So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines

The problem is, you blame religion for political problems.

They aren't killing Zionists and Westerners because Allah Told them to.

Yeah, they sure are, Comrade Stalin.

They are killing them because Zionists and Westerners killed them.

Oh, so with this;

{2012.10.01 (Narathiwat, Thailand) - A 40-year-old Buddhist teacher is shot three times in the head by Muslim militants.}

You can point to JOOOOOZZZZ and Americans as the cause?


You mean, you're just lying, an America hating communist like you, lying through your fucking teeth?

Well damn, who would have guessed?

We killed 40,000 Iraqis in the Gulf War, and another 400,000 Iraqis, mostly children, in the decade of sanctions that followed.

So, sanctions that restricted aircraft parts, munitions, and military equipment, but expressly exempted food and medicine, killed 400,000 children, comrade Stalin?


You mean, you're just lying, an America hating communist like you, lying through your fucking teeth?

Estimates of how many Iraqis were killed in the Iraq war range from 100,000 to 600,000.

War is hell.

But that wasn't about religion, that was about oil.

So, we're getting lots of oil from Iraq, and prices are way down, Comrade Stalin?


You mean, you're just lying, an America hating communist like you, lying through your fucking teeth?

I don't think either is worthy goal to kill someone over.

Yeah, you Bolsheviks are so peaceful....
Historians distinguish four different manifestations of the Christian Inquisition:
1. the Medieval Inquisition (1184–16th century), including
- 1. the Episcopal Inquisition (1184–1230s)
- 2. the Papal Inquisition (1230s) and following Christian inquisitions
2. the Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834)
3. the Portuguese Inquisition (1536–1821)
4. the Roman Inquisition (1542 – c. 1860)

Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well damn... 1860 as the last hoorah. Ill check my last few weeks of newspapers for the details of that one.

That's actually accurate. In 1852 the infant Edgardo Mortara was very sick and feared on the verge of death, when his Catholic nanny performed an emergency baptism on him without informing his parents. The parents would have most certainly objected, because the family was Jewish. Baby Eddy survived, and the nanny informed the Church that the parents were now illegally raising a Catholic child outside of the faith. The Pope issued orders via the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition to have the child removed, which were executed in 1858 when the child was 6 years old. This was then used as a leveraging piece to attempt to force the entire family to convert to Catholicism, but the family refused. Edgardo was subsequently taken to Rome and adopted by the Pope himself, and his parents were never able to regain custody.

The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition was created in the mid 1500s by Papal decree. It existed until the first decade of the 20th century, when the Pope renamed the congregation the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office.
if anyone is still reading this thread on page 27 :)

here's an excellent blogger who categorized killings for islam vs. xnity, huge amount of info here & yes islam "wins" this horrible contest hands down, xnity is not even close even when taking into consideration that xnity is 2000yo while islam is still adolescent teenager at 1400yo

and whoever whined about it before, the xtian crusades were a defensive response to 300 years of islamic land grabbing. sadly the hate-xnity crowd, while fairly well informed about the evils of xnity, DOES NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM have a similar level of knowledge about the evils of islam. there is no comparison between these 2 ideologies, islam really is "of the devil" read the koran, read the hadiths, read about the life of mohamhead the 7th century murdering warlord.

granted, the followers of islam & xnity are humans & yes, xtians have done their fair share of hell raising, and it is easy enough to see this is in conflict with the teachings of christ. while the mooselimbs are just "following orders" as laid down by mohamhead & countless imams after that

Islam and Christianity have an interesting contrast. Jesus never killed anyone, and Christianity took 300 years before the killing began.
Whereas Islam began with killing of unbelievers right from the start.

For the first century of its existence, Islam was absolutely soaked in blood. The killing only slowed down as the Islamic empire finally ran into boundaries in the 8th century, after about a century of expansionist, imperialist, unprovoked Islamic aggression.

Even after the initial expansion slowed, the killings did not end. Slaughter (jihad) and oppression (sharia) are part of the core doctrines of Islam. Killing for Islam is not a modern idea, and it will never end until some sort of reformation takes place within the religion. Medieval Christianity was equally violent, but Christianity has since reformed.

For many years now, Islam has been the most violent religion in the world...

The problem is, you blame religion for political problems.

The problem is you think everyone thinks like you. To a Muslim politics is religion and religion is politics.

They aren't killing Zionists and Westerners because Allah Told them to.

No one said they are.

They are killing them because Zionists and Westerners killed them.

If they were killed how can they kill? Are they zombies?

Once again, you think they think like you, they don't. It is a completely different culture.

We killed 40,000 Iraqis in the Gulf War, and another 400,000 Iraqis, mostly children, in the decade of sanctions that followed. Estimates of how many Iraqis were killed in the Iraq war range from 100,000 to 600,000.

That would explain why Iragi's flying planes into the WTC, except that they didn't do that, did they?

But that wasn't about religion, that was about oil.

I thought the Iraq war was about a guy that had already used WMDs to kill people invaded a sovereign country, how silly of me to not realize you could trivialize that.

I don't think either is worthy goal to kill someone over.

You don't think freedom is worth fighting for, how surprising.
What percent of the anti-abortion acts of violence, terror, destruction, and/or murder were carried out by people who invoked their Christian beliefs as justification?

100%? 99%?

