So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

I posted this earlier, but you missed it, I guess. This is just the Spanish Inquisition.

Death tolls

Contemporary illustration of the auto-da-fé of Valladolid, in which fourteen Christians were burned at the stake for their evangelical faith, on May 21, 1559
García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, very probably this total should be raised keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed.

3000 people over the course of 400 years? That comes to less than 10 people a year. How many people does Islam kill every year?
Well then.

I guess the fact that there was a series of inquisitions in the middle ages makes modern day Christianity JUST AS BAD as modern day Islam.

Because 600 years ago they killed people in the name of God means that Isla must be aided and abetted in their quest to slaughter as many innocents as they possibly 600 years ago there was an Inquisition.

How many people died? Oh that's right, they DON'T KNOW. Are they still dying? Nope.

So what was the relevance again?

Oh yeah. None.

The problem is, you blame religion for political problems.

They aren't killing Zionists and Westerners because Allah Told them to.

They are killing them because Zionists and Westerners killed them.

We killed 40,000 Iraqis in the Gulf War, and another 400,000 Iraqis, mostly children, in the decade of sanctions that followed. Estimates of how many Iraqis were killed in the Iraq war range from 100,000 to 600,000.

But that wasn't about religion, that was about oil.

I don't think either is worthy goal to kill someone over.
I posted this earlier, but you missed it, I guess. This is just the Spanish Inquisition.

Death tolls

Contemporary illustration of the auto-da-fé of Valladolid, in which fourteen Christians were burned at the stake for their evangelical faith, on May 21, 1559
García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, very probably this total should be raised keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that the total would be between 3,000 and 5,000 executed.

3000 people over the course of 400 years? That comes to less than 10 people a year. How many people does Islam kill every year?

3000 on 911..the FIRST 911.
What percent of the anti-abortion acts of violence, terror, destruction, and/or murder were carried out by people who invoked their Christian beliefs as justification?

100%? 99%?

Who wants to give us an estimate?
You think that's comparable to blowing up schools?

I think he's just looking for justification. If Eric Rudolph killed a criminal like George Tiller, than killing thousands of people unconnected to islam is reasonable.
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.

Because you live in the wrong century...........
Well then.

I guess the fact that there was a series of inquisitions in the middle ages makes modern day Christianity JUST AS BAD as modern day Islam.

Because 600 years ago they killed people in the name of God means that Isla must be aided and abetted in their quest to slaughter as many innocents as they possibly 600 years ago there was an Inquisition.

How many people died? Oh that's right, they DON'T KNOW. Are they still dying? Nope.

So what was the relevance again?

Oh yeah. None.

The problem is, you blame religion for political problems.

They aren't killing Zionists and Westerners because Allah Told them to.

They are killing them because Zionists and Westerners killed them.

We killed 40,000 Iraqis in the Gulf War, and another 400,000 Iraqis, mostly children, in the decade of sanctions that followed. Estimates of how many Iraqis were killed in the Iraq war range from 100,000 to 600,000.

But that wasn't about religion, that was about oil.

I don't think either is worthy goal to kill someone over.

What about the massacres islam is doing to people who never went to the middle east, their governments never went to the middle east and they had no part in any middle eastern conflict?
In 1918.…Twenty year-old Mary Turner, 8 months pregnant at the time and whose husband had been killed in this "lynching rampage" on Sunday, May 19th, made the mistake of publicly objecting to her husband's murder. She also had the audacity to threaten to swear out warrants for those responsible. Those "unwise remarks," as the area papers put it, enraged locals. Consequently, Mary Turner fled for her life only to be caught and taken to a place called Folsom's Bridge on the Brooks and Lowndes Counties' shared border. To punish her, at Folsom's Bridge the mob tied Mary Turner by her ankles, hung her upside down from a tree, poured gasoline on her and burned off her clothes. One member of the mob then cut her stomach open and her unborn child dropped to the ground where it was reportedly stomped on and crushed. Her body was then riddled with gunfire from the mob. Later that night she and her baby were buried ten feet away from where they were murdered. The makeshift grave was marked with only a "whiskey bottle" with a "cigar" stuffed in its neck.
Some may ask, why bring up "the past" and these atrocities now? "It happened so long ago." We think we should bring them up and face them for many reasons. We should bring them up to acknowledge the lives lost, along with the reality that no justice has ever occurred for the victims, families and many others affected by these events. We should bring them up because few in the region speak publicly about these events yet wonder why race relations in the area are often so strained. We should bring them up because to date these events remain one of the most gruesome cases of racism and racial terrorism in this nation's history, yet they are omitted from the history we teach our children. We should bring them up because Mary Turner's murder remains one of the most horrific crimes committed against a human being in this nation's history. We should bring them up because so far not one historical marker or grave stone is in place to acknowledge these events and the lives lost during that week of terror in May of 1918. And last but not least, we should bring these events up so we can face our collective past in order to see how it might affect our collective present and future. Please help us do that.
To find out what you can do please email us.

