanics? How many Asians are killing other Asians? Oh and while we're on the subject realize that the only time the race card for the reason why a person committed a crime instead of accountability is when they're black?
The American black folks have an unusually high rate for committing black on black violent crimes. From what I have researched the violent crimes they commit appear to be in specific areas of Democrat controlled cities such as Detroit, Chicago etc. The black community has long been recognized as the race that has the most difficult time "blending" in with American society. Again this appears in the ghetto areas of larger cities where violence is up in number. Black folks out here in the eastern area of Washington state don't appear to me to harbor this groupie/ghetto mentality.

Where I am employed we got folks from south America, Cuba, Mexico, & also Islanders(Marianna/U.S. territory) & even one Canadian & Saudi guy. We got a fair amount of black Americans & no problems I mean we are a true "calico" operation. We all, a LOT of us on any shift(5 shifts/overlap) cover each others backs but management is excellent so there is scant problems. Honestly folks out here, including where I am employed don't seem to care about a persons color, race, shape or where they come from. We all are out for a paycheck & we do our best to foster the best atmosphere we can in the interest of sanity. No problems with our fellow employees that have darker skin. The link below compares different races & their murder rates but this link is two years out of date.

The American black folks have an unusually high rate for committing black on black violent crimes. From what I have researched the violent crimes they commit appear to be in specific areas of Democrat controlled cities such as Detroit, Chicago etc. The black community has long been recognized as the race that has the most difficult time "blending" in with American society. Again this appears in the ghetto areas of larger cities where violence is up in number. Black folks out here in the eastern area of Washington state don't appear to me to harbor this groupie/ghetto mentality.

Where I am employed we got folks from south America, Cuba, Mexico, & also Islanders(Marianna/U.S. territory) & even one Canadian & Saudi guy. We got a fair amount of black Americans & no problems I mean we are a true "calico" operation. We all, a LOT of us on any shift(5 shifts/overlap) cover each others backs but management is excellent so there is scant problems. Honestly folks out here, including where I am employed don't seem to care about a persons color, race, shape or where they come from. We all are out for a paycheck & we do our best to foster the best atmosphere we can in the interest of sanity. No problems with our fellow employees that have darker skin. The link below compares different races & their murder rates but this link is two years out of date.

I would bet that anyone who did a study on outcomes for those dispersed after Katrina from New Orleans would see similar results when comparing those who were sent to small towns versus those sent to Houston's ghettoes. That's why we w ill never see such a study published.
The American black folks have an unusually high rate for committing black on black violent crimes. From what I have researched the violent crimes they commit appear to be in specific areas of Democrat controlled cities such as Detroit, Chicago etc. The black community has long been recognized as the race that has the most difficult time "blending" in with American society. Again this appears in the ghetto areas of larger cities where violence is up in number. Black folks out here in the eastern area of Washington state don't appear to me to harbor this groupie/ghetto mentality.

Where I am employed we got folks from south America, Cuba, Mexico, & also Islanders(Marianna/U.S. territory) & even one Canadian & Saudi guy. We got a fair amount of black Americans & no problems I mean we are a true "calico" operation. We all, a LOT of us on any shift(5 shifts/overlap) cover each others backs but management is excellent so there is scant problems. Honestly folks out here, including where I am employed don't seem to care about a persons color, race, shape or where they come from. We all are out for a paycheck & we do our best to foster the best atmosphere we can in the interest of sanity. No problems with our fellow employees that have darker skin. The link below compares different races & their murder rates but this link is two years out of date.


Whites in Eastern Washington are very racist. Your post is evidence of this.
Besides whites that is. As this came up in another topic of mine and tell me how many Hispanics are killing other Hispanics? How many Asians are killing other Asians? Oh and while we're on the subject realize that the only time the race card for the reason why a person committed a crime instead of accountability is when they're black?

The psychosis right wing whites suffer from does not allow them to understand that whites invented the race card and use it all the time. Like this thread for example, it is the classic white use of the race card.

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