So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

Yes it has, especially on internet forums. People often times without thought or even some background in Islam will make comments based on what they see in the paper or on the news and generalize the entire faith. Which is why I love the quote by Jesus when he said:

"Take the splinter out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of another."

Christians cannot judge the morality of Islam and not have their faith judged in return. Unfortunately people are indeed representatives of their faith because people in the world see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Often times people don't make a logical deduction on what is true to that religion and what is often a grossly misrepresentation of that religion.

Then i guess that puts me in a fine perfect position... to judge.

and islam is barbaric dogma. What they follow is outdated by a few centuries...

so comparing what muslims are doing today.... now... real time present.... to what the christians did a few centuries AGO.... works.

Unlike you I don't judge an entire faith from what I see on T.V or in the newspaper, or online articles. I know there are real Christians who are true to the teachings of Christ, but I encounter Christians who grossly misrepresent their faith by being judgmental of others.

What gives Christians the right to judge Islam when you have people within their circle that:

Touch little boys
Kill abortion doctors
Hang human beings because of the color of their skin.

You being a faithless person makes you no better....

"Christians" (individuals) do some shameful things, and they are wrong. Ask another Christians if it should be "overlooked" (ignored) because they are Christian, they will tell you: NO, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.
Muslims rape little boys, kill abortion doctors and women they discover had abortions, hang people because of their sexual preference. Their religion promotes and tolerates this behavior within "the faith".

But by all means, instead of forcing muslims to take action, by bringing these awful acts into the light of day, pretend they don't exist, where the muslims that do these terrible things will continue, and raise more muslims to do the same thing.

Where are you libs with the "break the cycle" bit?
There's probably at least one priest who is at this very moment fucking a child in the ass without even any lubricant.
GW Bush called the bogus invasion of Irak a "Crusade", that was a headline.
Open gay bashing by christians makes the headlines all the time in the US and around the world.
Killing abortion doctors is cowardly. You can't get what you want through the court system so you shoot people. Very, very un-American and cowardly.
It's a fact that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox on purpose. You can be willfully ignorant about history, but you can't re-write it.

There are muslim men having sex with little boys every day. It is an accepted (promoted) part of their culture (what does the left say????? SILENCE).

The congress gave GW Bush the authority to go to Iraq. Have you blamed your congressional representatives for this, lately?

Disagreeing with a lifestyle is not "bashing". There is no proof or evidence that the homosexual lifestyle improves the quality of life for the community. Stating that out loud is not bashing. Reading what is in the Bible is not bashing. It is letting people know that their choices can be harmful to them and the ones that they "love". But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Please give a list of all the Christians that are killing abortion doctors and those that "support it". Now compare to the leftist wackos that have assasinated or attempted to assasinate previous Presidents. Which one is longer .......?

The "gov't" gave the Indians infected blankets, oh, my, and you people are trusting them with our healthcare?
There's probably at least one priest who is at this very moment fucking a child in the ass without even any lubricant.
GW Bush called the bogus invasion of Irak a "Crusade", that was a headline.
Open gay bashing by christians makes the headlines all the time in the US and around the world.
Killing abortion doctors is cowardly. You can't get what you want through the court system so you shoot people. Very, very un-American and cowardly.
It's a fact that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox on purpose. You can be willfully ignorant about history, but you can't re-write it.

There are muslim men having sex with little boys every day. It is an accepted (promoted) part of their culture (what does the left say????? SILENCE).

The congress gave GW Bush the authority to go to Iraq. Have you blamed your congressional representatives for this, lately?

Disagreeing with a lifestyle is not "bashing". There is no proof or evidence that the homosexual lifestyle improves the quality of life for the community. Stating that out loud is not bashing. Reading what is in the Bible is not bashing. It is letting people know that their choices can be harmful to them and the ones that they "love". But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Please give a list of all the Christians that are killing abortion doctors and those that "support it". Now compare to the leftist wackos that have assasinated or attempted to assasinate previous Presidents. Which one is longer .......?

The "gov't" gave the Indians infected blankets, oh, my, and you people are trusting them with our healthcare?

You antisemitic nazi POS show us where in Islamic texts they promote that.

Then i guess that puts me in a fine perfect position... to judge.

and islam is barbaric dogma. What they follow is outdated by a few centuries...

so comparing what muslims are doing today.... now... real time present.... to what the christians did a few centuries AGO.... works.

