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So if the hate candidate of the hate party wins do we become the hate country.

I can't believe the level of hate this country has, in allowing this Evil man to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that he is completive with the Democratic nominee. . We Give this person who has no qualms at all about using the nuclear arsenal for any opponent enough Votes in the polls to be in the contest at all.
He spits out hate in every direction and his support from the right grows. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country out of hate for a black man and a women.

In the broader sense that is just that: a black man has been in office for 8 years and now a woman is the Democratic nominee, Mr. Jbander. But to be fair, Mrs. Clinton is no less sinister a character than Mr. Trump. Both are incredibly awful.
Very interesting , I've always wanted to hear a clear list of charged that Clinton has been found guilty of. Now you do know that I can easily come up with dozens of video's of examples of how ugly, cruel, Chauvinistic, bigoted, Islamophobic and hateful Trump is. So the problem couldn't be that maybe you belong to a party that controls its puppets by endless lies.
Just for a point of interest, Is Clinton worse then Trump then? If so you will have to come back with many dozens of things that she has been found guilty of doing. I mean everyone that the hate Monger Trump(the head of the regressive party)has screwed are coming out of the woodwork. No death panels , communist ,not being a American and the charge that she is a Muslim. Because people won't except those lies anymore.
After you tell us each thing she has done, show us a video of her saying it or doing it and I'll make it interesting, you can also use all court cases that she has been found guilty in. This is a chance of a lifetime, you can get all your facts out so we can look at them.
We are waiting.
"Hate party" you will have to e more specific. Both hate different opinions and fear monger
I can go directly to dozens of Trump hate videos , and you must agree that the reason this disaster is a candidate is because of what he has said, and that hate has been excepted by the regressives enough to have made him their presidential Candidate. So maybe you could clear up what Democrats hate for me. Now try to be serious here. No stupid unsupportable opinions OK. Go for it.
I can't believe the level of hate this country has, in allowing this Evil man to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that he is completive with the Democratic nominee. . We Give this person who has no qualms at all about using the nuclear arsenal for any opponent enough Votes in the polls to be in the contest at all.
He spits out hate in every direction and his support from the right grows. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country out of hate for a black man and a women.
It is not hate to want to protect Americans from Islamic terrorists or to protect Americans workers from having their jobs stolen by illegal immigrants who work so cheap that many poor Americans cannot earn a livable wage. That's called love of America, something that seems to be missing from Clinton's campaign.

In what country did you go to school to have such a distorted understanding of love and hate?
Ya so, your man just hired dozens who are on work permits For Mar-A-Lago Club, and you do know that he has his products made in China , As in Shipping jobs to other countries. Your type of love for American is funny but hardly true. Your man has done exactly what you are saying why you support him. Now about this terrorist thing, do you really think that Bumbles is the only candidate that want to protect Americans from terrorist. You made three points all of them are charged against your man, not Clinton.
Or, we could notice that Americans who understand what absolutely awful humans Hillary and Donald really are could vote for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

We DO have alternatives. Don't let the "US Media" bully us to stick with our two despicable "major parties..." That has driven our country off a cliff since 1998...
The GOP is dead however, Trump killed it, so the new Republican Party is the only way to go....
They have no hope unless they can take away the voting rights of Democrats, Which of course they are trying non stop in all Regressive hotbeds. Their epitaph will read, Demographics killed the regressive party because they hated everyone that wasn't white old men.
They will have the Republican name so poisoned when there gone that they won't be able to use it again. So I propose that they call themselves the Christian, patriots silent majority party. Any supporters?
The GOP is dead however, Trump killed it, so the new Republican Party is the only way to go....

Trump didn't kill the GOP. The GOP died when it had the WH and both Houses from 2001-2006, and did precisely nothing conservative with it....

Trump is just a way for those who actually noticed all the spending and lying to vent...
The right wing comedy act, They don't hate , they are just showing there displeasure with the country.
So if the hate candidate of the hate party wins do we become the hate country.
Please do NOT refer to the Democratic Party that way.

One of these days, they will figure out that White People are still their foundation.

I mean, after all, the silly, emotional little LibTards are just going through a phase, aren't they?
This is fantastic, these poor regressives can only comment without dealing with Their leader So they come in and waste bandwidth displaying their comedy act. I guess because even they know their arguments are puny. Compared to his hatred.
It's not hateful to want to properly vet immigrants and refugees. Not hateful at all. Italy is investigating as to whether ISIS is infiltrating refugee claimants. DUH?

Here's Britain now.