Remembering Mary Turner
The Klan knows that if today it does what it did forty years and more ago, that the men in the community will execute them.

Yeah, they live in dire fear of internet tough guys like you.

The Taliban still executes for adultery. We had a Muslim couple in our town a while ago. She fooled around with one of the Christian men. Her husband beat her. He was beaten in turn, given money to leave town, and warned to not come back. Very smartly, he left. She went the other way to another town.

Oh sure, it's not like YOU, the fraud of the board, would make shit up.

Violence in the name of religion or race or sex in America is not acceptable, except as a last ditch defense or a justified punishment.

Beware bad men, Fakey is watching..
Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

Granny, go back to eating paint chips and swilling cheap gin.
Where the hell has you been. We have killed more of our own then Islam. We have a long history of killing our own babies. We killed black people just because. We genocide entire tribe of Native Americans. Experimented on our own with biological warfare, per se.
Remember Mai Lai. Christian blew up a church killing children. We dropped bombs on Japanese civilians. And the christians god demand. "thou shall not murder"
Radical Islam dont' even run in the same league with atrocities committed by America in the name of Christianity.

Granny, go back to eating paint chips and swilling cheap gin.

I agree. The comments from Granny were a bit whacked.

Christianity, as we know, met with reform and enlightenment. In short, it grew up and became a positive force for civilization and progress worldwide. In fact, it was instrumental in shaping social climate which fostered the freedoms, science, and prosperity of Western civilization (this coming from one who believes in no god(s). I cringe at the notion of Christianity never having undergone a reformation. Witch hunts, burning at the stake, inquisitions,... that would be awful. Today there are many different sects and subdivisions of Christianity, and with a nod to the founding vision of Martin Luther during the sixteenth century, those incarnations of the Christian faith manage to avoid warfare with each other. In fact, they have managed to coexist and flourish within the embrace of secular governance... Note the qualifier, within the embrace of secular governance. That flexibility is even alluded to in the Gospels: "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." —Matthew 22:21.
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Islam is Christianity without the "Enlightenment" which surged through Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. There are few signs to suggest a reformed Islamic religion.

Obama's would never say "clinging to their guns and Korans", because although it is far more appropriate, it just wouldn't do and is decidedly politically incorrect.
Well I'm sure the Muslim world does enjoy our money for their oil. You bet they do.

Most of which would never made it out of the ground without the West drilling for it. Hell. If not for the West they would all be still living in tents and riding camels. I would say they made a pretty good trade off. They nationalized the oil wells and reap the benefits of the gold beneath the sands.

As for artifacts?? Archealogists dug for the finds and took much of it with them. I'm sure some of it was taken without the consent of the owners. Loads of it was looted by natives and sold to the West as well.

Of course with all the leaders, crooked or otherwise, being overthrown. I can see the jihadists taking over much of the middle east. Thats been proven with Egypt and Libya already. Syria?? Yeah. The Muslim Brootherhood will be big there as well. Religion will rule and folks better get ready to duck.

You're whole argument is one of an imperialist...

"Why, we've made your lives so much better, I don't know why you hate us so much while we are stealing your wealth!"

The Jihadists are taking over because after decades of supporting bullies and strongmen over there, the nice, sensible pro-Democracy and Westernization types were either executed or are seen as lapdogs of the West.

We've done this to ourselves, really.

And you're hole argument is one of an anti-colonialist.

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