So If You Encountered a Business Being Picketed By Gays...

Would you cross that picket line?

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If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?

Absolutely. Because in my experience, queers who are picketing typically are lying about the alleged events.
If you encountered a business being picketed by gays who were denied service, would you cross the picket line to do business with that biz?
Why not? Their business and complaint doesn't have to be everyone's business and complaint. To each their own, as the saying goes. Live and let live. Do gays have some special cause that's beneficial to everyone? If so, what is it?

If they discriminated against people with the name of Sonny would you like to have the support of people not named Sonny help penalize them by making the business lose money?
Not really. If they don't want my business, another business will gladly take it. I don't believe any store is unique unless it's a mom and pop operation. My money will be good in another store. Plenty of businesses want the money in order to stay open.
I agree with your mindset but you arent thinking big picture. The point of picketing is to bring attention to the grievance. If no one brings this to the public's attention then the business gets away with discriminating against you. If you let it go they do it to another person.
Not really. Word travels fast. All a business has is its name and reputation. They wouldn't get by with it for too long before they'd have to shut the door and put an "Out Of Business" sign out front.
So much for the whole "If you don't cave to queers your business is going to suffer" thing.

Like I said. Chick fil A.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
The real question is what would I do if some fag bonked me over the head with his hateful intolerance sign?
Yes, even if I didn't really need or want anything from the business.

I oppose the homosexual brownshirts in every case.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
Would you boycott a place that discriminated against whites, like Waffle House in certain 'hoods?
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
Carolina Kitchen. Employs black only and is a black centrist establishment. Otherwise by the entire government and most colleges discriminate against whites with affirmative action programs. Duh.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.
Michael Jordan understood the pitfalls of selective discrimination.
Why discriminate against anyone if you are just trying to sell shoes?
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
Would you boycott a place that discriminated against whites, like Waffle House in certain 'hoods?
I dont know a place that discriminates against whites.
Carolina Kitchen. Employs black only and is a black centrist establishment. Otherwise by the entire government and most colleges discriminate against whites with affirmative action programs. Duh.
Do you have a link proving Carolina Kitchen discriminates? You do realize Black centrist doesnt = discriminate right? AA isnt discrimination. Its making up for white AA enjoyed for centuries.
Just like I wouldnt spend my money at an establishment that discriminated against Blacks, Mexicans, women etc
You need to explain the context of 'Mexican'.
Otherwise your attempted analogy is illogical. Black and women are not behavior.
Whats confusing you about Mexican and what did my post have to do with behavior?
The Mexican thing could have connotations of diplomatic issues so it needs to be made clearer. The entire issue of homosexuality is about behavior and nothing else. Duh.
I dont know how to make it any clearer for you than Mexican. The question I answered didnt ask if they were behaving like a homosexual. It simple said if gays were picketing.

What the hell language IS that you're speaking, schlep?
I was coming back from Riverside on day one Magnolia, I noticed a place called "Acapulco," but clearly not part of the chain. So we decided to stop for lunch. We sat for a about 10 minutes, and a woman came over to take our drink orders. She brought our drinks and just never came back. The place was deserted, so after about 15 minutes, I went looking for her and found her by the bar. I asked if she was going to come take our orders and she said that the place was for La Raza, and that our kind wasn't welcome.

Mexican discrimination against Americans is VERY common in California - and blatant.

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