So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

What about the massacres islam is doing to people who never went to the middle east, their governments never went to the middle east and they had no part in any middle eastern conflict?

So it's okay for you to consider "Islam" collectively and the bad apples can't consider "the West" collectively?

I think you are kind of cut from the same cloth.

What the terrorists are doing IS unacceptable.

The average Muslim on the street who doesn't like what the Zionists are doing, don't like the fact we prop up mad regimes and bomb them... he's got a valid complaint with us we ignore at our peril.

Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are working with us fighting the terrorists, but frankly, they are getting sick of it... There's just no upside for them.
The bad apples of the west are not a collective group of people working towards a common goal, with funding, and weaponry, and recruitment, who are currently ACTIVELY attacking and killing people.

Every now and then we get a loon who goes apeshit and sometimes there are even a few loons who work together and claim they are doing it as Christians...but it is rare and far between, the numbers of people they kill are minute and spread over millenia, and they do not operate as a system that spans centuries and crosses oceans.
What about the massacres islam is doing to people who never went to the middle east, their governments never went to the middle east and they had no part in any middle eastern conflict?

So it's okay for you to consider "Islam" collectively and the bad apples can't consider "the West" collectively?

I think you are kind of cut from the same cloth.

What the terrorists are doing IS unacceptable.

The average Muslim on the street who doesn't like what the Zionists are doing, don't like the fact we prop up mad regimes and bomb them... he's got a valid complaint with us we ignore at our peril.

Right now, there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are working with us fighting the terrorists, but frankly, they are getting sick of it... There's just no upside for them.

I could be confused, but I am pretty sure Pakistan is not the west.
Let's see"

Leftists are fucking retards.

Pretty well says all that needs be said about you, bro....

To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?

In a time that people reject the spiritual to embrace "science" and demand facts, it is the clearest, starkest contrast between the religions. We could discuss how one religion teaches its followers to break the Commandments (bear false witness, kidnap, known as stealing, coveting, and murder), while the other teaches its followers to obey the Commandments, and to follow the Christ's example of "serving" (being productive with your time, and being generous with your blessings). But no one wants to deal with "truth" any more. Sorry, the numbers are about the only way that is "politically correct" to address the situation.
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Let's see"

Leftists are fucking retards.

Pretty well says all that needs be said about you, bro....

To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?

Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.
To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?

Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.

The amazing thing is that people with no background in Christianity lecture them about how they approach Islam, then turn around and run when the Christian actually demonstrates enough knowledge of Islam to hold his own with you as you attempt to defend it.
To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?

Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.

Then i guess that puts me in a fine perfect position... to judge.

and islam is barbaric dogma. What they follow is outdated by a few centuries...

so comparing what muslims are doing today.... now... real time present.... to what the christians did a few centuries AGO.... works.


Everyone knows that the press is ran by those unscrupulous Christians!! Their goal is world wide domination by the Christian faithful and they are trying their damnedest to keep the non-christians demonized and hated by each other.

The Christians are playing a global game of divide and convert with our minds. First they divide us from our beliefs and families, then convert us into a servant-slave to Jesus! The only freedom that the Jesus-natiti's believe in is the enslavement of man to their Christ!!

You don't believe me? Turn on your MSNBC, your FOX news your ABC news program. Right on the screen you have the face of the Jesus-natiti pawn looking blankly at you, reading from their scripted piece while totally empty headed. This is what the Jesus-natit want us non-christians to become. Mindless sheep that speak only when told to!!

Everyone knows that the press is ran by those unscrupulous Christians!! Their goal is world wide domination by the Christian faithful and they are trying their damnedest to keep the non-christians demonized and hated by each other.

The Christians are playing a global game of divide and convert with our minds. First they divide us from our beliefs and families, then convert us into a servant-slave to Jesus! The only freedom that the Jesus-natiti's believe in is the enslavement of man to their Christ!!

You don't believe me? Turn on your MSNBC, your FOX news your ABC news program. Right on the screen you have the face of the Jesus-natiti pawn looking blankly at you, reading from their scripted piece while totally empty headed. This is what the Jesus-natit want us non-christians to become. Mindless sheep that speak only when told to!!

Well , i tried your theory , switched on the box...thing is what i seen was angry muslims making more demands....go figure huh ?

Everyone knows that the press is ran by those unscrupulous Christians!! Their goal is world wide domination by the Christian faithful and they are trying their damnedest to keep the non-christians demonized and hated by each other.

The Christians are playing a global game of divide and convert with our minds. First they divide us from our beliefs and families, then convert us into a servant-slave to Jesus! The only freedom that the Jesus-natiti's believe in is the enslavement of man to their Christ!!

You don't believe me? Turn on your MSNBC, your FOX news your ABC news program. Right on the screen you have the face of the Jesus-natiti pawn looking blankly at you, reading from their scripted piece while totally empty headed. This is what the Jesus-natit want us non-christians to become. Mindless sheep that speak only when told to!!

Well , i tried your theory , switched on the box...thing is what i seen was angry muslims making more demands....go figure huh ?

What you saw was a sly Christian trick to scare you to Jesus Christ!! They went and found a radical muslim with irrational anger and hatred in his heart and put him on the TV.