Unlike you I don't judge an entire faith from what I see on T.V or in the newspaper, or online articles. I know there are real Christians who are true to the teachings of Christ, but I encounter Christians who grossly misrepresent their faith by being judgmental of others.

What gives Christians the right to judge Islam when you have people within their circle that:

Touch little boys
Kill abortion doctors
Hang human beings because of the color of their skin.

You being a faithless person makes you no better....

"Christians" (individuals) do some shameful things, and they are wrong. Ask another Christians if it should be "overlooked" (ignored) because they are Christian, they will tell you: NO, they should be punished to the full extent of the law.
Muslims rape little boys, kill abortion doctors and women they discover had abortions, hang people because of their sexual preference. Their religion promotes and tolerates this behavior within "the faith".

But by all means, instead of forcing muslims to take action, by bringing these awful acts into the light of day, pretend they don't exist, where the muslims that do these terrible things will continue, and raise more muslims to do the same thing.

Where are you libs with the "break the cycle" bit?

Here's the thing...modern day Christianity (and in fact, Christianity for centuries) does not foster jihadists; we have nothing like sharia. We have individuals who are loons here and there, we have the occasional cult weirdoes...but there is nothing to compare to the world-wide disease that is fundamentalist Islam/sharia. You will not find billions of dollars being funneled from donors around the world to fund terrorist cells all over the globe; you will not find our mothers on national tv saying they want their children to be martyrs to jihad. You will not find priests or preachers with huge followings calling for the death of all Easterners, all muslims, all Asians, or demanding that people who commit blasphemy have their heads hacked off.

Christianity is NOT the same as Islam, and I'm sick of leftist retards piping up every single time anyone tries to criticize Islam for their RAMPANT and CURRENT human rights violations, murders, rapes, slavery, etc...."Christianity is just as bad! We must condemn both!" Well, when Christianity does those things, go ahead and condemn it. But right now, Christians aren't the problem. We don't have sharia, we don't fund terrorism, and we are not bombing people. Muslims are.
There's probably at least one priest who is at this very moment fucking a child in the ass without even any lubricant.
GW Bush called the bogus invasion of Irak a "Crusade", that was a headline.
Open gay bashing by christians makes the headlines all the time in the US and around the world.
Killing abortion doctors is cowardly. You can't get what you want through the court system so you shoot people. Very, very un-American and cowardly.
It's a fact that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox on purpose. You can be willfully ignorant about history, but you can't re-write it.

There are muslim men having sex with little boys every day. It is an accepted (promoted) part of their culture (what does the left say????? SILENCE).

The congress gave GW Bush the authority to go to Iraq. Have you blamed your congressional representatives for this, lately?

Disagreeing with a lifestyle is not "bashing". There is no proof or evidence that the homosexual lifestyle improves the quality of life for the community. Stating that out loud is not bashing. Reading what is in the Bible is not bashing. It is letting people know that their choices can be harmful to them and the ones that they "love". But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Please give a list of all the Christians that are killing abortion doctors and those that "support it". Now compare to the leftist wackos that have assasinated or attempted to assasinate previous Presidents. Which one is longer .......?

The "gov't" gave the Indians infected blankets, oh, my, and you people are trusting them with our healthcare?

You antisemitic nazi POS show us where in Islamic texts they promote that.

If muslim men are having "parties" and bringing in "dancing boys", it is promoted. Why don't you show where they are trying to stop this behavior? You could list the last time someone was on trial for doing this in a muslim community.......
Here's the thing...modern day Christianity (and in fact, Christianity for centuries) does not foster jihadists; we have nothing like sharia. We have individuals who are loons here and there, we have the occasional cult weirdoes...but there is nothing to compare to the world-wide disease that is fundamentalist Islam/sharia. You will not find billions of dollars being funneled from donors around the world to fund terrorist cells all over the globe; you will not find our mothers on national tv saying they want their children to be martyrs to jihad. You will not find priests or preachers with huge followings calling for the death of all Easterners, all muslims, all Asians, or demanding that people who commit blasphemy have their heads hacked off.