ISIS, meet the C-Men: Scotland Yard shows off the first of 600 awesomely armed (and masked) Counter-Terrorism firearms officers who hit the streets today in vans, boats and MOTORBIKES
  • Met Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe announced more armed patrols would take to the streets in London today
  • He said attention would be focused on high profile locations in London to deter so-called 'lone wolf' terror attacks
  • Officers are armed SIG Carbine rifles, hand guns, tasers, ballistic shields and BMW motorbikes for rapid response
  • But the Police Federation has warned of a two year delay in training more officers for forces around the country
  • Counter Terrorism Specialist Firearms Officers - dubbed C-men - can deploy by road, river or air in an emergency
but thats the point, Muslims aren't terrorist, some Muslims are terrorism, as in Americans aren't terrorists some Americans are terrorist. By the way as far as hate rhetoric is concerned this is way down the list of Trump hate. He shines more in different subjects. Like insulting the Muslim Soldier and his parents, that was killed protecting this country, like that for instance. Do you want a video of it.
I can't believe the level of hate this country has, in allowing this Evil man to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that he is completive with the Democratic nominee. . We Give this person who has no qualms at all about using the nuclear arsenal for any opponent enough Votes in the polls to be in the contest at all.
He spits out hate in every direction and his support from the right grows. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country out of hate for a black man and a women.

You're not alone, don't worry the UK is going down the toilet aswell after the EU vote. That was won off the back of a pile of hate and anti-immigrant sentiment pushed by an overwhelming right-wing press which made immigrants public enemy number 1. I've never been so ashamed to be British. Trump supporters and those in the UK who voted to leave the EU are the same, lots of anger, immigrant hate and everyone to blame but themselves for their crap lives.

So don't feel too bad the UK is just as fxcked up! However I'm hoping USA voters will save this crap year and vote for Hillary Clinton, its bad enough the UK made the worst decision in its history to leave the EU, a Trump win would just be the final straw!
Well To be honest I'm really not that worried , there is still just barely enough non haters to bail us out. Yup if he did win that would sink us totally, did you hear about his comments in his briefing to show him where we stand across the world and problem issues that we are dealing with, Three times he suggested to use the nuclear arsenal. He would have the red button. Regressive are willing to take the chance of destroying the world for their hate. to be satisfied.
"Hate party" you will have to e more specific. Both hate different opinions and fear monger
I can go directly to dozens of Trump hate videos , and you must agree that the reason this disaster is a candidate is because of what he has said, and that hate has been excepted by the regressives enough to have made him their presidential Candidate. So maybe you could clear up what Democrats hate for me. Now try to be serious here. No stupid unsupportable opinions OK. Go for it.
That has nothing to do with what I said lol
I've notice this in two other political forums that I use, the Trump hatred card is so blatantly unarguable. That these poor conservatives, either won't respond or they respond like this group has, by the way, why don't you people go somewhere else , I mean are you guys goofy . It seems like such a wast of time. I've responded to as many comments as I expected to respond to so I'm happy. You people are really destroying this Forum. I know it's a political forum and you poor folks are backed into a corner and I would guess you don't want to deal with this. So wouldn't it be more productive to go somewhere where your not afraid to contribute in. Just asking. By the way you conservatives missed a easy shot on me , My spelling. Yuk Yuk!
For our "progressive" friends. Whenever you feel the "hate" from the "hate" party and the "hate" candidate...go to a government approved "safe space" and shove this in your mouth (or other orfice) until the "hate" passes.... . Good luck.

I can't believe the level of hate this country has, in allowing this Evil man to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that he is completive with the Democratic nominee. . We Give this person who has no qualms at all about using the nuclear arsenal for any opponent enough Votes in the polls to be in the contest at all.
He spits out hate in every direction and his support from the right grows. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country out of hate for a black man and a women.
It is not hate to want to protect Americans from Islamic terrorists or to protect Americans workers from having their jobs stolen by illegal immigrants who work so cheap that many poor Americans cannot earn a livable wage. That's called love of America, something that seems to be missing from Clinton's campaign.

In what country did you go to school to have such a distorted understanding of love and hate?
Ya so, your man just hired dozens who are on work permits For Mar-A-Lago Club, and you do know that he has his products made in China , As in Shipping jobs to other countries. Your type of love for American is funny but hardly true. Your man has done exactly what you are saying why you support him. Now about this terrorist thing, do you really think that Bumbles is the only candidate that want to protect Americans from terrorist. You made three points all of them are charged against your man, not Clinton.
People with work permits are not illegals so your point is irrelevant to the discussion of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

When Bill Clinton got China admitted to the WTO, it became impossible to force China not to manipulate its currency to make Chinese products cheaper and that forced American business people who wanted to stay competitive to have goods manufactured in China. Similarly, NAFTA, another of Bill Clinton's projects, which was fiercely opposed by the unions, paved the way for American jobs to go south of the border while rendering the US government helpless to try to protect them. Now, Obama wants to enter into another of these disastrous trade agreements, the Trans Pacific Pact, which will sen more US jobs to countries in the Pacific while leaving the US government helpless to protect these jobs.