Why do you think they(the Jesus evangelicals'= the Jesus-natiti, the christians that seek converts!!) did this? So you could say to yourself "Thank GOD I am christian" Or "I better help the christians defeat these Islamist MOFO!" But by defeating Islam, you aid the Cross-bearers to world domination!!

Through propaganda and demonization do the Christians seek to promote Jesus praising. Stop them before they convert you!!
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Everyone knows that the press is ran by those unscrupulous Christians!! Their goal is world wide domination by the Christian faithful and they are trying their damnedest to keep the non-christians demonized and hated by each other.

The Christians are playing a global game of divide and convert with our minds. First they divide us from our beliefs and families, then convert us into a servant-slave to Jesus! The only freedom that the Jesus-natiti's believe in is the enslavement of man to their Christ!!

You don't believe me? Turn on your MSNBC, your FOX news your ABC news program. Right on the screen you have the face of the Jesus-natiti pawn looking blankly at you, reading from their scripted piece while totally empty headed. This is what the Jesus-natit want us non-christians to become. Mindless sheep that speak only when told to!!

Well , i tried your theory , switched on the box...thing is what i seen was angry muslims making more demands....go figure huh ?

What you saw was a sly Christian trick to scare you to Jesus Christ!! They went and found a radical muslim with irrational anger and hatred in his heart and put him on the TV.

Why do you think they(the Jesus evangelicals'= the Jesus-natiti, the christians that seek converts!!) did this? So you could say to yourself "Thank GOD I am christian" Or "I better help the christians defeat these Islamist MOFO!" But by defeating Islam, you aid the Cross-bearers to world domination!!

Through propaganda and demonization do the Christians seek to promote Jesus praising. Stop them before they convert you!!

Actually they found more than "a" radical muslim , they invariably manage to find a sizeable crowd of them. I'll take on board what you say though , i do realise it takes two to tango_One question though , if what you say is true , why do the muslims fall fo rthese tricks every time ? Why is it that a simple piece of paper is so so offensive ? Lets use Mr Rushdies book as an example.Why is there a death threat to him for writing a book few would ever actually read ?
Well , i tried your theory , switched on the box...thing is what i seen was angry muslims making more demands....go figure huh ?

What you saw was a sly Christian trick to scare you to Jesus Christ!! They went and found a radical muslim with irrational anger and hatred in his heart and put him on the TV.

Why do you think they(the Jesus evangelicals'= the Jesus-natiti, the christians that seek converts!!) did this? So you could say to yourself "Thank GOD I am christian" Or "I better help the christians defeat these Islamist MOFO!" But by defeating Islam, you aid the Cross-bearers to world domination!!

Through propaganda and demonization do the Christians seek to promote Jesus praising. Stop them before they convert you!!

Actually they found more than "a" radical muslim , they invariably manage to find a sizeable crowd of them. I'll take on board what you say though , i do realise it takes two to tango_One question though , if what you say is true , why do the muslims fall fo rthese tricks every time ? Why is it that a simple piece of paper is so so offensive ? Lets use Mr Rushdies book as an example.Why is there a death threat to him for writing a book few would ever actually read ?

Because the Muslims are Allah slaves and servants. They too want to dominate the world with their Sharia law and "Praise be to Allah" worshipping. The difference is that they lack the sophistication that the Jesus-natiti have developed over the centuraries.

Thus they fall for the christian tricks and follow the ways of anger of hatred without knowing that they are pawns of the Catholics, Anglicans, Jews for Jesus(an oxymoron of course!!) and the other promoters of the Christian savior. Add in a couple of statements from the Quran and there you have the angry muslim destroying th very things that they claimed their god created. A lack of sophistication and vast ignorance of what they are doing. There maybe more to this as well.
Thirty Years War and Protestants Killing Catholics

Edward T. Babinski - History and Theology: Thirty Years War and Protestants Killing Catholics

Radical Islam don't have dibs on atrocities over radical Christianity.

Radical Islam thanks you for your mindless, unthinking support, but they want you dead, too.

Again, a con job sticking his dick in the hornet's nest and whining about getting stung.

Stop fucking with the hornets. they'll stop stinging you.
Thirty Years War and Protestants Killing Catholics

Edward T. Babinski - History and Theology: Thirty Years War and Protestants Killing Catholics

Radical Islam don't have dibs on atrocities over radical Christianity.

Radical Islam thanks you for your mindless, unthinking support, but they want you dead, too.

Again, a con job sticking his dick in the hornet's nest and whining about getting stung.

Stop fucking with the hornets. they'll stop stinging you.
Historical Fact:

Neville Chamberlain was an idiot.
Radical Islam thanks you for your mindless, unthinking support, but they want you dead, too.

Again, a con job sticking his dick in the hornet's nest and whining about getting stung.

Stop fucking with the hornets. they'll stop stinging you.
Historical Fact:

Neville Chamberlain was an idiot.

Nothing to do with Neville Chamberlain, guy.

Actually, Chamberlain did the right thing. Czechoslovakia was undefendable. Germany had it surrounded on three sides, and more than half the population (Sudaten Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians) would have welcomed liberation from Czech rule. It wasn't worth fighting a war over.

Which, again, has nothing to do with various tribal and religious fights on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us, other than our addiction to oil.
Again, a con job sticking his dick in the hornet's nest and whining about getting stung.

Stop fucking with the hornets. they'll stop stinging you.

Cool, blame the victim.

You communists are always such a class act...

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