So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

The Klan knows that if today it does what it did forty years and more ago, that the men in the community will execute them.

The Taliban still executes for adultery. We had a Muslim couple in our town a while ago. She fooled around with one of the Christian men. Her husband beat her. He was beaten in turn, given money to leave town, and warned to not come back. Very smartly, he left. She went the other way to another town.

Violence in the name of religion or race or sex in America is not acceptable, except as a last ditch defense or a justified punishment.
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showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.

until you see christians rioting in the streets.... threatening the world.... and killing people over perceived.....insults...

they are NO where near close to being as evil as muslims.

Guess you forgot about the crusades.
And the obligatory reference to ancient history, as if there were still anyone around who wanted to fight more crusades.

Radical Islam thanks you for your mindless support, but they still want you dead.



Look at all the good Democrats.
Wow look they change every verse to take out the bad things in their bible. Haha. The Old Testament is the real chrsitianity
Christ wasn't in the Old Testament, genius. Christianity wasn't established until He started His ministry.

Can you think of a good reason I shouldn't laugh in your face?

Me neither.

christians will try and keep gays from marriage based on THEIR religious beliefs.

THAT is bad.

How is that bad? Redefining words to fit a twisted belief (that two adults of the same sex are the "same" as two adults of the opposite sex) is bad.
If they want to have a "legal" arrangement (the real purpose of same sex marriage is for the "legal" benefits), then by all means. Redefine a word that has been used for eons, not so much.

The word "marriage" has been used....for eons....the same way...? Really? You want to make that assertion?
Guess you forgot about the crusades.

i am not saying the christians have not been a bloody mess.....

And the crusades were how many centuries of ago....ive forgotten now?

That's funny it's centuries ago but if its the Muslims you don't forget it you always bring up things from centuries ago.
No need. Muslim extremists commit acts of terror and barbarism every day.

At least 14 killed in suicide attack on NATO patrol in Afghanistan - Yahoo! News

KABUL (Reuters) - A suicide bomber killed 14 people, including three NATO soldiers and four police, and wounded 37 in volatile Khost province in eastern Afghanistan on Monday, a NATO spokeswoman and local officials said.

A U.S. official in Washington confirmed the three soldiers killed were Americans serving in the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force. Six civilians and an Afghan interpreter also died in the attack.

A witness told Reuters a suicide bomber wearing a police uniform struck as U.S. soldiers patrolled the city of Khost. A NATO spokeswoman confirmed only that the attack was carried out by a suicide bomber.

Provincial Governor Abdul Jabar Nahimi said the bomber had been riding a motorcycle packed with explosives and that 37 civilians were wounded in the blast.​
Until you see christians calling for the destruction of other religions and other countries....

the christians are no were near close to being as evil as muslims.
History is full of Christians doing just that. The Inquisition comes to mind.
Until you see christians calling for the destruction of other religions and other countries....

the christians are no were near close to being as evil as muslims.
History is full of Christians doing just that. The Inquisition comes to mind.

considering this is not a thread about history....

how long ago were the inquisition again.....i cant remember.
You've had several chances to prove my dishonesty.

You declined.

Oh, well. Guess you just expect everyone to take your word for it, huh?

Let me know how that works out for you. :lol:


You've accused me of saying something I literally didn't say, you can't even provide a quote, although you did just wasn't there.

It's not on me to disprove something you're making up.

You keep beating that horse that nobody else can see. :thup:
Since you claimed my interpretation is incorrect, I asked you what you meant.

You STILL have refused to answer.


I've told you several times, and I've now told you this several times.

I'm not jumping through hoops Daveyboy. :thup:
I think Muslims killed more people today than were killed in the whole of the Spanish Inquisition.

But it's hard to say.

Cuz it was so long ago.
Until you see christians calling for the destruction of other religions and other countries....

the christians are no were near close to being as evil as muslims.
History is full of Christians doing just that. The Inquisition comes to mind.
Yeah yeah. Whatever.

Got anything from, say, today, like the Islamic suicide bombing I just posted?


Then you probably should stop posting before you look even more stupid.
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.

Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

American Atrocities

May we look at what America has done and is doing through the clear lens of God's Word rather than through the perverted lens of the flag-waving "support our troops" conservative talk shows and "God bless America" churchianity
American Atrocities

Worst atrocities committed by America in American History?
Worst atrocities committed by America in American History? - Yahoo! Answers

Get a life and get educated, korshergirl

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