Trump has long opposed all these pacts and has said he will either renegotiate them in a way that will keep US jobs in the US or he will withdraw from them and replace them with bilateral trade agreements that will allow him to protect US jobs.

Clinton appears not to know what she thinks about the issue.
I can't believe the level of hate this country has, in allowing this Evil man to be their presidential candidate. With enough support that he is completive with the Democratic nominee. . We Give this person who has no qualms at all about using the nuclear arsenal for any opponent enough Votes in the polls to be in the contest at all.
He spits out hate in every direction and his support from the right grows. How sick can they be to gamble the future and values of this country out of hate for a black man and a women.
It is not hate to want to protect Americans from Islamic terrorists or to protect Americans workers from having their jobs stolen by illegal immigrants who work so cheap that many poor Americans cannot earn a livable wage. That's called love of America, something that seems to be missing from Clinton's campaign.

In what country did you go to school to have such a distorted understanding of love and hate?
Ya so, your man just hired dozens who are on work permits For Mar-A-Lago Club, and you do know that he has his products made in China , As in Shipping jobs to other countries. Your type of love for American is funny but hardly true. Your man has done exactly what you are saying why you support him. Now about this terrorist thing, do you really think that Bumbles is the only candidate that want to protect Americans from terrorist. You made three points all of them are charged against your man, not Clinton.
People with work permits are not illegals so your point is irrelevant to the discussion of illegal immigrants from Mexico.

When Bill Clinton got China admitted to the WTO, it became impossible to force China not to manipulate its currency to make Chinese products cheaper and that forced American business people who wanted to stay competitive to have goods manufactured in China. Similarly, NAFTA, another of Bill Clinton's projects, which was fiercely opposed by the unions, paved the way for American jobs to go south of the border while rendering the US government helpless to try to protect them. Now, Obama wants to enter into another of these disastrous trade agreements, the Trans Pacific Pact, which will sen more US jobs to countries in the Pacific while leaving the US government helpless to protect these jobs.

Trump has long opposed all these pacts and has said he will either renegotiate them in a way that will keep US jobs in the US or he will withdraw from them and replace them with bilateral trade agreements that will allow him to protect US jobs.

Clinton appears not to know what she thinks about the issue.
You have no clue ,We do as much manipulating of currency as China or any country does. Your so naive or controlled, one of the other.
I have a minute I'll explain manipulation of money for you. Something that is simply a tool, a economic tool to use to calm a economy or drive a Economy. In fact the only control any country has on any other country is these agreement that your told to hate, I don't give a dam one way or another but the are net gainers for this country not a net loss for this country.
Oh ya manipulating currency. When Bush just about destroyed this country and economy, To take us out of the pit the Regressive put us in, we printed money, massive amounts of money to drive interest rates down to help in the recovery. (seed money for bussiness)Printing money actually does multiple things, along with the printing of money it devalues the currency. Which makes our exports cheaper abroad and we got the benefit of that with Exports increasing from 1.5T to 2.3T from 2009 to 2015.Our exports to china went from 69,000 million in 2009 to 116,072 million in 2015 thats almost doubling in 7 years.
The Jobs moving overseas like Trump getting his products made in China. are bad but the part we control, thats companies that are more Capitalistic then Patriotic and who leave for money or to dodge taxes. Thats a easy one.
We are the second biggest exporter in the world , so tell me why we should not go into trade agreements in the world market that we are a leading trader in. If we compete in the world market things will change. but tell me of any other alternative then us competing in that world market.
I would say that you need a education on economics minimally and stay away from FOX CRAP NEWS AND RUSH FATTY.
"Hate party" you will have to e more specific. Both hate different opinions and fear monger
I can go directly to dozens of Trump hate videos , and you must agree that the reason this disaster is a candidate is because of what he has said, and that hate has been excepted by the regressives enough to have made him their presidential Candidate. So maybe you could clear up what Democrats hate for me. Now try to be serious here. No stupid unsupportable opinions OK. Go for it.
That has nothing to do with what I said lol
You said Hate party" you will have to e more specific. Both hate different opinions and fear monger
Ok and my response is right above , it in fact is exactly what you said.

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