Who wants to give us an estimate?

You made the claim, you give a number.
Coming in late to the thread. The initial question is "So if Christianity is every bit as *bad* as Islam...why aren't the headlines showing it?"

What is most interesting about this question is not the actual comparison itself, but the presupposition that Christianity is bad. If the point of that is to suggest that Christianity is the lesser of two evils, then I agree.
Let's see:

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Christians destroyed a thriving Azrec and Mayan culture.....

All made news and your point?
History is full of Christians doing just that. The Inquisition comes to mind.

Does it?

The Inquisition lasted 400 years. Over that time, how many people were killed?

Is the number more, or less than the number of people murdered by Muslims yesterday?

So, are you a liar for Allah, or just a blowhard?

Not just the Inquisition but Salem Witch Trials.
Let's see:

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Christians destroyed a thriving Azrec and Mayan culture.....

All made news and your point?

Let's see"

Leftists are fucking retards.

Pretty well says all that needs be said about you, bro....
Let's see:

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Christians destroyed a thriving Azrec and Mayan culture.....

All made news and your point?

Let's see"

Leftists are fucking retards.

Pretty well says all that needs be said about you, bro....

To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?
Most of these incidents where Christians are cited as having commited attrocities is ancient history , what were the Muslims doing all this time ? Im wondering as i was reading some excerpts translated from their holy book by Muslims for Muslims and it appears to me they were doing pretty much the slaughter and looting.
Let's see:

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Damn, you are making yourself look incredibly stupid. How do you know those KKK members were not Muslims? Did you interview them personally?

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

Pretty sure that was the US government.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

So did an atheist, what's your point?

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

Which Christian was that?

As for LA, I can guarantee the people protesting Planned Parenthood are not preventing anyone from entering the clinic without even looking up the details.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Why don't you mention the fact that they also slaughtered Christians?

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Those were, once again, government programs.

Christians destroyed a thriving Azrec and Mayan culture.....

A culture that practiced human sacrifice and slavery. Frankly, I consider that a high point of the Spanish invasion of the Americas.

All made news and your point?

The point is that Muslims are doing this now, and the only current example you could provide was a single person hitting someone. Pretty pathetic.
Most of these incidents where Christians are cited as having commited attrocities is ancient history , what were the Muslims doing all this time ? Im wondering as i was reading some excerpts translated from their holy book by Muslims for Muslims and it appears to me they were doing pretty much the slaughter and looting.

Slavery isn't Ancient history KKK, isn't ancient history, Hitler wasn't ancient history, bombing abortion clinics isn't ancient history, Aryan Brotherhood isn't Ancient history. Ancient history is milennia these things happen now, or hundreds of years ago...

Did I mention segregation to which our laws trump them in this "good christian country?"
Not just the Inquisition but Salem Witch Trials.

Oh my Allah, how shocking.

Shit fer brains, two facts: 1st, the Inquisition killed about 3,000 people over 400 years, about 8 to 9 people a year. Your terrorist allies beat that every hour.

The Salem witch trials involved a total of 19 executions - your terrorist buddies do more that that on any given week.

The last thing is that even if all the spurious charges you lay against Christians (in your Salem witch trial way,) were true; how would that excuse the terrorists you support?
Let's see:

Christians burned a cross on my great grand dad's lawn.

Christians were praying at the docks of West Virginia in the 1600's when the first human slaves arrived.

Christian slaughtered men, women, and kids at Waco Texas.

A popular televangelist punched his daughter.... That news months ago.

A Christian killed an abortion doctor. In downtown L.A Christians are camped out in front of planned parenthood clinics preventing mothers via tugging on their arm preventing them from going in.

Christians slaughtered Muslims and Jews (non-combatants) during the seige of Jerusalem thanks to Richard "The Lionheart."

Christians gave Native Americans small pox, killed of most of the North American Buffalo, and took land.

Christians destroyed a thriving Azrec and Mayan culture.....

All made news and your point?

Let's see"

Leftists are fucking retards.

Pretty well says all that needs be said about you, bro....

To be Christian, is never having to accept responsibility...

That would be a good meme. Let me guess....It was the devil right?

To be religious to some extent is to put responsibility for one's principles, and actions, on God, or more specifically, one others supposed revelation of God's will. Why pick on Christianity in specific?

What is most troubling is the amount of energy and time spent comparing the number of evils/deaths/victimizations/etc. committed by Christianity vs. Islam. Is this really what people's faith has come to?
Most of these incidents where Christians are cited as having commited attrocities is ancient history , what were the Muslims doing all this time ? Im wondering as i was reading some excerpts translated from their holy book by Muslims for Muslims and it appears to me they were doing pretty much the slaughter and looting.

Slavery isn't Ancient history KKK, isn't ancient history, Hitler wasn't ancient history, bombing abortion clinics isn't ancient history, Aryan Brotherhood isn't Ancient history. Ancient history is milennia these things happen now, or hundreds of years ago...

Did I mention segregation to which our laws trump them in this "good christian country?"

Im not so sure you can use hitler as a stick to beat Christians with , after all it was Christians that went after him and took care of that.Slavery in the US...damn..another theory gone cos Christians fixed that too ..KKK ...fixed ..its not like they are burning crosses in your yard now are they ? Your gonna need a bigger stick

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