So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

You did not quote the entire verse:

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

And yes, there are people promoting these verses. See post 296.


Who fucking cares? If there is a god he can attend to his own judgement. You Nazi promoters support MUSLIMS DOING THE MURDER.

And no, your fucking desperation has nothing to do with "verses." The KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party. The lynching is a famous picture of a Democratic convention in the 1920's.
until you see christians rioting in the streets.... threatening the world.... and killing people over perceived.....insults...

they are NO where near close to being as evil as muslims.

Guess you forgot about the crusades.

i am not saying the christians have not been a bloody mess.....

And the crusades were how many centuries of ago....ive forgotten now?

Roughly 10.
Guess you forgot about the crusades.

i am not saying the christians have not been a bloody mess.....

And the crusades were how many centuries of ago....ive forgotten now?

That's funny it's centuries ago but if its the Muslims you don't forget it you always bring up things from centuries ago.


i am not bring up what muslims did centuries ago...i have said that muslims are so backward...they are centuries behind the rest of the world when it comes to reformed religion.

you do understand what a reformed religion is dont you?

i am not saying the christians have not been a bloody mess.....

And the crusades were how many centuries of ago....ive forgotten now?

That's funny it's centuries ago but if its the Muslims you don't forget it you always bring up things from centuries ago.


i am not bring up what muslims did centuries ago...i have said that muslims are so backward...they are centuries behind the rest of the world when it comes to reformed religion.

you do understand what a reformed religion is dont you?

No you have brought up stuff from centuries ago in other discussions I've had with you :cool:



well damn... when was the last klan hanging, riot and burning? Am i missing it in the news?
But here are a few hangings a bit more up to date....



damn... my photo is not showing! hang on....
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A Hamas fighter shooting Israeli children on their way to school?

Just a guess.

I dont think anyone really cares what it is. I know i you?

but it suits him well.....

You were asking. If not shutup. Hamas militants defend their people. Don't lie against them

They hide behind women and children and then use the inevitable casualties to portray themselves as victims. They are vicious muzzie savages.
the christians want their way just as much as the muslims....

They just go about getting what they want differently....

Very few Christians in America or any part of the civilized world seek theocracy. Virtually all Muslims do. Sharia is a universal goal of all Muslims. I have NEVER heard a Christian advocate the killing of homosexuals. Yes, I've heard some say that GOD would punish the gays, but never have I heard one support government killing or even locking up homosexuals. Muslims strongly support this.

Nah, there is no comparison between the two. And I'm Agnostic, I have no particular loyalty to Christians.

It's odd that atheists and agnostics are the most virulent critics of the muzzie scourge. Christipher Hitchens is one of the most notorious critics of Islam, and he's a hardcore atheist and a leftwinger.

I dont think anyone really cares what it is. I know i you?

but it suits him well.....

You were asking. If not shutup. Hamas militants defend their people. Don't lie against them

They hide behind women and children and then use the inevitable casualties to portray themselves as victims. They are vicious muzzie savages.

[ame=]YouTube - ‫[/ame]
Let's hear it for the civilized Muslims! Woo hoo!

i know.....

lets see... lets compare what the klan are doing to what the muslims are time.


seems as if the klan has a bit more self control over their actions to me.....
christians will try and keep gays from marriage based on THEIR religious beliefs.

THAT is bad.

How is that bad? Redefining words to fit a twisted belief (that two adults of the same sex are the "same" as two adults of the opposite sex) is bad.
If they want to have a "legal" arrangement (the real purpose of same sex marriage is for the "legal" benefits), then by all means. Redefine a word that has been used for eons, not so much.
So you hate an entire religion because of less than 1% of them. Gotcha. STOOPID bigot.

Kinda like you hating the entire right because of 400 extremely wealthy people, huh?

Let me guess: That's different. Somehow. It just is.
Actually, Christians don't care if gays get married.

In churches that will marry them.

They just aren't interested in sanctioning it at the state level.
I've since unsubscribed from this thread, but I knew you'd reply to my comment.

You're still being a dishonest douche.

You've had several chances to prove my dishonesty.

You declined.

Oh, well. Guess you just expect everyone to take your word for it, huh?

Let me know how that works out for you. :lol:


You've accused me of saying something I literally didn't say, you can't even provide a quote, although you did just wasn't there.

It's not on me to disprove something you're making up.

You keep beating that horse that nobody else can see. :thup:
Since you claimed my interpretation is incorrect, I asked you what you meant.

You STILL have refused to answer.


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