So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

Again, a con job sticking his dick in the hornet's nest and whining about getting stung.

Stop fucking with the hornets. they'll stop stinging you.
Historical Fact:

Neville Chamberlain was an idiot.

Nothing to do with Neville Chamberlain, guy.

Actually, Chamberlain did the right thing. Czechoslovakia was undefendable. Germany had it surrounded on three sides, and more than half the population (Sudaten Germans, Slovaks, Hungarians) would have welcomed liberation from Czech rule. It wasn't worth fighting a war over.

Which, again, has nothing to do with various tribal and religious fights on the other side of the world that has nothing to do with us, other than our addiction to oil.
It's not at all surprising that a Communist hates the idea of American intervention. :lol:

Everyone knows that the press is ran by those unscrupulous Christians!! Their goal is world wide domination by the Christian faithful and they are trying their damnedest to keep the non-christians demonized and hated by each other.

The Christians are playing a global game of divide and convert with our minds. First they divide us from our beliefs and families, then convert us into a servant-slave to Jesus! The only freedom that the Jesus-natiti's believe in is the enslavement of man to their Christ!!

You don't believe me? Turn on your MSNBC, your FOX news your ABC news program. Right on the screen you have the face of the Jesus-natiti pawn looking blankly at you, reading from their scripted piece while totally empty headed. This is what the Jesus-natit want us non-christians to become. Mindless sheep that speak only when told to!!

Well , i tried your theory , switched on the box...thing is what i seen was angry muslims making more demands....go figure huh ?

What you saw was a sly Christian trick to scare you to Jesus Christ!! They went and found a radical muslim with irrational anger and hatred in his heart and put him on the TV.

Why do you think they(the Jesus evangelicals'= the Jesus-natiti, the christians that seek converts!!) did this? So you could say to yourself "Thank GOD I am christian" Or "I better help the christians defeat these Islamist MOFO!" But by defeating Islam, you aid the Cross-bearers to world domination!!

Through propaganda and demonization do the Christians seek to promote Jesus praising. Stop them before they convert you!!
To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?

Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.

Then i guess that puts me in a fine perfect position... to judge.

and islam is barbaric dogma. What they follow is outdated by a few centuries...

so comparing what muslims are doing today.... now... real time present.... to what the christians did a few centuries AGO.... works.

Unlike you I don't judge an entire faith from what I see on T.V or in the newspaper, or online articles. I know there are real Christians who are true to the teachings of Christ, but I encounter Christians who grossly misrepresent their faith by being judgmental of others.

What gives Christians the right to judge Islam when you have people within their circle that:

Touch little boys
Kill abortion doctors
Hang human beings because of the color of their skin.

You being a faithless person makes you no better....
Most of these incidents where Christians are cited as having commited attrocities is ancient history , what were the Muslims doing all this time ? Im wondering as i was reading some excerpts translated from their holy book by Muslims for Muslims and it appears to me they were doing pretty much the slaughter and looting.

Slavery isn't Ancient history KKK, isn't ancient history, Hitler wasn't ancient history, bombing abortion clinics isn't ancient history, Aryan Brotherhood isn't Ancient history. Ancient history is milennia these things happen now, or hundreds of years ago...

Did I mention segregation to which our laws trump them in this "good christian country?"

Im not so sure you can use hitler as a stick to beat Christians with , after all it was Christians that went after him and took care of that.Slavery in the US...damn..another theory gone cos Christians fixed that too ..KKK ...fixed ..its not like they are burning crosses in your yard now are they ? Your gonna need a bigger stick

Christians ending slavery is as funny as watching an episode of family guy
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.
How many bullshit Christians support the Iraq and Afghan wars? How many bullshit Christains speak out against these wars? How many speak out against all these drone strikes? How many spoke out about Abu Ghraib? How many spoke out about torturing detainees?

They don't, because they either support all this crap, or they're just too narcissistic to care about anything out of their own comfort zone. In either case, they don't have a clue as to what God is about.
Slavery isn't Ancient history KKK, isn't ancient history, Hitler wasn't ancient history, bombing abortion clinics isn't ancient history, Aryan Brotherhood isn't Ancient history. Ancient history is milennia these things happen now, or hundreds of years ago...

Did I mention segregation to which our laws trump them in this "good christian country?"

Im not so sure you can use hitler as a stick to beat Christians with , after all it was Christians that went after him and took care of that.Slavery in the US...damn..another theory gone cos Christians fixed that too ..KKK ...fixed ..its not like they are burning crosses in your yard now are they ? Your gonna need a bigger stick

Christians ending slavery is as funny as watching an episode of family guy

Obviously you've never taken a history class in your life.

So there goes your credibility.
showing it?

"At least two children have been killed and two others wounded when a hand grenade was allegedly thrown into a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police officials say...
""We suspect this blast might have been carried out by sympathisers of al-Shabab,"
Children killed in Kenya church attack - Africa - Al Jazeera English

"Sunni Islamists still launch frequent attacks to undermine the Shi'ite-led government's claim to provide security and prove they remain a potent threat.
No group claimed responsibility for Sunday's string of attacks, but a local al Qaeda affiliate and other Sunni Islamist groups have carried out at least one major assault a month since the last American troops left in December."
String of Iraq blasts kills at least 32 | Reuters

Islamofascists attack:
News from The Associated Press

Muslims torch Buddhist temples and homes:
Muslim protesters torch Buddhist temples, homes in Bangladesh | Reuters

So, anti-American, anti-Christian, piece of shit apologists...please indicate how Christians are *just as bad*. Post your comparable list of today's headlines that show Christians targeting children, churches, and random innocents.