Christianity is NOT the same as Islam, and I'm sick of leftist retards piping up every single time anyone tries to criticize Islam for their RAMPANT and CURRENT human rights violations, murders, rapes, slavery, etc...."Christianity is just as bad! We must condemn both!" Well, when Christianity does those things, go ahead and condemn it. But right now, Christians aren't the problem. We don't have sharia, we don't fund terrorism, and we are not bombing people. Muslims are.

If leftists really viewed Christianity as the same as Islam, they would support Christianity too.

The fact that the left ONLY supports Islam shows that they view it VERY differently.

9/11 made it so the left will always embrace Islam.
You antisemitic nazi POS show us where in Islamic texts they promote that.

I don't know about Islamic texts, but I can show the Ayatollah Khomeini advocating sex with boys,

Are you Shiite?

No. Don't care what he says. Anyone can say anything that doesn't mean it's actually happening like Logical wants to claim.

Ignoring the crimes of islam, makes it easy to BELIEVE (Charles Manson wants you)!
If leftists really viewed Christianity as the same as Islam, they would support Christianity too.

The fact that the left ONLY supports Islam shows that they view it VERY differently.

9/11 made it so the left will always embrace Islam.
I'm a leftist! I'm also a Catholic. And the only thing I support about Islam, is people's freedom to worship any way they choose. And what is the same about the two religions, is that no matter if you call HIM God, or Allah, you're talking to the same guy! They are one in the same.

You, however, don't have a fuckin' clue as to what Christ was all about! It seems you can't make a single point, without breaking the 9th Commandment.
I'm a leftist! I'm also a Catholic.

If you're a Catholic, I'm superman.

And the only thing I support about Islam, is people's freedom to worship any way they choose.

Oh yeah, because Islam is BIG on promoting people's freedom to worship any way they choose.....

{A trial court in Iran has issued its final verdict, ordering a Christian pastor to be put to death for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity, according to sources close to the pastor and his legal team.}

Iran court convicts Christian pastor convert to death | Fox News

And what is the same about the two religions, is that no matter if you call HIM God, or Allah, you're talking to the same guy! They are one in the same.

Just like Jim Jones and Jesus are the same guy - I mean, Jones followers said it, so it must be true....

You, however, don't have a fuckin' clue as to what Christ was all about! It seems you can't make a single point, without breaking the 9th Commandment.

Christ was a prophet just like Muhammad, who never did any miracles and didn't die for the sins of mankind, right Ahmed?
There's probably at least one priest who is at this very moment fucking a child in the ass without even any lubricant.
GW Bush called the bogus invasion of Irak a "Crusade", that was a headline.
Open gay bashing by christians makes the headlines all the time in the US and around the world.
Killing abortion doctors is cowardly. You can't get what you want through the court system so you shoot people. Very, very un-American and cowardly.
It's a fact that the US government gave blankets infected with smallpox on purpose. You can be willfully ignorant about history, but you can't re-write it.

There are muslim men having sex with little boys every day. It is an accepted (promoted) part of their culture (what does the left say????? SILENCE).

The congress gave GW Bush the authority to go to Iraq. Have you blamed your congressional representatives for this, lately?

Disagreeing with a lifestyle is not "bashing". There is no proof or evidence that the homosexual lifestyle improves the quality of life for the community. Stating that out loud is not bashing. Reading what is in the Bible is not bashing. It is letting people know that their choices can be harmful to them and the ones that they "love". But don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Please give a list of all the Christians that are killing abortion doctors and those that "support it". Now compare to the leftist wackos that have assasinated or attempted to assasinate previous Presidents. Which one is longer .......?

The "gov't" gave the Indians infected blankets, oh, my, and you people are trusting them with our healthcare?
So because muslim assfuck little boys, that it's ok for christians to do it?
Bush was the one who had the info that it was a bogus invasion. And he's the one who gave the go ahead anyways. Congress okayed going after Saddam's WMD, which Bush knew there were none.
How are "their choices can be harmful to them and the ones that they "love""? You have anything real to base this statement on, or is it just more homophobic twaddle? And why are you so worried what gays you don't even know get up to?
So you're actually asking what's worse, a doctor murderer or an assassin of a President? FYI, there's more republicans who murdered people last year then both your lists put together and multiplied by 100. So would you say that doctor murderers aren't as bad as republicans? Well, maybe you DO have a point. :D
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