So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines


You've accused me of saying something I literally didn't say, you can't even provide a quote, although you did just wasn't there.

It's not on me to disprove something you're making up.

You keep beating that horse that nobody else can see. :thup:
Since you claimed my interpretation is incorrect, I asked you what you meant.

You STILL have refused to answer.


I've told you several times, and I've now told you this several times.

I'm not jumping through hoops Daveyboy. :thup:
Like I said: You'll be a little bitch until someone answers your question, but you won't answer anyone else's.

Answer it here, and answer it now: What did you mean by "Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick"?

You don't have to go look for the post, it's right here:

But of course, you'll puss out -- again -- and claim you don't have to.

Utterly predictable.
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.

Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

American Atrocities

May we look at what America has done and is doing through the clear lens of God's Word rather than through the perverted lens of the flag-waving "support our troops" conservative talk shows and "God bless America" churchianity
American Atrocities

Worst atrocities committed by America in American History?
Worst atrocities committed by America in American History? - Yahoo! Answers

Get a life and get educated, korshergirl
You don't realize it, but you're admitting the US is a Christian nation.

You may sputter and fume and backpedal now.
Well, a bloodthirsty nation of Christians, like all nations of Christians in history.

Hopefully, we are doing better now.
Imperialist?? Naahh. Just facts. The West did get the oil out of the ground, at great expense I might add. Only to have the whole deal Nationalized for the ruling class in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai and the rest of the oil rich countries. They have certainly gotten rich of the Wests know how.

Stealing their wealth?? WOW Hard time buying that one Joe since we pay up the ass for the oil we initially got out of the ground for them.


awwww.... they are making us pay for what we take from them. How dare they?

And then using that money to kill us.

And you dumbasses keep going along with it. Don't you dare talk about MY SUV, you socialist.
Since you claimed my interpretation is incorrect, I asked you what you meant.

You STILL have refused to answer.


I've told you several times, and I've now told you this several times.

I'm not jumping through hoops Daveyboy. :thup:
Like I said: You'll be a little bitch until someone answers your question, but you won't answer anyone else's.

Answer it here, and answer it now: What did you mean by "Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick"?

You don't have to go look for the post, it's right here:

But of course, you'll puss out -- again -- and claim you don't have to.

Utterly predictable.


I'm aghast at your stupidity right now.

You really can't find it?
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.

Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

Get a life and get educated, korshergirl
You don't realize it, but you're admitting the US is a Christian nation.

You may sputter and fume and backpedal now.

you don't realize it, but you're exhibiting the mental agility of a box of hammers.

am i laughing?
I've told you several times, and I've now told you this several times.

I'm not jumping through hoops Daveyboy. :thup:
Like I said: You'll be a little bitch until someone answers your question, but you won't answer anyone else's.

Answer it here, and answer it now: What did you mean by "Unfortunately, old habits are hard to kick"?

You don't have to go look for the post, it's right here:

But of course, you'll puss out -- again -- and claim you don't have to.

Utterly predictable.


I'm aghast at your stupidity right now.

You really can't find it?
Still not going to answer the question?
Liberals hate/dislike Christians because liberals are evil people.

Through the decades they have sided with the secular communists/socialists that opposed Christians in other countries and they have sided with the muslims over Jews and the Christians.

They are evil people that hate Chrisitans since Christians are the dominant religion in this country. They have this demented belief in islam despite muslims being anti-women, anti-gay, anti-modern society, etc.
Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

Get a life and get educated, korshergirl
You don't realize it, but you're admitting the US is a Christian nation.

You may sputter and fume and backpedal now.

you don't realize it, but you're exhibiting the mental agility of a box of hammers.

am i laughing?
Follow along here, del. Ask if you have any questions. Remember, there are no dumb questions -- there are only dumb message board posters.

In a discussion about violence committed by Muslims and Christians, LilOlLady posted a laundry list of violence committed by the United States.

She's saying the Christian faith drives our actions as a whole. Therefore, she's admitting the US is a Christian nation.

Leftists, of course, vehemently deny any involvement between Christianity and the US.

Got it? I know I used some big words, but see if you can figure them out from context.
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And how many were killed?.....
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah. Got anything from, oh, even LAST century?
You don't realize it, but you're admitting the US is a Christian nation.

You may sputter and fume and backpedal now.

you don't realize it, but you're exhibiting the mental agility of a box of hammers.

am i laughing?
Follow along here, del. Ask if you have any questions. Remember, there are no dumb questions -- there are only dumb message board posters.

In a discussion about violence committed by Muslims and Christians, LilOlLady posted a laundry list of violence committed by the United States.

She's saying the Christian faith drives our actions as a whole. Therefore, she's admitting the US is a Christian nation.

Leftists, of course, vehemently deny any involvement between Christianity and the US.