Place it below. This is your big chance to prove why you think Islam is worthy of defense, while Christianity should be *shut down*.
How many bullshit Christians support the Iraq and Afghan wars? How many bullshit Christains speak out against these wars? How many speak out against all these drone strikes? How many spoke out about Abu Ghraib? How many spoke out about torturing detainees?

They don't, because they either support all this crap, or they're just too narcissistic to care about anything out of their own comfort zone. In either case, they don't have a clue as to what God is about.

Brilliant argument! Let me get my 10 year old daughter to provide rebuttal....
Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.

Then i guess that puts me in a fine perfect position... to judge.

and islam is barbaric dogma. What they follow is outdated by a few centuries...

so comparing what muslims are doing today.... now... real time present.... to what the christians did a few centuries AGO.... works.

Unlike you I don't judge an entire faith from what I see on T.V or in the newspaper, or online articles. I know there are real Christians who are true to the teachings of Christ, but I encounter Christians who grossly misrepresent their faith by being judgmental of others.

What gives Christians the right to judge Islam when you have people within their circle that:

Touch little boys
Kill abortion doctors
Hang human beings because of the color of their skin.

You being a faithless person makes you no better....

Are you saying you prefer to believe in fairies that live in the real world?
Good comeback...

Are you Christian?

No, but it's for sure that you're a Muslim.

Have you been to kiss the idol, yet?

I believe I made a thread talking about me being agnostic..Ah yes I guess when you have a moderate view of Islam I guess it equates to you being Muslim. Yes very good critical thinking skills you have.

That is really smart of you, make a thread pointing out your lack of conviction, then call someone out who posted before you made the thread. That shows real style and indicates why your argument that you cannot take others seriously because they don't live up to your faux standards is so laughable.
Brilliant argument! Let me get my 10 year old daughter to provide rebuttal....
And while your at it, why don't you explain to her how Jesus would've bombed Fallujah?

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who see injustice and do nothing about it.
Brilliant argument! Let me get my 10 year old daughter to provide rebuttal....
And while your at it, why don't you explain to her how Jesus would've bombed Fallujah?

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who see injustice and do nothing about it.
You opposed removing Saddam from power, did you not?

Pack light clothes.
Ahhh. So seeing injustice and doing nothing about it is okay if doing something breaks the law.

If that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure.
That's not hypocrisy. It's none of our business if another country has a tyrannical leader. We have no obligation to fix their in-house problems for them.

BTW, your argument doesn't wash, because we knew just what kind of leader he was 20 years before when we were selling him chemicals to gas his Kurds. If your argument was valid, why didn't we take him out back then?

In addition, we've supported many tyrannical leaders of other country's (ie., Pinochet, Shah of Iran, that Sabah fucker we put back in power in Kuwait, etc), we don't invade them. Hell, we're funding al Qaeda in Syria to fight Assad.
Ahhh. So seeing injustice and doing nothing about it is okay if doing something breaks the law.

If that lets you live with your hypocrisy, sure.
That's not hypocrisy. It's none of our business if another country has a tyrannical leader. We have no obligation to fix their in-house problems for them.

BTW, your argument doesn't wash, because we knew just what kind of leader he was 20 years before when we were selling him chemicals to gas his Kurds. If your argument was valid, why didn't we take him out back then?

In addition, we've supported many tyrannical leaders of other country's (ie., Pinochet, Shah of Iran, that Sabah fucker we put back in power in Kuwait, etc), we don't invade them. Hell, we're funding al Qaeda in Syria to fight Assad.
I guess consistency is just a little too much to expect from you, huh?
To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

There is little doubt that you are a retard with a 3rd grade education, thus you are a leftist.

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Oh sure, just like they burned down black churches in in Mena Arkansas when Bill Clinton was a child. (For the stupid, this was a claim by Clinton proven to be a lie, no churches we ever burned down in Mena.)

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Amazing "facts" that you just made up.

You know fucktard, that the Christians were the heart of the abolitionist movement?

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

No fucktard, that was Janet Reno.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

Really fucktard?

{Democrat lawmaker 'choked, wrestled and beat wife and then drove away drunk'}

State Rep 'choked and punched his wife then drove away drunk' | Mail Online

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

I condemn killing, but it's hard to have any sympathy for men like Saddam Hussein, Moamar Gaddaffi or George Tiller.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Muslims had invaded Europe and occupied as far north as Lyons. Thank Gaea for the Crusades, fucktard. Without them, we would be just like Iraq or some other Muslim shithole.

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Right fucktard, 200 years before the germ theory of disease was discovered, Christians were engaging in biological warfare.

You retards are astounding with the bigoted and ignorant shit you spout.
There's probably at least one priest who is at this very moment fucking a child in the ass without even any lubricant.
GW Bush called the bogus invasion of Irak a "Crusade", that was a headline.
Open gay bashing by christians makes the headlines all the time in the US and around the world.
Killing abortion doctors is cowardly. You can't get what you want through the court system so you shoot people. Very, very un-American and cowardly.
It's a fact that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox on purpose. You can be willfully ignorant about history, but you can't re-write it.

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