So If Grifty Were To Sell Out America, How Much Do you Think It Would Take....500 Million, 1 Billion?

I didnt,,

just admit it,, this thread is just your daily talking point to deflect from the biden crime families new revelation of selling the country out to chine,,

why do you think the wife of his dead son got a million from china?? is about, once again, demonstrating the Useful Idiotry of American Stupid.

Notice how the Grifty Bunch is juggling appointments with prosecutors in numerous jurisdictions, as you are clinging to the noise emanating from the Revenge Theater. is about, once again, demonstrating the Useful Idiotry of American Stupid.

Notice how the Grifty Bunch is juggling appointments with prosecutors in numerous jurisdictions, as you are clinging to the noise emanating from the Revenge Theater.
I dont know what that means so I am going to keep acting tough until I figure it out,,,
Hunter said it....10 percent for the "big guy"

I'm still waiting for someone to explain how doing business with China is a crime. I need someone to explain how the Trump family doing business with China while Donald Snowflake was in office is not a crime, but the Biden family doing business with China is bad.

I really need to get those T-shirts made.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™
I'm still waiting for someone to explain how doing business with China is a crime. I need someone to explain how the Trump family doing business with China while Donald Snowflake was in office is not a crime, but the Biden family doing business with China is bad.

I really need to get those T-shirts made.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™
you left out the legal aspect of it,, if trump was doing business it was legal,, what biden is doing is not legal cause hes enriching his family using the power of his office
I'm still waiting for someone to explain how doing business with China is a crime. I need someone to explain how the Trump family doing business with China while Donald Snowflake was in office is not a crime, but the Biden family doing business with China is bad.

I really need to get those T-shirts made.

"It's Okay When Trump Does It!"™
Doing business with China isn't a crime. Using Air Force 2 to fly your son over to China, to get million dollar pay offs, 10 percent kickbacks to the "Big Guy" is a crime.
it's amazing you never learned that's pretty elementary....when you are nice to people they often are more willing to be nice back to get more flies with honey after all

Trump was played by other leaders

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