Got it? I know I used some big words, but see if you can figure them out from context.

you only think you used some big words, davey.

i'd expect that from someone stupid enough to a) think this is a christian nation and b) try to cite LoL as proof of same.

yes, i'm laughing
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And how many were killed?.....
Death tolls

Contemporary illustration of the auto-da-fé of Valladolid, in which fourteen Christians were burned at the stake for their evangelical faith, on May 21, 1559
García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, very probably this total should be raised keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed.
Modern historians have begun to study the documentary records of the Inquisition. The archives of the Suprema, today held by the National Historical Archive of Spain (Archivo Histórico Nacional), conserves the annual relations of all processes between 1540 and 1700. This material provides information on about 44,674 judgements, the latter studied by Gustav Henningsen and Jaime Contreras. These 44,674 cases include 826 executions in persona and 778 in effigie. This material, however, is far from being complete—for example, the tribunal of Cuenca is entirely omitted, because no relaciones de causas from this tribunal have been found, and significant gaps concern some other tribunals (e.g. Valladolid). Many more cases not reported to the Suprema are known from the other sources (e.g. no relaciones de causas from Cuenca have been found, but its original records have been preserved), but were not included in Contreras-Henningsen's statistics for the methodological reasons.[82] William Monter estimates 1000 executions between 1530–1630 and 250 between 1630–1730.[83]
The archives of the Suprema only provide information surrounding the processes prior to 1560. To study the processes themselves, it is necessary to examine the archives of the local tribunals; however, the majority have been lost to the devastation of war, the ravages of time or other events. Jean-Pierre Dedieu has studied those of Toledo, where 12,000 were judged for offences related to heresy.[84] Ricardo García Cárcel has analyzed those of the tribunal of Valencia.[85] These authors' investigations find that the Inquisition was most active in the period between 1480 and 1530, and that during this period the percentage condemned to death was much more significant than in the years studied by Henningsen and Contreras. Henry Kamen gives the number of about 2,000 executions in persona in the whole Spain up to 1530.[86]
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you don't realize it, but you're exhibiting the mental agility of a box of hammers.

am i laughing?
Follow along here, del. Ask if you have any questions. Remember, there are no dumb questions -- there are only dumb message board posters.

In a discussion about violence committed by Muslims and Christians, LilOlLady posted a laundry list of violence committed by the United States.

She's saying the Christian faith drives our actions as a whole. Therefore, she's admitting the US is a Christian nation.

Leftists, of course, vehemently deny any involvement between Christianity and the US.

Got it? I know I used some big words, but see if you can figure them out from context.

you only think you used some big words, davey.

i'd expect that from someone stupid enough to a) think this is a christian nation and b) try to cite LoL as proof of same.

yes, i'm laughing

Ahh, I see your problem:

You're a dumbass.

I didn't say the US is a Christian nation. I said LoL didn't know it, but she claimed it was.

Now, continue to mindlessly lash out because I've shown you to be a moron again. There's a good lad.
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well damn... 1860 as the last hoorah. Ill check my last few weeks of newspapers for the details of that one.
Well then.

I guess the fact that there was a series of inquisitions in the middle ages makes modern day Christianity JUST AS BAD as modern day Islam.

Because 600 years ago they killed people in the name of God means that Isla must be aided and abetted in their quest to slaughter as many innocents as they possibly 600 years ago there was an Inquisition.

How many people died? Oh that's right, they DON'T KNOW. Are they still dying? Nope.

So what was the relevance again?

Oh yeah. None.
Well then.

I guess the fact that there was a series of inquisitions in the middle ages makes modern day Christianity JUST AS BAD as modern day Islam.

Because 600 years ago they killed people in the name of God means that Isla must be aided and abetted in their quest to slaughter as many innocents as they possibly 600 years ago there was an Inquisition.

How many people died? Oh that's right, they DON'T KNOW. Are they still dying? Nope.

So what was the relevance again?

Oh yeah. None.
I posted this earlier, but you missed it, I guess. This is just the Spanish Inquisition.

Death tolls

Contemporary illustration of the auto-da-fé of Valladolid, in which fourteen Christians were burned at the stake for their evangelical faith, on May 21, 1559
García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, very probably this total should be raised keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed.
Modern historians have begun to study the documentary records of the Inquisition. The archives of the Suprema, today held by the National Historical Archive of Spain (Archivo Histórico Nacional), conserves the annual relations of all processes between 1540 and 1700. This material provides information on about 44,674 judgements, the latter studied by Gustav Henningsen and Jaime Contreras. These 44,674 cases include 826 executions in persona and 778 in effigie. This material, however, is far from being complete—for example, the tribunal of Cuenca is entirely omitted, because no relaciones de causas from this tribunal have been found, and significant gaps concern some other tribunals (e.g. Valladolid). Many more cases not reported to the Suprema are known from the other sources (e.g. no relaciones de causas from Cuenca have been found, but its original records have been preserved), but were not included in Contreras-Henningsen's statistics for the methodological reasons.[82] William Monter estimates 1000 executions between 1530–1630 and 250 between 1630–1730.[83]
The archives of the Suprema only provide information surrounding the processes prior to 1560. To study the processes themselves, it is necessary to examine the archives of the local tribunals; however, the majority have been lost to the devastation of war, the ravages of time or other events. Jean-Pierre Dedieu has studied those of Toledo, where 12,000 were judged for offences related to heresy.[84] Ricardo García Cárcel has analyzed those of the tribunal of Valencia.[85] These authors' investigations find that the Inquisition was most active in the period between 1480 and 1530, and that during this period the percentage condemned to death was much more significant than in the years studied by Henningsen and Contreras. Henry Kamen gives the number of about 2,000 executions in persona in the whole Spain up to 1530.[86]
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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